this image contains text
Awesome Angela of Sleepy Stitch does in real life what many of us do
virtually: arranging mosaics of coloured picture elements into more than the
sum of their parts. An avowed nerdy narcoleptic, her cottage industry helps
to defray the cost of medical treatment not covered by insurance. In Her Own
Words: I got my bachelors of Fine Arts from the San Francisco Art
Institute... during which I got diagnosed with cancer My health is a
constant battle both physically and emotionally, but creating art is the only
thing that keeps me calm and allows me to escape into it away from the
realities that suck. I think she just said a mouthful, folks!
instagram.com/awesomeangela13 / facebook.com/sleepystitch
Fed up with working around the limitations and relying on the lazy crutches
of sample use, bryface ascended to a being of pure chiptune sequencing. He
has had the rare privilege of performing his music at chip music festivals
around the world - including places like Japan, Europe, and Australia -
alongside many of the global chip scenes foremost musicians. He also ekes
out his days as a web developer for a creative agency, bikes and plays
volleyball in his spare time, and eats three meals a day, sometimes four.
bryface.bandcamp.com / soundcloud.com/bryface / bryface.waveformtown.com
Mistigris is a few months older than Cookieheart, but classic themes possess
an eternal appeal to this Colombian artist, who works in both sketchbook and
pixelart idioms. We plunder her back catalogue this month for celebrations
of Spring, which is just about in full effect in Canada -- just as Autumn is
setting in on her side of the Equator!
facebook.com/artbycookieheart / instagram.com/cookieheart
Blazing the trail through which Cthulu followed into the computer artscene
underground, Creideiki then grew distracted by other pursuits completely,
barring a brief cameo appearance in the lost 11 e-mag, until rejoining his
childhood chum to host the 57 Varieties open stage series and spearhead the
performance poetry showcase Thats My Brain... and youre KILLING IT! In
this months appearance, he demonstrates the first of ten poems owed his wife
and yet-unborn daughter in their first year as a family.
A poet of extremes who can mean love when he says death and death when he
says love, our beloved ragman Crowkeeper has voluntarily toiled beneath
minimalist constraints so severe that Twitters word limit is as nothing to
him. In 2015 Mistigris digitally reprinted his 1999 collection Scarecrow
Poetics, but he is even more active writing today.
Daniel Wickert is a multidisciplinary visual artist who works in a variety of
mediums including painting, collage, ceramics, sculpture, photography and
mixed media. For this series he has photographed sections of his previous
works created in a variety of mediums and proceeded to experiment with
mirroring the images in various ways to create new works of art. Through
digital mirroring, new forms and figures emerge to create exciting new visual
experiences. Wickert intends to utilize the results of this process by
bringing these digital images back into the physical world through printing
and by using them as templates for new painted works.
Fine artist Delphine Hennelly has long been finding the sublime in the
mundane, and her recent MIST1116 series of selfie portraits have led her to
investigation of screen effects depicted through paint on a canvas.
delphinehennelly.com / instagram.com/delphinehennelly
Writer, artist, and animator, Etana has remained wholly immersed in the arts
on a daily basis since the dusk of the artscene, hammering out her own scenes
with keyframeonline.com and tiltedwindmills.com
athenacooper.ca / twitter.com/athenacooper
Just because you know someone for a decade and a half doesnt mean that you
will know that they create computer art, or that they will know that you
publish it. That sort of thing just doesnt always come up in conversation.
Thus it is our great pleasure to, following enormous delay, release a digital
illustration by Hamster Bong.
Possessed of a playful and impish mind, of all Mists alumni Happyfish can
most be described as marching to the beat of her own drum -- or in her case,
her own banjola. You can get an earful of her filk at any of a number of
cons. Could this be the first time anyone has released her lit? Given this
artscene: Very Probably.
brookeabbey.com / twitter.com/hsifyppah
A genuine professional teletext illustrator two decades hence, Steve
Horsenburger Horsley has recently returned to the game for love of the art:
Its kind of frustrating to discover you are good at something only to
realise its pointless in todays world, but I just really like doing it so I
am going to carry on. We feel your pain, Steve! At his website you can
commission original teletext creations from him, so dont delay to get your
own piece of textmode art history!
Dan Illarterate Farrimond is a multimedia artist from Wigan, UK. Despite
attempts to modernise, he will forever be known as That Guy That Does
Teletext Art. But whoever said thats a bad thing?
teletextart.tumblr.com / danfarrimond.co.uk / portfolio.illarterate.co.uk
Every medium has several modes: a pre-modern approach, a clean modern
style, and a post-modern detournement, often in the glitch idiom. In
Jellica Jake, teletext has found its glitch ma/onster! It is such a simple
3-bit medium there quite simply isnt the complexity needed for things to go
really wrong, but somehow this artist, doing more with less, has found depths
of texture to imply psychological profundity between the lines.
twitter.com/jellicajake / instagram.com/jellica / kittenrock.co.uk
Arts Program Coordinator chez lEcole Canadienne Bilingue de Paris, painter
Jordan Lyric is not the first person to appear in a Mistigris artpack after
one of their siblings did, but in his case the delay has probably been the
most pronounced.
You can typically find the ANSI art stylings of Knocturnal in Break and
Blocktronics collections, but in the good turn that gives another, their
guest spot in the recent Fuel revival artpack endowed us with a logo for our
infofiles in this collection, for which we are much obliged.
Dropping art on Mistigris when our orbits came into conjunction, the vanguard
of our antipodean contingent Maeve Wolf has pulled off an extraordinary
second act, and has continued making art ever since these salad days went in
the compost. This month, she exhibits in Raw Melbourne presents Verse!
Melodia doesnt need an artgroup, she is an artgroup. One more case of the
parade continuing after the band stopped playing, courtesy of the bottomless
music in her head she kept on keeping on -- and indeed, has never stopped. We
are humbled by her continuing association with us, as to her, all we have to
offer is drag factor!
Mojo came out of nowhere to grace this collection with the unglamorous but
essential FILEID.DIZ textmode logo needed to identify the archive, a small
but critical cornerstone that made this collection possible. Many thanks!
A veritable patron of the arts, Morgan Lee, longtime Mistigris textile
consultant, graciously allowed us to release a longstanding needlepoint
pixelart cartography project shes been working through for quite some time.
Thats it for the Light World -- now time to switch over to a darker palette!
The man, the myth... Mythical Man handily satisfies both categories. Long
known for his prowess on the euphonium, visual art is a relatively recent
development to which he has applied himself ardently.
euphoniousmyth.tumblr.com / instagram.com/themythicalman
Nick Lakowski is a Vancouver based artist. He holds a BFA in studio art from
Emily Carr University 2004 and an MFA in studio art from the University of
British Columbia 2012. His work is grounded in a commitment to grassroots
community projects, including experience as a teacher, muralist, volunteer,
board member, curator, and events facilitator for a variety of local schools,
businesses, festivals, DIY art spaces, and artist-run galleries. His current
work with acrylics draws anxiously and humorously from the overly
deterministic discipline of neurobiology, the world of commercial painting
and paint manufacturing, various indexes and orders of colour, the redactive
procedure of painting itself, and a mystical hysteria towards resuscitation
and intensive care medicine.
nlakowski.tumblr.com / iheartlocalart.ca/artists-2/nick-lakowski
An Amiga .MOD-tracker hero formerly of EuphoniX, having worked his way
through more than a few game development studios in the meantime Redeye at
one time aka Marauder appears in Mistigris as a cultivator of abstract
themes in photography.
Until being accidentally invoked by a recent Mistigram posting, long-lost
Mistigris Classic alumnus reNM8r Reanimator has been entirely out of touch
with us since 1995 -- but it turns out has spent all of the time since
feverishly exercising the right side of his brain playing MUX RPGs and
illustrating friends characters.
ScaTTerbRAIN johnson offers a selection from an electronic folklore album he
did a number of years ago, raiding the Prelinger Archive for vocal material and
twisting it to fit his own mad ends, from which perspective it may be
entertaining. When he finished that album he had 2 choices: pimp that record
and try to make some money or try starting a ukulele building company -- he
chose the latter. Life got in the way and that didnt get very far either,
but the horizon looks bright. Cheers!
scatterbrainjohnson.bandcamp.com / twitter.com/UkuleleG3orge
Founder of EuphoniX, Sentience has given the music a rest and is resuming his
explorations into every other creative medium. On hiatus from making music,
he found himself equally apt at expressing himself in virtually every other
medium, to this day captivating audiences at the Vancouver Story Slam.
Ed Starstew Stastny is that rare synthesis suggested in the two-word phrase
computer artist, practicing a species of net.art at SITO continually since
even prior to the establishment of Mistigris. Having mastered and
subsequently discarded so many styles and approaches, wearing the masks of a
half-dozen faux handles he could easily masquerade as an entire artgroup. Or
has he in fact been doing this... all along?
instagram.com/starstew / starstew.tumblr.com
Carl TeletextR Attrill represents Mistigris continuing wave of
introducing the great public textmode art tradition -- teletext -- to the
underground computer artscene.
teletextr.blogspot.com / twitter.com/thatotherCarl
Every time I include her in an artpack, I find myself completely rewriting
Theresa Oborns bio, as though I might somehow hew closer to the truth, like
a darts player hoping to hit a bullseye. She draws and sculpts, and perhaps
the work speaks for itself.
theresaoborn.tumblr.com / theresamo.deviantart.com
First exposed to Teletex back in the late 80s spending 2 years making
teletex style pages with ViewData as part of school IT reading the
adventures of Turner the Worm and Baboozle on Channel 4 teletex,
currently TitaniumDave works in the games industry -- though his interest in
Teletex was re-ignited by the sadly-missed Feb 2017 Block Party in Cambridge.
Awesome Angela of Sleepy Stitch does in real life what many of us do
virtually: arranging mosaics of coloured picture elements into more than the
sum of their parts. An avowed nerdy narcoleptic, her cottage industry helps
to defray the cost of medical treatment not covered by insurance. In Her Own
Words: I got my bachelors of Fine Arts from the San Francisco Art
Institute... during which I got diagnosed with cancer My health is a
constant battle both physically and emotionally, but creating art is the only
thing that keeps me calm and allows me to escape into it away from the
realities that suck. I think she just said a mouthful, folks!
instagram.com/awesomeangela13 / facebook.com/sleepystitch
Fed up with working around the limitations and relying on the lazy crutches
of sample use, bryface ascended to a being of pure chiptune sequencing. He
has had the rare privilege of performing his music at chip music festivals
around the world - including places like Japan, Europe, and Australia -
alongside many of the global chip scenes foremost musicians. He also ekes
out his days as a web developer for a creative agency, bikes and plays
volleyball in his spare time, and eats three meals a day, sometimes four.
bryface.bandcamp.com / soundcloud.com/bryface / bryface.waveformtown.com
Mistigris is a few months older than Cookieheart, but classic themes possess
an eternal appeal to this Colombian artist, who works in both sketchbook and
pixelart idioms. We plunder her back catalogue this month for celebrations
of Spring, which is just about in full effect in Canada -- just as Autumn is
setting in on her side of the Equator!
facebook.com/artbycookieheart / instagram.com/cookieheart
Blazing the trail through which Cthulu followed into the computer artscene
underground, Creideiki then grew distracted by other pursuits completely,
barring a brief cameo appearance in the lost 11 e-mag, until rejoining his
childhood chum to host the 57 Varieties open stage series and spearhead the
performance poetry showcase Thats My Brain... and youre KILLING IT! In
this months appearance, he demonstrates the first of ten poems owed his wife
and yet-unborn daughter in their first year as a family.
A poet of extremes who can mean love when he says death and death when he
says love, our beloved ragman Crowkeeper has voluntarily toiled beneath
minimalist constraints so severe that Twitters word limit is as nothing to
him. In 2015 Mistigris digitally reprinted his 1999 collection Scarecrow
Poetics, but he is even more active writing today.
Daniel Wickert is a multidisciplinary visual artist who works in a variety of
mediums including painting, collage, ceramics, sculpture, photography and
mixed media. For this series he has photographed sections of his previous
works created in a variety of mediums and proceeded to experiment with
mirroring the images in various ways to create new works of art. Through
digital mirroring, new forms and figures emerge to create exciting new visual
experiences. Wickert intends to utilize the results of this process by
bringing these digital images back into the physical world through printing
and by using them as templates for new painted works.
Fine artist Delphine Hennelly has long been finding the sublime in the
mundane, and her recent MIST1116 series of selfie portraits have led her to
investigation of screen effects depicted through paint on a canvas.
delphinehennelly.com / instagram.com/delphinehennelly
Writer, artist, and animator, Etana has remained wholly immersed in the arts
on a daily basis since the dusk of the artscene, hammering out her own scenes
with keyframeonline.com and tiltedwindmills.com
athenacooper.ca / twitter.com/athenacooper
Just because you know someone for a decade and a half doesnt mean that you
will know that they create computer art, or that they will know that you
publish it. That sort of thing just doesnt always come up in conversation.
Thus it is our great pleasure to, following enormous delay, release a digital
illustration by Hamster Bong.
Possessed of a playful and impish mind, of all Mists alumni Happyfish can
most be described as marching to the beat of her own drum -- or in her case,
her own banjola. You can get an earful of her filk at any of a number of
cons. Could this be the first time anyone has released her lit? Given this
artscene: Very Probably.
brookeabbey.com / twitter.com/hsifyppah
A genuine professional teletext illustrator two decades hence, Steve
Horsenburger Horsley has recently returned to the game for love of the art:
Its kind of frustrating to discover you are good at something only to
realise its pointless in todays world, but I just really like doing it so I
am going to carry on. We feel your pain, Steve! At his website you can
commission original teletext creations from him, so dont delay to get your
own piece of textmode art history!
Dan Illarterate Farrimond is a multimedia artist from Wigan, UK. Despite
attempts to modernise, he will forever be known as That Guy That Does
Teletext Art. But whoever said thats a bad thing?
teletextart.tumblr.com / danfarrimond.co.uk / portfolio.illarterate.co.uk
Every medium has several modes: a pre-modern approach, a clean modern
style, and a post-modern detournement, often in the glitch idiom. In
Jellica Jake, teletext has found its glitch ma/onster! It is such a simple
3-bit medium there quite simply isnt the complexity needed for things to go
really wrong, but somehow this artist, doing more with less, has found depths
of texture to imply psychological profundity between the lines.
twitter.com/jellicajake / instagram.com/jellica / kittenrock.co.uk
Arts Program Coordinator chez lEcole Canadienne Bilingue de Paris, painter
Jordan Lyric is not the first person to appear in a Mistigris artpack after
one of their siblings did, but in his case the delay has probably been the
most pronounced.
You can typically find the ANSI art stylings of Knocturnal in Break and
Blocktronics collections, but in the good turn that gives another, their
guest spot in the recent Fuel revival artpack endowed us with a logo for our
infofiles in this collection, for which we are much obliged.
Dropping art on Mistigris when our orbits came into conjunction, the vanguard
of our antipodean contingent Maeve Wolf has pulled off an extraordinary
second act, and has continued making art ever since these salad days went in
the compost. This month, she exhibits in Raw Melbourne presents Verse!
Melodia doesnt need an artgroup, she is an artgroup. One more case of the
parade continuing after the band stopped playing, courtesy of the bottomless
music in her head she kept on keeping on -- and indeed, has never stopped. We
are humbled by her continuing association with us, as to her, all we have to
offer is drag factor!
Mojo came out of nowhere to grace this collection with the unglamorous but
essential FILEID.DIZ textmode logo needed to identify the archive, a small
but critical cornerstone that made this collection possible. Many thanks!
A veritable patron of the arts, Morgan Lee, longtime Mistigris textile
consultant, graciously allowed us to release a longstanding needlepoint
pixelart cartography project shes been working through for quite some time.
Thats it for the Light World -- now time to switch over to a darker palette!
The man, the myth... Mythical Man handily satisfies both categories. Long
known for his prowess on the euphonium, visual art is a relatively recent
development to which he has applied himself ardently.
euphoniousmyth.tumblr.com / instagram.com/themythicalman
Nick Lakowski is a Vancouver based artist. He holds a BFA in studio art from
Emily Carr University 2004 and an MFA in studio art from the University of
British Columbia 2012. His work is grounded in a commitment to grassroots
community projects, including experience as a teacher, muralist, volunteer,
board member, curator, and events facilitator for a variety of local schools,
businesses, festivals, DIY art spaces, and artist-run galleries. His current
work with acrylics draws anxiously and humorously from the overly
deterministic discipline of neurobiology, the world of commercial painting
and paint manufacturing, various indexes and orders of colour, the redactive
procedure of painting itself, and a mystical hysteria towards resuscitation
and intensive care medicine.
nlakowski.tumblr.com / iheartlocalart.ca/artists-2/nick-lakowski
An Amiga .MOD-tracker hero formerly of EuphoniX, having worked his way
through more than a few game development studios in the meantime Redeye at
one time aka Marauder appears in Mistigris as a cultivator of abstract
themes in photography.
Until being accidentally invoked by a recent Mistigram posting, long-lost
Mistigris Classic alumnus reNM8r Reanimator has been entirely out of touch
with us since 1995 -- but it turns out has spent all of the time since
feverishly exercising the right side of his brain playing MUX RPGs and
illustrating friends characters.
ScaTTerbRAIN johnson offers a selection from an electronic folklore album he
did a number of years ago, raiding the Prelinger Archive for vocal material and
twisting it to fit his own mad ends, from which perspective it may be
entertaining. When he finished that album he had 2 choices: pimp that record
and try to make some money or try starting a ukulele building company -- he
chose the latter. Life got in the way and that didnt get very far either,
but the horizon looks bright. Cheers!
scatterbrainjohnson.bandcamp.com / twitter.com/UkuleleG3orge
Founder of EuphoniX, Sentience has given the music a rest and is resuming his
explorations into every other creative medium. On hiatus from making music,
he found himself equally apt at expressing himself in virtually every other
medium, to this day captivating audiences at the Vancouver Story Slam.
Ed Starstew Stastny is that rare synthesis suggested in the two-word phrase
computer artist, practicing a species of net.art at SITO continually since
even prior to the establishment of Mistigris. Having mastered and
subsequently discarded so many styles and approaches, wearing the masks of a
half-dozen faux handles he could easily masquerade as an entire artgroup. Or
has he in fact been doing this... all along?
instagram.com/starstew / starstew.tumblr.com
Carl TeletextR Attrill represents Mistigris continuing wave of
introducing the great public textmode art tradition -- teletext -- to the
underground computer artscene.
teletextr.blogspot.com / twitter.com/thatotherCarl
Every time I include her in an artpack, I find myself completely rewriting
Theresa Oborns bio, as though I might somehow hew closer to the truth, like
a darts player hoping to hit a bullseye. She draws and sculpts, and perhaps
the work speaks for itself.
theresaoborn.tumblr.com / theresamo.deviantart.com
First exposed to Teletex back in the late 80s spending 2 years making
teletex style pages with ViewData as part of school IT reading the
adventures of Turner the Worm and Baboozle on Channel 4 teletex,
currently TitaniumDave works in the games industry -- though his interest in
Teletex was re-ignited by the sadly-missed Feb 2017 Block Party in Cambridge.
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