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mistigris march 2018
kilroy was here
r e a d b e t w e e n t h e l i n e s
Greetings to the small but dedicated subset of hypothetical Mistigris fans who
enjoy reading our distinctive flavour of comprehensive infofiles. It pains me
to announce that since Ive stopped with the running ticker of how many
unprecedented consecutive monthly releases weve achieved, we havent really
got much big news to speak of, and consequently not much grist for the mill.
I might conceivably be able to put together some entertaining balderdash if I
wasnt already actively curating several artpacks ahead, but I just dont have
the cylinders firing needed to swap those personas on and off like that.
Cherish the Mel Farrs out there greasing the infofiles of the scene, you have
no idea how rare they are.
After months of themed artpacks -- February was love and lust for Valentines,
January was music, December was Christmas and winter -- this particular
collection is unthemed generally, which gives us an opportunity to vent some
virtuous artwork by participants in the Mistigris experiment which happen not
to have coincided with any of our recent curatorial demands. I know, you ask,
why not follow the Valentines-themed artpack with a St. Patricks-themed one?
Well OK, no, thats a terrible idea. But 8bitpoet does touch upon that
holiday and International Womens Day, which gets more comprehensively
celebrated with another slate of paintings by our wayward art star Delphine
In addition to a nicely varied slate of pieces on seemingly random subjects
from our regulars, old and new, we are proud to introduce for the first time
pixel/voxelartist Scofanogd, textmode typewriter experimentalist t1po, text
animator ifgen.it, and straight-up PD ANSI artist apam, delivering very
different flavours that are like nothing else anyone here does -- but still
very clearly in our wheelhouse. Its a large and capacious wheelhouse.
Wheelshouse, if you will. And, well, were very casual here. You may as well
make it a wheelshome. OK, now that Ive lost everyone, we may as well
While the long-disused medium is burgeoning in the fecund mulch of what once
was the underground computer artscene, in our case artpacks continue to really
be the tail wagging the dog -- we go to a lot of effort to regularly and
rigorously package these monthly artpack releases to a seemingly indifferent
artscene audience well, that much hasnt changed since the 90s but find
wide interest on social media to fresh audiences who just see us as a groovy
kind of content aggregator, firing off pieces that arent particularly
outwardly-aimed at a tremendous clip. We have no particular plans to give up
on the artpacks or the artscene for that matter! but really, you ought to go
follow us on social media and join the party. You can find all the relevant
links at the bottom of the memberlist.
If you think Im being a little hard on how nothing we are to the artscene and
would like to demonstrate just how wrong I am A: to the eXtReMe, submissions
of art for future artpacks you just know there are going to be more, theres
simply too much momentum to turn this train around are always concrete
examples. Did you know that Mistigris has just gone through a run of four
consecutive FILEID.DIZes drawn by its poet founder? Ugh! Theres another
one around the corner, but in that context at least his artistic genius finally
finds its correct setting. Some kind of public celebration or even
acknowledgement of your favorite pieces in our artpacks surely you have a
favorite! Well, perhaps a least-reviled work? would also go far. Faced with
an audience of crickets one can only assume that people are saying nothing at
all because they havent anything nice to say. But fear not, it is not for
any reason as straightforward as peer approval that we continue on this
quixotic mission... perhaps you feel that the kindest thing to do is to not
encourage us to travel down our fruitless path? No matter: if it will not
yield fruit, we will dine on raw bitter root vegetables! Now where was I?
Ehh... Im about done here. I know Ive made similar noises before to not much
effect, but Im hoping to switch to a twice-a-month schedule -- one artpack
and one side release. For instance, in the imminent and very, very foolish
month of April, we will hopefully also be releasing the results of another
Blender compo to be held you did put it in your calendar last time around,
right? the weekend of April 14th, 2018. If you dont remember just what the
eminently worthwhile Blender is, or the particulars of how it is conducted,
please direct yourself post-haste to mistigris.org/blender/blend.html for a
refresher. That sort of thing. Well see if I can pull it off. Im sure our
membership is up to many things Im just not cognizant of in my hazy blur of
serial artpack assembly, but one project I can champion here with clear eyes
is the upcoming LSDJ music workshop the Vancouver Chipmusic Society is
hosting March 16 at the Avant Garden. Doooo iiiit, loooooocalsssss. And
were out.
Mistigris 2018 -- burgeoning in the fecund mulch
kilroy was here
r e a d b e t w e e n t h e l i n e s
Greetings to the small but dedicated subset of hypothetical Mistigris fans who
enjoy reading our distinctive flavour of comprehensive infofiles. It pains me
to announce that since Ive stopped with the running ticker of how many
unprecedented consecutive monthly releases weve achieved, we havent really
got much big news to speak of, and consequently not much grist for the mill.
I might conceivably be able to put together some entertaining balderdash if I
wasnt already actively curating several artpacks ahead, but I just dont have
the cylinders firing needed to swap those personas on and off like that.
Cherish the Mel Farrs out there greasing the infofiles of the scene, you have
no idea how rare they are.
After months of themed artpacks -- February was love and lust for Valentines,
January was music, December was Christmas and winter -- this particular
collection is unthemed generally, which gives us an opportunity to vent some
virtuous artwork by participants in the Mistigris experiment which happen not
to have coincided with any of our recent curatorial demands. I know, you ask,
why not follow the Valentines-themed artpack with a St. Patricks-themed one?
Well OK, no, thats a terrible idea. But 8bitpoet does touch upon that
holiday and International Womens Day, which gets more comprehensively
celebrated with another slate of paintings by our wayward art star Delphine
In addition to a nicely varied slate of pieces on seemingly random subjects
from our regulars, old and new, we are proud to introduce for the first time
pixel/voxelartist Scofanogd, textmode typewriter experimentalist t1po, text
animator ifgen.it, and straight-up PD ANSI artist apam, delivering very
different flavours that are like nothing else anyone here does -- but still
very clearly in our wheelhouse. Its a large and capacious wheelhouse.
Wheelshouse, if you will. And, well, were very casual here. You may as well
make it a wheelshome. OK, now that Ive lost everyone, we may as well
While the long-disused medium is burgeoning in the fecund mulch of what once
was the underground computer artscene, in our case artpacks continue to really
be the tail wagging the dog -- we go to a lot of effort to regularly and
rigorously package these monthly artpack releases to a seemingly indifferent
artscene audience well, that much hasnt changed since the 90s but find
wide interest on social media to fresh audiences who just see us as a groovy
kind of content aggregator, firing off pieces that arent particularly
outwardly-aimed at a tremendous clip. We have no particular plans to give up
on the artpacks or the artscene for that matter! but really, you ought to go
follow us on social media and join the party. You can find all the relevant
links at the bottom of the memberlist.
If you think Im being a little hard on how nothing we are to the artscene and
would like to demonstrate just how wrong I am A: to the eXtReMe, submissions
of art for future artpacks you just know there are going to be more, theres
simply too much momentum to turn this train around are always concrete
examples. Did you know that Mistigris has just gone through a run of four
consecutive FILEID.DIZes drawn by its poet founder? Ugh! Theres another
one around the corner, but in that context at least his artistic genius finally
finds its correct setting. Some kind of public celebration or even
acknowledgement of your favorite pieces in our artpacks surely you have a
favorite! Well, perhaps a least-reviled work? would also go far. Faced with
an audience of crickets one can only assume that people are saying nothing at
all because they havent anything nice to say. But fear not, it is not for
any reason as straightforward as peer approval that we continue on this
quixotic mission... perhaps you feel that the kindest thing to do is to not
encourage us to travel down our fruitless path? No matter: if it will not
yield fruit, we will dine on raw bitter root vegetables! Now where was I?
Ehh... Im about done here. I know Ive made similar noises before to not much
effect, but Im hoping to switch to a twice-a-month schedule -- one artpack
and one side release. For instance, in the imminent and very, very foolish
month of April, we will hopefully also be releasing the results of another
Blender compo to be held you did put it in your calendar last time around,
right? the weekend of April 14th, 2018. If you dont remember just what the
eminently worthwhile Blender is, or the particulars of how it is conducted,
please direct yourself post-haste to mistigris.org/blender/blend.html for a
refresher. That sort of thing. Well see if I can pull it off. Im sure our
membership is up to many things Im just not cognizant of in my hazy blur of
serial artpack assembly, but one project I can champion here with clear eyes
is the upcoming LSDJ music workshop the Vancouver Chipmusic Society is
hosting March 16 at the Avant Garden. Doooo iiiit, loooooocalsssss. And
were out.
Mistigris 2018 -- burgeoning in the fecund mulch
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