this image contains text
. m i s t i g r i s . . n e w s .
Greetings, one and all, to the latest Mistigris artpack: our eleventh monthly
release in a row. Thank you, thank you, no applause needed. But if applaud
you must, Id like you to redirect your accolades to our guest piquANSI for
spontaneously making us this months Mistigris logo, used in the FILEID.DIZ
and our infofiles, inspired by seeing the best of modern Mistigris floppy
diskettes Cthulu prepared for the Living Closet reunion in, uh, May about
which, well, stay tuned.
August is always an exciting month for us: in 1994 it marked the release of
the final Imperial artpack, a local artgroup whose conclusion precipitated
the foundation of Mistigris perhaps prior to even settling on that name in
the same month -- and consequently everything since. We didnt manage to
release artpacks every month at least, not until now! but somehow despite
enormous struggles, challenges and obstacles, we managed to never miss an
August summer holidays likely had something to do with it, releasing
MIST08?? artpacks in 1995, 1996, 1997 and even 1998 -- whose August artpack
overwhelmed us and effectively knocked us into an indefinite torpor for 16
years. But it WAS eventually released, and thats the important part!
Theres nothing as exciting as being born or dying going on here this month.
Apologies to those born or died this month: my point is, it didnt happen
here in our artpack. But there is always some kind of news, trivia or
minutiae to dissect!
For instance, this month we are proud to play host to the artscene debuts of
two talented artists: Uglifruit must be one of the very few members of the
neo-teletext renaissance to have thus far escaped our nets, while BhaalSpawn
should make Crowkeepers Tweets a little less lonely, joining him in holding
down the literary side of our venture here with their illustrated gamerhaikus
This month we showcase a juvenile side of Horsenburgers teletext spelunking
into the collective nostalgia, with a focus on characters from childrens
cartoons! And as always, he slips in some timely matters -- mostly teletext
memorials for the recently deceased.
Also exciting -- on our end at least -- is new art from Nick Lakowski. Its
all the same to you folks on the viewing end, but weve just been working our
way through his back catalogue with his blessing, doling out curious
highlights, and just as we had reached the end of that particular slush
pile... he unexpectedly slipped back into motion and began creating new art!
You may not be able to tell to look at them, but his current pieces are
informed by medical imagery -- which you must know was one of the early
applications for computer graphics -- and hence they belong here now more than
Speaking of back catalogues, from here on for a while Spitoufs, who you may
recall from last years anniversary artpack, will be enriching our somewhat
ANSI-deficient artpacks with never-artscene-released works from his own back
catalogue, only ever seen by a few weirdos on telnet BBSes. Now, while they
are far from fresh, they remain... if not exactly NEW, at least quite NOVEL...
and so it gives us great pleasure to share them for the first time with a
somewhat wider selection of weirdos.
Do please keep your eyes open for appearances by Mistigris artists and some of
our guests and artscene colleagues in an upcoming issue of the French
publication De LEncre Et Des Tripes ... once it hits the presses, you can
get an eyeful and I mean it, folks, this site is NSFW if anything is at
... and of course Teletext ringleader Illarterate continues to present Alien
Escape Rooms Drop-in Art Workshops as part of his Search for Teletextual
Intelligence series at Wigan STEAM on Aug 2, 19, Sept 2 and 16, plus the
Summer of Teletext art exhibition Fri Sept 1st.
Dont miss out on Overflow 002 at the Fox Cabaret Wednesday, August 30th! The
Vancouver Chipmusic Society will be presenting a formidable slate of chiptune
practitioners in a Pre-PAX performance featuring Mega Ran Sammus, Together
We Are Robots, Freaky DNA and Unicode, with live visuals by Vectrola and
Did I miss anything? There are always other projects bubbling away on the back
burner, but probably nothing that cant sit 30 days until our next newsletter.
Until then...
Mistigris 2017:
Theres nothing as exciting as being born or dying going on here this month.
Greetings, one and all, to the latest Mistigris artpack: our eleventh monthly
release in a row. Thank you, thank you, no applause needed. But if applaud
you must, Id like you to redirect your accolades to our guest piquANSI for
spontaneously making us this months Mistigris logo, used in the FILEID.DIZ
and our infofiles, inspired by seeing the best of modern Mistigris floppy
diskettes Cthulu prepared for the Living Closet reunion in, uh, May about
which, well, stay tuned.
August is always an exciting month for us: in 1994 it marked the release of
the final Imperial artpack, a local artgroup whose conclusion precipitated
the foundation of Mistigris perhaps prior to even settling on that name in
the same month -- and consequently everything since. We didnt manage to
release artpacks every month at least, not until now! but somehow despite
enormous struggles, challenges and obstacles, we managed to never miss an
August summer holidays likely had something to do with it, releasing
MIST08?? artpacks in 1995, 1996, 1997 and even 1998 -- whose August artpack
overwhelmed us and effectively knocked us into an indefinite torpor for 16
years. But it WAS eventually released, and thats the important part!
Theres nothing as exciting as being born or dying going on here this month.
Apologies to those born or died this month: my point is, it didnt happen
here in our artpack. But there is always some kind of news, trivia or
minutiae to dissect!
For instance, this month we are proud to play host to the artscene debuts of
two talented artists: Uglifruit must be one of the very few members of the
neo-teletext renaissance to have thus far escaped our nets, while BhaalSpawn
should make Crowkeepers Tweets a little less lonely, joining him in holding
down the literary side of our venture here with their illustrated gamerhaikus
This month we showcase a juvenile side of Horsenburgers teletext spelunking
into the collective nostalgia, with a focus on characters from childrens
cartoons! And as always, he slips in some timely matters -- mostly teletext
memorials for the recently deceased.
Also exciting -- on our end at least -- is new art from Nick Lakowski. Its
all the same to you folks on the viewing end, but weve just been working our
way through his back catalogue with his blessing, doling out curious
highlights, and just as we had reached the end of that particular slush
pile... he unexpectedly slipped back into motion and began creating new art!
You may not be able to tell to look at them, but his current pieces are
informed by medical imagery -- which you must know was one of the early
applications for computer graphics -- and hence they belong here now more than
Speaking of back catalogues, from here on for a while Spitoufs, who you may
recall from last years anniversary artpack, will be enriching our somewhat
ANSI-deficient artpacks with never-artscene-released works from his own back
catalogue, only ever seen by a few weirdos on telnet BBSes. Now, while they
are far from fresh, they remain... if not exactly NEW, at least quite NOVEL...
and so it gives us great pleasure to share them for the first time with a
somewhat wider selection of weirdos.
Do please keep your eyes open for appearances by Mistigris artists and some of
our guests and artscene colleagues in an upcoming issue of the French
publication De LEncre Et Des Tripes ... once it hits the presses, you can
get an eyeful and I mean it, folks, this site is NSFW if anything is at
... and of course Teletext ringleader Illarterate continues to present Alien
Escape Rooms Drop-in Art Workshops as part of his Search for Teletextual
Intelligence series at Wigan STEAM on Aug 2, 19, Sept 2 and 16, plus the
Summer of Teletext art exhibition Fri Sept 1st.
Dont miss out on Overflow 002 at the Fox Cabaret Wednesday, August 30th! The
Vancouver Chipmusic Society will be presenting a formidable slate of chiptune
practitioners in a Pre-PAX performance featuring Mega Ran Sammus, Together
We Are Robots, Freaky DNA and Unicode, with live visuals by Vectrola and
Did I miss anything? There are always other projects bubbling away on the back
burner, but probably nothing that cant sit 30 days until our next newsletter.
Until then...
Mistigris 2017:
Theres nothing as exciting as being born or dying going on here this month.
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