this image contains text
dope is an essay releasing
group fou n de
d by vanquish of
acid. for more information contac
t h im wherever you
want this
is like my first toon typ
e ansi or maybe se
cond but this is my
first one worth mentioning so
i hope you like it vq.
youre jelous of
the font arent you? greets
go to hal- good luck in acid, timewarp-
erp i fergot what i wanted to say , frost angel- cuz i j
ust finished
talking to you on my board and its your fault im late submitting this!
actualy its cthulus , nitNATSNOC- wow you got reconized
as your
real handle, dr. cpu- recoil neone?, helter- hiya, and
everlast- woo
ive almost got stunts! . wow alot of greets! happ
y b-day cthulu!
---8 cut here 8------ 80 lines on the dot -----8 cut heres are
31i73 8---
dope is an essay releasing
group fou n de
d by vanquish of
acid. for more information contac
t h im wherever you
want this
is like my first toon typ
e ansi or maybe se
cond but this is my
first one worth mentioning so
i hope you like it vq.
youre jelous of
the font arent you? greets
go to hal- good luck in acid, timewarp-
erp i fergot what i wanted to say , frost angel- cuz i j
ust finished
talking to you on my board and its your fault im late submitting this!
actualy its cthulus , nitNATSNOC- wow you got reconized
as your
real handle, dr. cpu- recoil neone?, helter- hiya, and
everlast- woo
ive almost got stunts! . wow alot of greets! happ
y b-day cthulu!
---8 cut here 8------ 80 lines on the dot -----8 cut heres are
31i73 8---
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