this image contains text
The Mirage Compendium Volume Four
Covering October and November
Release Date : December, 6 1992
Total Ansis : 38
Total VGAs : 5
Total Files : 44
Total Bytes : 841,235
Total Bytes Zipped : 352,005
NOTES: Mirage Graphic Designs was founded on 10/20/91 by
Kaska F. Kaska in Castro Valley, CA, and went public on
1/15/92, also the birtdate of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
The purpose of this organization is to create a service to
the various bulletin boards and user groups out there, free
of charge. The Mirage Compendium was first packaged on
6/1/92, and represents the entire collection of Mirage
graphics. Additional volumes will be released bi-monthly.
If you wish to request a Mirage ANSI or VGA, do so at your
nearest Mirage affiliate system, and become a part of the
new legacy.
Mirage Designs merged with License to Draw LTD on
9/5/92, an ANSI/VGA group out of Georgia state. On a
later date, 9/13/92, a small known but talented group
named House, also merged with Mirage. With the mergers
came many talented graphists, some of whose works are
featured in this package.
No Filename.Ext Size Description Artist
0 MIRAGE04 NFO 7701 Dox of The Compendium N/A
1 BZ-DNDM MIR 12626 Bonners Domain BeeZ
2 BZ-FSION MIR 2809 FUSiON Logo BeeZ
3 BZ-LTCB MIR 4294 lectric Blue Logo BeeZ
4 BZ-SOUTH MIR 6698 Southern Comfort BeeZ
5 DE-4AD MIR 16655 4AD Dreamevil
6 DE-BTROR MIR 16788 Beyond The Realm of Reality Dreamevil
7 DE-DA MIR 13312 Disaster Area Dreamevil
8 DE-FIG MIR 12708 Figmants Place Dreamevil
9 DE-GT MIR 8704 Goth Teck Dreamevil
10 DE-SI MIR 12416 Sudden Impact Dreamevil
11 DE-TDRE MIR 21189 Twisted Dreams Dreamevil
12 DJ-INN MIR 21376 Inn of the last home Dr. Jekle T
13 DJ-PHILS MIR 10368 Phils Place Dr. Jekle T
14 DJ-SHORT MIR 4224 Short Circut Dr. Jekle T
15 DJ-STATE MIR 6400 State of Develution Dr. Jekle T
16 DJ-SURRL MIR 6144 Surreal Visions Dr. Jekle T
17 DN-MODE MIR 5827 Mode 101 Desolation
18 FN-RIPX MIR 1535 RIP X Logo 1 FusioN
19 FN-RIPXM MIR 3149 RIP X Logo 2 FusioN
20 FN-OBV/2 MIR 979 Oblivion/2 Logo FusioN
21 FN-WEEKN MIR 1112 Weekly News FusioN
22 GW-MIRAG MIR 262184 MiRAGE Takin Care o Bussine G. Washington
23 GW-STEEL MIR 13547 Living Steel G. Washington
24 IC-SR MIR 10368 Shocking Reality Icy
25 LG-BITUS MIR 22396 Banned In the USA Logan
26 MB-METAL EXE 83377 Metal Additcion Mr.Brownstone
27 MB-SPASM EXE 15088 Spasmotron Mr.Brownstone
28 MI-BOG MIR 8531 The Bog KFK and GW
29 MX-MAR EXE 15395 The Mauraders Hideout Malcom/X
30 MX-SUB EXE 58570 Suburbia Malcom/X
31 PM-NAIS1 MIR 10548 New Avalon Institute of Scie Paul MuadDib
32 PM-TTMH MIR 5179 The Texus Madhouse Paul MuadDib
33 PN-TZU EXE 31160 TZU Poseidon
34 RN-ACID MIR 2325 ACiD Logo coughcough REN
35 RN-BIT4 MIR 5121 Banned in the USA REN
36 RN-KM MIR 6105 Korova Milkbar REN
37 RN-SANCT MIR 12829 Sanctuarytfuckingm REN
38 RN-SI MIR 11971 Sudden Impact REN
39 SK-MENU MIR 3352 Shitty Menu from HardWired Shihear Kallizad
40 SK-NAIS MIR 13273 New Avalon Institute of Scie Shihear Kallizad
41 SK-SANC MIR 44654 Sanctuarytfuckingm Shihear Kallizad
43 VD-FLIP MIR 4296 Flipside Vlad Drac
GREETS: MiRAGE Members, not wanting to bring anyone down on such an up-
beat occasion as this, I just want to say that I place alot of
the burder for our lack of production for November squarely on
MY shoulders, but with only *8* pieces that Im aware of for the
month, I HAVE to ask: Whats happened to the motivation and pride
of you guys? ANYway, nice job Dreamevil and Beez for putting
out a bunch of really nice material.
iCE, Legacy, ACiD, atleast someone had a good month.
PERSONALS: Captain Kaos, get a real name for your board.
KFK, WHERE ARE YOU?! Youre supposed to being doing this!!!
G. Washington, WHERE ARE YOU?! putter broke again?
Crushed Ice, is Sudden Impact down for good? sniff
Rico, youll do the December/January Compendium, right?
Tempus tfuckingm Thales, has the eagle landed yet?
- Shihear Kallizad MiRAGE Triumvirate
Merry X-Mas to all, and to all a good
fucking night...
All material is copyright 1992 Mirage Designs or the individual artists.
The Mirage Compendium Volume Four
Covering October and November
Release Date : December, 6 1992
Total Ansis : 38
Total VGAs : 5
Total Files : 44
Total Bytes : 841,235
Total Bytes Zipped : 352,005
NOTES: Mirage Graphic Designs was founded on 10/20/91 by
Kaska F. Kaska in Castro Valley, CA, and went public on
1/15/92, also the birtdate of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
The purpose of this organization is to create a service to
the various bulletin boards and user groups out there, free
of charge. The Mirage Compendium was first packaged on
6/1/92, and represents the entire collection of Mirage
graphics. Additional volumes will be released bi-monthly.
If you wish to request a Mirage ANSI or VGA, do so at your
nearest Mirage affiliate system, and become a part of the
new legacy.
Mirage Designs merged with License to Draw LTD on
9/5/92, an ANSI/VGA group out of Georgia state. On a
later date, 9/13/92, a small known but talented group
named House, also merged with Mirage. With the mergers
came many talented graphists, some of whose works are
featured in this package.
No Filename.Ext Size Description Artist
0 MIRAGE04 NFO 7701 Dox of The Compendium N/A
1 BZ-DNDM MIR 12626 Bonners Domain BeeZ
2 BZ-FSION MIR 2809 FUSiON Logo BeeZ
3 BZ-LTCB MIR 4294 lectric Blue Logo BeeZ
4 BZ-SOUTH MIR 6698 Southern Comfort BeeZ
5 DE-4AD MIR 16655 4AD Dreamevil
6 DE-BTROR MIR 16788 Beyond The Realm of Reality Dreamevil
7 DE-DA MIR 13312 Disaster Area Dreamevil
8 DE-FIG MIR 12708 Figmants Place Dreamevil
9 DE-GT MIR 8704 Goth Teck Dreamevil
10 DE-SI MIR 12416 Sudden Impact Dreamevil
11 DE-TDRE MIR 21189 Twisted Dreams Dreamevil
12 DJ-INN MIR 21376 Inn of the last home Dr. Jekle T
13 DJ-PHILS MIR 10368 Phils Place Dr. Jekle T
14 DJ-SHORT MIR 4224 Short Circut Dr. Jekle T
15 DJ-STATE MIR 6400 State of Develution Dr. Jekle T
16 DJ-SURRL MIR 6144 Surreal Visions Dr. Jekle T
17 DN-MODE MIR 5827 Mode 101 Desolation
18 FN-RIPX MIR 1535 RIP X Logo 1 FusioN
19 FN-RIPXM MIR 3149 RIP X Logo 2 FusioN
20 FN-OBV/2 MIR 979 Oblivion/2 Logo FusioN
21 FN-WEEKN MIR 1112 Weekly News FusioN
22 GW-MIRAG MIR 262184 MiRAGE Takin Care o Bussine G. Washington
23 GW-STEEL MIR 13547 Living Steel G. Washington
24 IC-SR MIR 10368 Shocking Reality Icy
25 LG-BITUS MIR 22396 Banned In the USA Logan
26 MB-METAL EXE 83377 Metal Additcion Mr.Brownstone
27 MB-SPASM EXE 15088 Spasmotron Mr.Brownstone
28 MI-BOG MIR 8531 The Bog KFK and GW
29 MX-MAR EXE 15395 The Mauraders Hideout Malcom/X
30 MX-SUB EXE 58570 Suburbia Malcom/X
31 PM-NAIS1 MIR 10548 New Avalon Institute of Scie Paul MuadDib
32 PM-TTMH MIR 5179 The Texus Madhouse Paul MuadDib
33 PN-TZU EXE 31160 TZU Poseidon
34 RN-ACID MIR 2325 ACiD Logo coughcough REN
35 RN-BIT4 MIR 5121 Banned in the USA REN
36 RN-KM MIR 6105 Korova Milkbar REN
37 RN-SANCT MIR 12829 Sanctuarytfuckingm REN
38 RN-SI MIR 11971 Sudden Impact REN
39 SK-MENU MIR 3352 Shitty Menu from HardWired Shihear Kallizad
40 SK-NAIS MIR 13273 New Avalon Institute of Scie Shihear Kallizad
41 SK-SANC MIR 44654 Sanctuarytfuckingm Shihear Kallizad
43 VD-FLIP MIR 4296 Flipside Vlad Drac
GREETS: MiRAGE Members, not wanting to bring anyone down on such an up-
beat occasion as this, I just want to say that I place alot of
the burder for our lack of production for November squarely on
MY shoulders, but with only *8* pieces that Im aware of for the
month, I HAVE to ask: Whats happened to the motivation and pride
of you guys? ANYway, nice job Dreamevil and Beez for putting
out a bunch of really nice material.
iCE, Legacy, ACiD, atleast someone had a good month.
PERSONALS: Captain Kaos, get a real name for your board.
KFK, WHERE ARE YOU?! Youre supposed to being doing this!!!
G. Washington, WHERE ARE YOU?! putter broke again?
Crushed Ice, is Sudden Impact down for good? sniff
Rico, youll do the December/January Compendium, right?
Tempus tfuckingm Thales, has the eagle landed yet?
- Shihear Kallizad MiRAGE Triumvirate
Merry X-Mas to all, and to all a good
fucking night...
All material is copyright 1992 Mirage Designs or the individual artists.
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