this image contains text
pimpdopie hey
pimpdopie anyone good with building carts and shit?
maytag carts?
zeroVsion try amish
05:57:04 @ll I met a much music VJ tonight
05:57:46 @blkjack Whoooo!
05:57:48 roodolph hope she was a girl!
05:58:05 * ll is now the epitome of cool
05:59:10 @ll and I also met this guy who claimed to have worked at sun for ten years
05:59:18 @ll and worked on a good deal of solaris
06:03:21 @ll he said the NSA is after him so he cant return to the States.
06:03:42 m0lo- OO
06:03:54 @blkjack Haha
06:04:08 @ll I asked him if he ircd
06:04:12 roodolph ...
06:04:13 @ll he lifted his glasses and was like
06:04:20 @ll irc is way too insecure to use
06:04:30 @ll and gave me his business card
23:42:53 -- OSCOTOX karma@dup-148-233-221-97.prodigy.net.mx has joined ascii
23:43:01 OSCOTOX hi
23:43:20 OSCOTOX where can i get a marihuana plant in ascii? its for my motd
23:43:45 cat-dog who spells it like that?
23:44:08 OSCOTOX uh? my english kidna sucks
23:50:24 -- OSCOTOX has quit
23:54:39 @blkjack If you cant spell it, you probably shouldnt be smoking
23:56:03 radACiD blkjack: Dude cmon. Hes from Mexico AND hes on PRODIGY.
14:05:32 --- dbrn sets mode +m asciicompo
14:05:38 @dbrn the compo lasts
14:05:45 @dbrn 1 hour for drawing
14:06:04 @dbrn hope it is ok for everybody
14:06:18 @dbrn the sentence to write is
14:06:21 @radman ...
14:06:28 @dbrn XTREME ASCII
14:06:35 --- ll is now known as hahawhat
16:45:39 radman ASCIIcompo - POST-EASTER IRC ASCII COMPO
16:45:39 radman Monday, April 12th 2004,
16:45:40 radman RESULTS: newschool+block
16:45:40 radman n-3.txt 37 pts - Black Jack
16:45:40 radman n-2.txt 36 pts - Abstrakt
16:45:40 radman n-1.txt 34 pts - Ferrex
16:45:40 radman n-4.txt 9 pts - DDRJ
16:45:42 radman n-65.txt 4 pts - high247
16:46:47 @troll someone needs to stop getting high and draw
14:29:42 @cat-dog barium: well no one has submitted *anything* for mimeograph, or expressed any interest, so i had to go to the extreme
14:33:32 roodolph hmm
14:33:39 roodolph i wish i could write something good
14:34:42 @cat-dog i wish i could too hah
14:34:56 roodolph :D
14:35:18 @barium i wish i could speak swahili
14:36:41 @rm i speak the language of love
14:37:09 @barium i speak swedish, thats kinda like being a nazi but without the chix.
17:21:29 roodolph i heared blowjob is fun maytag said that
17:22:13 barium maytag say so much... :-
17:22:21 roodolph :D:D
17:22:24 dbrn but he does them ?
17:22:45 dbrn ask him if he gives head
17:22:49 dbrn :D j/k
17:22:56 roodolph hes not here so i can talk freely
02:11:22 -- NoizyToyz NoizyToyz@dhcp065-031-005-173.insight.rr.com has joined mimic
02:11:44 --- cat-dog sets ban on *!*@dhcp065-031-005-173.insight.rr.com
02:11:45 -- mmcServ has kicked NoizyToyz from mimic Banned
02:11:49 @maytag hey
02:11:56 @maytag what was that for?
02:12:00 @cat-dog nickname ban
02:12:10 @ll he got audited
02:12:10 @maytag hes my friend
02:12:12 Rasputina eek
02:12:13 @cat-dog oh haha
02:12:17 --- cat-dog removes ban on *!*@dhcp065-031-005-173.insight.rr.com
02:12:23 @cat-dog MY BAD
02:12:31 -- NoizyToyz NoizyToyz@dhcp065-031-005-173.insight.rr.com has joined mimic
02:36:46 @blkjack NoizyToyz seems like one of those guys whos had his IRC
alias for too long
02:36:58 @blkjack Long enough that he basically cant ever change it
02:37:47 +NoizyToyz actually
02:37:56 +NoizyToyz i used daR4V3N since about 95
02:38:09 +NoizyToyz then it became NoizyToyz
02:38:40 +NoizyToyz and daR4V3N currently resides on my licence plate :
02:38:56 @blkjack Thats the worst thing Ive ever heard
02:41:32 @cat-dog blkjack: its funny with how much of a capitalist you are that there is none in your nickname
02:44:12 @blkjack cat-dog: What do you mean?
02:44:15 @blkjack Im a capitalist?
02:44:19 @blkjack No way man
02:44:27 @blkjack Man thats pretty clever though
02:44:34 @blkjack I didnt actually understand
02:44:35 @blkjack At first
02:44:38 @cat-dog heh
02:44:41 @blkjack BlkJack looks wack though
02:44:43 @blkjack Know what Im sayin?
02:44:48 @maytag oh man
02:44:51 @maytag i just got that
02:44:54 @cat-dog You Always Puncutate Correctly.
02:45:01 @blkjack OH is that what you meant too?
02:45:04 @blkjack By capitalist?
02:45:06 @cat-dog yeah
02:45:12 @blkjack Man there were like 5 layers of wit and none of us got any of it
10:44 barium ascii steals a lot of wanking time :-
10:44 cat-dog heh
10:44 cat-dog not if you wank to ascii
10:45 barium :-/
10:45 barium i dreamed about drawing ascii tonight. so i guess im not far off masturbating to ascii...
pimpdopie anyone good with building carts and shit?
maytag carts?
zeroVsion try amish
05:57:04 @ll I met a much music VJ tonight
05:57:46 @blkjack Whoooo!
05:57:48 roodolph hope she was a girl!
05:58:05 * ll is now the epitome of cool
05:59:10 @ll and I also met this guy who claimed to have worked at sun for ten years
05:59:18 @ll and worked on a good deal of solaris
06:03:21 @ll he said the NSA is after him so he cant return to the States.
06:03:42 m0lo- OO
06:03:54 @blkjack Haha
06:04:08 @ll I asked him if he ircd
06:04:12 roodolph ...
06:04:13 @ll he lifted his glasses and was like
06:04:20 @ll irc is way too insecure to use
06:04:30 @ll and gave me his business card
23:42:53 -- OSCOTOX karma@dup-148-233-221-97.prodigy.net.mx has joined ascii
23:43:01 OSCOTOX hi
23:43:20 OSCOTOX where can i get a marihuana plant in ascii? its for my motd
23:43:45 cat-dog who spells it like that?
23:44:08 OSCOTOX uh? my english kidna sucks
23:50:24 -- OSCOTOX has quit
23:54:39 @blkjack If you cant spell it, you probably shouldnt be smoking
23:56:03 radACiD blkjack: Dude cmon. Hes from Mexico AND hes on PRODIGY.
14:05:32 --- dbrn sets mode +m asciicompo
14:05:38 @dbrn the compo lasts
14:05:45 @dbrn 1 hour for drawing
14:06:04 @dbrn hope it is ok for everybody
14:06:18 @dbrn the sentence to write is
14:06:21 @radman ...
14:06:28 @dbrn XTREME ASCII
14:06:35 --- ll is now known as hahawhat
16:45:39 radman ASCIIcompo - POST-EASTER IRC ASCII COMPO
16:45:39 radman Monday, April 12th 2004,
16:45:40 radman RESULTS: newschool+block
16:45:40 radman n-3.txt 37 pts - Black Jack
16:45:40 radman n-2.txt 36 pts - Abstrakt
16:45:40 radman n-1.txt 34 pts - Ferrex
16:45:40 radman n-4.txt 9 pts - DDRJ
16:45:42 radman n-65.txt 4 pts - high247
16:46:47 @troll someone needs to stop getting high and draw
14:29:42 @cat-dog barium: well no one has submitted *anything* for mimeograph, or expressed any interest, so i had to go to the extreme
14:33:32 roodolph hmm
14:33:39 roodolph i wish i could write something good
14:34:42 @cat-dog i wish i could too hah
14:34:56 roodolph :D
14:35:18 @barium i wish i could speak swahili
14:36:41 @rm i speak the language of love
14:37:09 @barium i speak swedish, thats kinda like being a nazi but without the chix.
17:21:29 roodolph i heared blowjob is fun maytag said that
17:22:13 barium maytag say so much... :-
17:22:21 roodolph :D:D
17:22:24 dbrn but he does them ?
17:22:45 dbrn ask him if he gives head
17:22:49 dbrn :D j/k
17:22:56 roodolph hes not here so i can talk freely
02:11:22 -- NoizyToyz NoizyToyz@dhcp065-031-005-173.insight.rr.com has joined mimic
02:11:44 --- cat-dog sets ban on *!*@dhcp065-031-005-173.insight.rr.com
02:11:45 -- mmcServ has kicked NoizyToyz from mimic Banned
02:11:49 @maytag hey
02:11:56 @maytag what was that for?
02:12:00 @cat-dog nickname ban
02:12:10 @ll he got audited
02:12:10 @maytag hes my friend
02:12:12 Rasputina eek
02:12:13 @cat-dog oh haha
02:12:17 --- cat-dog removes ban on *!*@dhcp065-031-005-173.insight.rr.com
02:12:23 @cat-dog MY BAD
02:12:31 -- NoizyToyz NoizyToyz@dhcp065-031-005-173.insight.rr.com has joined mimic
02:36:46 @blkjack NoizyToyz seems like one of those guys whos had his IRC
alias for too long
02:36:58 @blkjack Long enough that he basically cant ever change it
02:37:47 +NoizyToyz actually
02:37:56 +NoizyToyz i used daR4V3N since about 95
02:38:09 +NoizyToyz then it became NoizyToyz
02:38:40 +NoizyToyz and daR4V3N currently resides on my licence plate :
02:38:56 @blkjack Thats the worst thing Ive ever heard
02:41:32 @cat-dog blkjack: its funny with how much of a capitalist you are that there is none in your nickname
02:44:12 @blkjack cat-dog: What do you mean?
02:44:15 @blkjack Im a capitalist?
02:44:19 @blkjack No way man
02:44:27 @blkjack Man thats pretty clever though
02:44:34 @blkjack I didnt actually understand
02:44:35 @blkjack At first
02:44:38 @cat-dog heh
02:44:41 @blkjack BlkJack looks wack though
02:44:43 @blkjack Know what Im sayin?
02:44:48 @maytag oh man
02:44:51 @maytag i just got that
02:44:54 @cat-dog You Always Puncutate Correctly.
02:45:01 @blkjack OH is that what you meant too?
02:45:04 @blkjack By capitalist?
02:45:06 @cat-dog yeah
02:45:12 @blkjack Man there were like 5 layers of wit and none of us got any of it
10:44 barium ascii steals a lot of wanking time :-
10:44 cat-dog heh
10:44 cat-dog not if you wank to ascii
10:45 barium :-/
10:45 barium i dreamed about drawing ascii tonight. so i guess im not far off masturbating to ascii...
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