this image contains text
Ansi by
The ancient Greeks oh, that tiresome old infofile cliche came up with a
number of different terms to describe the nuances of what we simply lump
together as love -- eros is still very much with us here in this artpack
collection, as well as philia to some extent... then there are agape and storge
... but I digress: we are attempting to demonstrate as many varieties as we can
in this months artpack, again a February celebration of love and lust, but it
seems that the ancients left out a few critical terms, like one describing an
adults nostalgic love for the first home computer they used as a child. OK,
actually thats mostly the one we dwell on here, but we provide a platform for
a fair share of desires vanilla and ... unconventional. And because it takes
all types, also the occasional totally wholesome and platonic subject, such as
this infofile leads in with -- proudly presenting the first appearance of Quip
ANSI art -- though he has represented musically since our revival under a
different name -- in a Mistigris artpack since M-9806 21 years ago! That
appearance also led off a newsletter, which neatly brings us a species of full
circle, to those who find satisfaction keeping track of such matters.
Personally, I love em!
While were giving mad props to the folks who helped us deck out this release
in style, I must also extend gratitude to the Knight of Fuel, who once again
last seen lending a touch of class to our film-themed MIST0918 artpack saved
us from my libido-killing textmode art exercise awaiting you like an ice bath
atop the memberlist by swooping in with a guest FILEID.DIZ illustration of
Mick Jaggers sensual mouth and tongue. I know, I know -- for our music
collection in January, the DIZ was hearts, and for the Valentines collection
in February, the DIZ was the Rolling Stones logo. We couldnt have planned it
that tangled, we can but stand back and chuckle at the cosmic joke.
Every piece appearing in this collection is fascinating and noteworthy, each
one deserving of a chance to have its story told in full, but ... thats what
every days Mistigram posts to social media are for. Here Ill salute those
artists making their first artpack appearances here this month: salut to
PETSCII pervert Axl and greetings to the feverish mind of Fractal Learning. If
you enjoy the taste of Horsenburgers teletexxxt, you should know that hes
been drawing more adult teletext screens exclusively for the enjoyment of his
Patreon subscribers free porn online is ubiquitous, but if you want it in
low-res, you need to pay the specialists, and similarly you ought to know that
Mentalpops Blind Date screen isnt just a logo, but the gateway to a game by
Solscape Studios that launches on Steam this Valentines Day ... and is
already available at itch.io. Dont hesitate to check it out!
Ill level with you -- we werent at all sure whether wed have enough material
for another love-and-lust-themed artpack this February -- we pulled it off er,
let me rephrase that last year but things were pretty meager. It turns out
that we were able to curate a larger selection of pieces engaging the theme
this time around, and the next couple of artpacks scheduled already have their
themes spoken for, so its looking bizarrely like the first opportunity to
share new, un-themed work in a Mistigris artpack since November may only be
coming up in May, a half-year later. We already established in 2018 that even
releasing on a monthly basis, 12 artpacks per year simply isnt enough, and
this really seems to be reaffirming that point. That said, hopefully our May
collection will be something really special! April will be, ehh, a different
kind of special -- our customary April Fools celebration of bad art, bad
humour, and general folly.
And for March were planning something entirely unprecedented: for
International Womens Day, a women-only artpack consisting exclusively of works
by that half of the population traditionally underrepresented in the culture of
the digital underground. Mistigris has already hosted more ladies than the
rest of the artscene combined, and its still not enough: the dudeliness of
this place can be positively stifling at times! If this bizarre intention was
asserted in any other artpack you could be confident that it was a peculiar
joke that landed wrong, but Mistigris is no ordinary artgroup.
... but perhaps Ive already devoted too much of this newsletter to future
events that wont even be coming to pass for another month. Ill go take a
cold shower and put on some slow jams while you get acquainted with our
Mistigris 2019: let me rephrase that
Ansi by
The ancient Greeks oh, that tiresome old infofile cliche came up with a
number of different terms to describe the nuances of what we simply lump
together as love -- eros is still very much with us here in this artpack
collection, as well as philia to some extent... then there are agape and storge
... but I digress: we are attempting to demonstrate as many varieties as we can
in this months artpack, again a February celebration of love and lust, but it
seems that the ancients left out a few critical terms, like one describing an
adults nostalgic love for the first home computer they used as a child. OK,
actually thats mostly the one we dwell on here, but we provide a platform for
a fair share of desires vanilla and ... unconventional. And because it takes
all types, also the occasional totally wholesome and platonic subject, such as
this infofile leads in with -- proudly presenting the first appearance of Quip
ANSI art -- though he has represented musically since our revival under a
different name -- in a Mistigris artpack since M-9806 21 years ago! That
appearance also led off a newsletter, which neatly brings us a species of full
circle, to those who find satisfaction keeping track of such matters.
Personally, I love em!
While were giving mad props to the folks who helped us deck out this release
in style, I must also extend gratitude to the Knight of Fuel, who once again
last seen lending a touch of class to our film-themed MIST0918 artpack saved
us from my libido-killing textmode art exercise awaiting you like an ice bath
atop the memberlist by swooping in with a guest FILEID.DIZ illustration of
Mick Jaggers sensual mouth and tongue. I know, I know -- for our music
collection in January, the DIZ was hearts, and for the Valentines collection
in February, the DIZ was the Rolling Stones logo. We couldnt have planned it
that tangled, we can but stand back and chuckle at the cosmic joke.
Every piece appearing in this collection is fascinating and noteworthy, each
one deserving of a chance to have its story told in full, but ... thats what
every days Mistigram posts to social media are for. Here Ill salute those
artists making their first artpack appearances here this month: salut to
PETSCII pervert Axl and greetings to the feverish mind of Fractal Learning. If
you enjoy the taste of Horsenburgers teletexxxt, you should know that hes
been drawing more adult teletext screens exclusively for the enjoyment of his
Patreon subscribers free porn online is ubiquitous, but if you want it in
low-res, you need to pay the specialists, and similarly you ought to know that
Mentalpops Blind Date screen isnt just a logo, but the gateway to a game by
Solscape Studios that launches on Steam this Valentines Day ... and is
already available at itch.io. Dont hesitate to check it out!
Ill level with you -- we werent at all sure whether wed have enough material
for another love-and-lust-themed artpack this February -- we pulled it off er,
let me rephrase that last year but things were pretty meager. It turns out
that we were able to curate a larger selection of pieces engaging the theme
this time around, and the next couple of artpacks scheduled already have their
themes spoken for, so its looking bizarrely like the first opportunity to
share new, un-themed work in a Mistigris artpack since November may only be
coming up in May, a half-year later. We already established in 2018 that even
releasing on a monthly basis, 12 artpacks per year simply isnt enough, and
this really seems to be reaffirming that point. That said, hopefully our May
collection will be something really special! April will be, ehh, a different
kind of special -- our customary April Fools celebration of bad art, bad
humour, and general folly.
And for March were planning something entirely unprecedented: for
International Womens Day, a women-only artpack consisting exclusively of works
by that half of the population traditionally underrepresented in the culture of
the digital underground. Mistigris has already hosted more ladies than the
rest of the artscene combined, and its still not enough: the dudeliness of
this place can be positively stifling at times! If this bizarre intention was
asserted in any other artpack you could be confident that it was a peculiar
joke that landed wrong, but Mistigris is no ordinary artgroup.
... but perhaps Ive already devoted too much of this newsletter to future
events that wont even be coming to pass for another month. Ill go take a
cold shower and put on some slow jams while you get acquainted with our
Mistigris 2019: let me rephrase that
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