this image contains text
definition of funk-funk
squackthump in associate with
mistigris producti
ons 1997 ::
mistigris production 19
97 presents a neophyte ansi for at0mique
at0mique - run by h
andiboy and miataman
604 - ??? - ????
not up yet
neophyte mistigris
mist logo by tincat mistigris
sorry a
bout the shitty logo. im a little
pressed for time here
squackthump in associate with
mistigris producti
ons 1997 ::
mistigris production 19
97 presents a neophyte ansi for at0mique
at0mique - run by h
andiboy and miataman
604 - ??? - ????
not up yet
neophyte mistigris
mist logo by tincat mistigris
sorry a
bout the shitty logo. im a little
pressed for time here
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