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MIST0519 : artpack collection
SCI-FI revisited
ARTPACK contributors
8bitpoet comes by his small-scale pixelart virtuosity by genuinely oldschool
means, in a former life the late 90s designing Macintosh program icons as
Doc Halpern of Mad Science Laboratories. He is a co-founder of the Dead Pixel
instagram.com/8bitpoet / thedeadpixelsociety.net
General Mikes visual vanguard of the Army of 2600, Atari Stash House,
experiments endlessly with rastered sprites always fascinating, this month
they also just happened to have a thematic overlap with what we had brewing,
so he graciously allowed them to be folded in.
Artist, gamer, scientist... not necessarily in that order, BhaalSpawn is
principally a graphite pencil artist, drawing for employers and smaller
clients, but outside of the day job, has a love of science, sci-fi, fantasy and
computer games. When relaxing, like most people they want to avoid work, but...
still have a love of art. As for the particular mechanics of the gamerhaikus
series: I write the haiku as a note, then take a screen shot, turning it into
a picture. I crop it. Then you can draw on the picture with the markup tool in
the iPhone pictures app! You get about 8 colours and 3 pen sizes and poke
etsy.com/uk/shop/YavinPaints / twitter.com/BhaalSpawn
Mike Blippypixel Rose is a digital artist whose tastes veer toward the
vintage in electronic music and visuals, dabbling in low-poly 3D modeling,
LED pixelart, and teletext as well as work in the distinctive palette of the
BBC Micro.
CatX comes at ANSI art honestly, cooking up screens on anime themes for
deployment on their Trigonia BBS.
Periodically we enounter someone who is not only a specialist in a given
medium, but who also focuses on a specific theme to the exclusion of all
others. Chuppixel is the worlds preeminent Tiny Towers-style pixelart movie
cast group shot specialist - but as you can see, they are trying to branch out.
instagram.com/chuppixel / chuppixel.tumblr.com
Cranksy previously known as Troll has been watching from the sidelines for a
good long while, and has recently felt moved to finally rejoin the fellowship
of underground computer art with some vigour and urgency.
A genuine professional teletext illustrator two decades hence, Steve
Horsenburger Horsley has recently returned to the game for love of the art:
Its kind of frustrating to discover you are good at something only to
realise its pointless in todays world, but I just really like doing it so I
am going to carry on. We feel your pain, Steve! At his website you can
commission original teletext creations from him, so dont delay to get your
own piece of textmode art history!
Jamie Graham has a typewriter with a red ink ribbon, and hes not afraid to
prove it.
Every medium has several modes: a pre-modern approach, a clean modern
style, and a post-modern detournement, often in the glitch idiom. In
Jellica Jake, teletext has found its glitch ma/onster! It is such a simple
3-bit medium there quite simply isnt the complexity needed for things to go
really wrong, but somehow this artist, doing more with less, has found depths
of texture to imply psychological profundity between the lines.
twitter.com/jellicajake / instagram.com/jellica / kittenrock.co.uk
Kazunari Kalcha Naito represents the tip of an iceberg we know little of and
understand still less of -- Japans ShiftJIS parallel textmode art scene. His
works are informed by his interests in 70s prog rock, jazz, and fine art.
LegoColin uses a plethora of programs to prepare images for physical
incarnation in the ultimate pixelart composition: assembled using Lego bricks.
You wont see any of Mavriks creative work in this archive, but theres a very
good chance that the collection will have passed through his graciously-offered
web hosting at mistigris.org en route to you, picking up from his historical
facilitator role greasing the gears of Mists KiTSCHNet echomail network from
its home at Daemons Gate BBS.
Mentalpop is a Toronto-based pixelartist who works in collaboration with indie
game development teams and streams their creation sessions for Patreon
PixardNeh celebrates his pop culture favorites in a self-described self-
indulgent spasm of pixelart. Were just lucky enough to be sitting by on the
If you comb through the sum of accomplished pixelartist PossumTrashs social
media accounts, you will learn a lot about them, but still be at a total loss
for words when called upon to boil them down to a few glib sentences. In a
nutshell, this marsupial is large, it contains multitudes.
Artscene OG Smooth has long been on the Mistigris periphery, his telnet BBS
iNK on our distro site list almost since our revival, but this month this
elder statesman, founder of TeklordZ with which Mist Classic spent almost its
entire lifespan attempting unsuccessfully to merge with, descends from the
heavens by which I mean his regular ANSI and ASCII art gigs at Fuel and
Impure to save us -- yet again -- from yet another dopey Cthulu FILEID.DIZ.
Hats off, sir!
Snake PETsken fell in love with Commodore computers when he was 8... 36 years
ago... and tries to keep the same wonder and passion from when he was a kid,
starting to grasp the fundamentals of coding. His modern graphite portrait
practice must have somehow influenced his PETSCII style, driving him to try to
get the most out of every single character cell. The only software he uses is
Petmate, a nice PETSCII editor.
Ed Starstew Stastny is that rare synthesis suggested in the two-word phrase
computer artist, practicing a species of net.art at SITO continually since
even prior to the establishment of Mistigris. Having mastered and
subsequently discarded so many styles and approaches, wearing the masks of a
half-dozen faux handles he could easily masquerade as an entire artgroup. Or
has he in fact been doing this... all along?
instagram.com/starstew / starstew.tumblr.com
Stephan Rewind Bellin has a practice of making pixelart portraits of
characters from the silver screen at their most iconic, with aspirations to
include them as characters in a game taking place in a mash-up world containing
all movie settings simultaneously. Following him on social media is like
getting a free master class in film studies.
instagram.com/stephanrewind / twitch.com/stephanrewind
Carl TeletextR Attrill represents Mistigris continuing wave of
introducing the great public textmode art tradition -- teletext -- to the
underground computer artscene.
teletextr.blogspot.com / twitter.com/thatotherCarl
Communities of text art practice emerge through certain social contexts but
the basic premise is such an appealing idea that it keeps getting invented
and reinvented. XTComics draws comic strips using a combination of low ASCII
characters and emoji.
Yet another tireless participant of the UKs teletext renaissance, it seems
almost inevitable that we would provide a home for Alistair ZXGuesser Crees
playful screens beneath our umbrella.
and our usual round of greetz to our colleagues at: fuel.wtf, blocktronics.org
impure.nl, amish.0w.nz, galza.org, Fire Dream, Break, pungas.space,
@hirmuofficial, mircart.org, paleotronic.com, soundcloud.com/bitcouver,
vanchipmusic.ca, null e-mag, ArakNet and TABNet!
SCI-FI revisited
ARTPACK contributors
8bitpoet comes by his small-scale pixelart virtuosity by genuinely oldschool
means, in a former life the late 90s designing Macintosh program icons as
Doc Halpern of Mad Science Laboratories. He is a co-founder of the Dead Pixel
instagram.com/8bitpoet / thedeadpixelsociety.net
General Mikes visual vanguard of the Army of 2600, Atari Stash House,
experiments endlessly with rastered sprites always fascinating, this month
they also just happened to have a thematic overlap with what we had brewing,
so he graciously allowed them to be folded in.
Artist, gamer, scientist... not necessarily in that order, BhaalSpawn is
principally a graphite pencil artist, drawing for employers and smaller
clients, but outside of the day job, has a love of science, sci-fi, fantasy and
computer games. When relaxing, like most people they want to avoid work, but...
still have a love of art. As for the particular mechanics of the gamerhaikus
series: I write the haiku as a note, then take a screen shot, turning it into
a picture. I crop it. Then you can draw on the picture with the markup tool in
the iPhone pictures app! You get about 8 colours and 3 pen sizes and poke
etsy.com/uk/shop/YavinPaints / twitter.com/BhaalSpawn
Mike Blippypixel Rose is a digital artist whose tastes veer toward the
vintage in electronic music and visuals, dabbling in low-poly 3D modeling,
LED pixelart, and teletext as well as work in the distinctive palette of the
BBC Micro.
CatX comes at ANSI art honestly, cooking up screens on anime themes for
deployment on their Trigonia BBS.
Periodically we enounter someone who is not only a specialist in a given
medium, but who also focuses on a specific theme to the exclusion of all
others. Chuppixel is the worlds preeminent Tiny Towers-style pixelart movie
cast group shot specialist - but as you can see, they are trying to branch out.
instagram.com/chuppixel / chuppixel.tumblr.com
Cranksy previously known as Troll has been watching from the sidelines for a
good long while, and has recently felt moved to finally rejoin the fellowship
of underground computer art with some vigour and urgency.
A genuine professional teletext illustrator two decades hence, Steve
Horsenburger Horsley has recently returned to the game for love of the art:
Its kind of frustrating to discover you are good at something only to
realise its pointless in todays world, but I just really like doing it so I
am going to carry on. We feel your pain, Steve! At his website you can
commission original teletext creations from him, so dont delay to get your
own piece of textmode art history!
Jamie Graham has a typewriter with a red ink ribbon, and hes not afraid to
prove it.
Every medium has several modes: a pre-modern approach, a clean modern
style, and a post-modern detournement, often in the glitch idiom. In
Jellica Jake, teletext has found its glitch ma/onster! It is such a simple
3-bit medium there quite simply isnt the complexity needed for things to go
really wrong, but somehow this artist, doing more with less, has found depths
of texture to imply psychological profundity between the lines.
twitter.com/jellicajake / instagram.com/jellica / kittenrock.co.uk
Kazunari Kalcha Naito represents the tip of an iceberg we know little of and
understand still less of -- Japans ShiftJIS parallel textmode art scene. His
works are informed by his interests in 70s prog rock, jazz, and fine art.
LegoColin uses a plethora of programs to prepare images for physical
incarnation in the ultimate pixelart composition: assembled using Lego bricks.
You wont see any of Mavriks creative work in this archive, but theres a very
good chance that the collection will have passed through his graciously-offered
web hosting at mistigris.org en route to you, picking up from his historical
facilitator role greasing the gears of Mists KiTSCHNet echomail network from
its home at Daemons Gate BBS.
Mentalpop is a Toronto-based pixelartist who works in collaboration with indie
game development teams and streams their creation sessions for Patreon
PixardNeh celebrates his pop culture favorites in a self-described self-
indulgent spasm of pixelart. Were just lucky enough to be sitting by on the
If you comb through the sum of accomplished pixelartist PossumTrashs social
media accounts, you will learn a lot about them, but still be at a total loss
for words when called upon to boil them down to a few glib sentences. In a
nutshell, this marsupial is large, it contains multitudes.
Artscene OG Smooth has long been on the Mistigris periphery, his telnet BBS
iNK on our distro site list almost since our revival, but this month this
elder statesman, founder of TeklordZ with which Mist Classic spent almost its
entire lifespan attempting unsuccessfully to merge with, descends from the
heavens by which I mean his regular ANSI and ASCII art gigs at Fuel and
Impure to save us -- yet again -- from yet another dopey Cthulu FILEID.DIZ.
Hats off, sir!
Snake PETsken fell in love with Commodore computers when he was 8... 36 years
ago... and tries to keep the same wonder and passion from when he was a kid,
starting to grasp the fundamentals of coding. His modern graphite portrait
practice must have somehow influenced his PETSCII style, driving him to try to
get the most out of every single character cell. The only software he uses is
Petmate, a nice PETSCII editor.
Ed Starstew Stastny is that rare synthesis suggested in the two-word phrase
computer artist, practicing a species of net.art at SITO continually since
even prior to the establishment of Mistigris. Having mastered and
subsequently discarded so many styles and approaches, wearing the masks of a
half-dozen faux handles he could easily masquerade as an entire artgroup. Or
has he in fact been doing this... all along?
instagram.com/starstew / starstew.tumblr.com
Stephan Rewind Bellin has a practice of making pixelart portraits of
characters from the silver screen at their most iconic, with aspirations to
include them as characters in a game taking place in a mash-up world containing
all movie settings simultaneously. Following him on social media is like
getting a free master class in film studies.
instagram.com/stephanrewind / twitch.com/stephanrewind
Carl TeletextR Attrill represents Mistigris continuing wave of
introducing the great public textmode art tradition -- teletext -- to the
underground computer artscene.
teletextr.blogspot.com / twitter.com/thatotherCarl
Communities of text art practice emerge through certain social contexts but
the basic premise is such an appealing idea that it keeps getting invented
and reinvented. XTComics draws comic strips using a combination of low ASCII
characters and emoji.
Yet another tireless participant of the UKs teletext renaissance, it seems
almost inevitable that we would provide a home for Alistair ZXGuesser Crees
playful screens beneath our umbrella.
and our usual round of greetz to our colleagues at: fuel.wtf, blocktronics.org
impure.nl, amish.0w.nz, galza.org, Fire Dream, Break, pungas.space,
@hirmuofficial, mircart.org, paleotronic.com, soundcloud.com/bitcouver,
vanchipmusic.ca, null e-mag, ArakNet and TABNet!
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