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coming up next..
the news!
Greetings and welcome to this months episode of the Mistigris newsletter,
featuring the usual dose of the wrong variety of talking heads. If you have a
quick peek around youll quickly determine the theme of our after-school
special... thats right, boys and girls, this time around our focus is on the
splendid, delightful and mind-rotting childrens entertainment dished up via
the boob tube -- educational, entertaining, and then theres the stuff between
the toy commercials also!
The theme emerged organically surveying themes in Horsenburgers astounding
back catalogue, but we were also able to round up a few dozen related works
from other artists in the Mistigris stable, so its not exclusively the
Horsenburger show -- every day has at least a cameo appearance from a guest
star. In addition to the Muppets, Flintstones and Ninja Turtles of the world,
there are also a wide array of considerably more niche characters of primarily
local appeal appearing in the roster. If you find yourself overwhelmed by
unfamiliar images ... its a clear sign that you wasted your youth playing
outside when you by all rights should have been spending more time inside with
your nose glued to the screen!
Well be back to another assorted variety collection next month, but in the
meantime we hope that you enjoy the extraordinary focus this time around.
Computer art doesnt have to be all about nostalgia and arrested development,
but if youre going to indulge that aspect of it... why not get serious?
Lacking a formal membership structure in our new incarnation, theres not a
great deal of internal Mistigris business for us to report on this time around:
were always hustling up new talent, but none of it appears in this particular
collection -- however, keep your eyes open for August! Were thrilled to
report that our predictions of the pending dereliction of textmod.es last month
were grossly overstated ... go there and enjoy hot and cold running artpacks to
your hearts delight, and long live Maze! Long may his benevolent reign go
Mistigris recently crossed one of those imaginary lines, a threshold that may
not be of much interest to anyone on the outside, but who are infofiles for
anyway, the interest of those reading them or the indulgence of those writing
them? Dont answer that. Mist Classic, our original, old-school OG
incarnation you know, before Netflix gathered together our original cast for
a reunion special 16 years later ran from our first artpack release, MIST1094
in October of 1994, to our final released-in-its-time collection M-9806 in June
of 1998. It staggered along for a couple more years as a derelict ghost ship
with zombie Ahab at its helm, but at that point the party was clearly over.
We reunited for a 20th anniversary reunion release in October of 2014 -- at the
time seemingly a one-off -- and our most recent artpack release prior to this
one was MIST0618 in June of 2018, meaning that though our first run saw more
activity through 2014-2015-2016 it was not realistic to entertain aspiring to
monthly releases the revived Mistigris has now officially outlasted Mist
Classic. Confetti time! Granted, a case can be made that this is all zombie
Ahab business also, only better-organized, but either way I like to think that
the ends justify the means here.
Anyhow, its late here, so that means its time for me to say Tune in next
week to hear our heroes say I dont think I even own a television anymore!
coming up next..
the news!
Greetings and welcome to this months episode of the Mistigris newsletter,
featuring the usual dose of the wrong variety of talking heads. If you have a
quick peek around youll quickly determine the theme of our after-school
special... thats right, boys and girls, this time around our focus is on the
splendid, delightful and mind-rotting childrens entertainment dished up via
the boob tube -- educational, entertaining, and then theres the stuff between
the toy commercials also!
The theme emerged organically surveying themes in Horsenburgers astounding
back catalogue, but we were also able to round up a few dozen related works
from other artists in the Mistigris stable, so its not exclusively the
Horsenburger show -- every day has at least a cameo appearance from a guest
star. In addition to the Muppets, Flintstones and Ninja Turtles of the world,
there are also a wide array of considerably more niche characters of primarily
local appeal appearing in the roster. If you find yourself overwhelmed by
unfamiliar images ... its a clear sign that you wasted your youth playing
outside when you by all rights should have been spending more time inside with
your nose glued to the screen!
Well be back to another assorted variety collection next month, but in the
meantime we hope that you enjoy the extraordinary focus this time around.
Computer art doesnt have to be all about nostalgia and arrested development,
but if youre going to indulge that aspect of it... why not get serious?
Lacking a formal membership structure in our new incarnation, theres not a
great deal of internal Mistigris business for us to report on this time around:
were always hustling up new talent, but none of it appears in this particular
collection -- however, keep your eyes open for August! Were thrilled to
report that our predictions of the pending dereliction of textmod.es last month
were grossly overstated ... go there and enjoy hot and cold running artpacks to
your hearts delight, and long live Maze! Long may his benevolent reign go
Mistigris recently crossed one of those imaginary lines, a threshold that may
not be of much interest to anyone on the outside, but who are infofiles for
anyway, the interest of those reading them or the indulgence of those writing
them? Dont answer that. Mist Classic, our original, old-school OG
incarnation you know, before Netflix gathered together our original cast for
a reunion special 16 years later ran from our first artpack release, MIST1094
in October of 1994, to our final released-in-its-time collection M-9806 in June
of 1998. It staggered along for a couple more years as a derelict ghost ship
with zombie Ahab at its helm, but at that point the party was clearly over.
We reunited for a 20th anniversary reunion release in October of 2014 -- at the
time seemingly a one-off -- and our most recent artpack release prior to this
one was MIST0618 in June of 2018, meaning that though our first run saw more
activity through 2014-2015-2016 it was not realistic to entertain aspiring to
monthly releases the revived Mistigris has now officially outlasted Mist
Classic. Confetti time! Granted, a case can be made that this is all zombie
Ahab business also, only better-organized, but either way I like to think that
the ends justify the means here.
Anyhow, its late here, so that means its time for me to say Tune in next
week to hear our heroes say I dont think I even own a television anymore!
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