this image contains text
d db
:44b4b44b b
l lA :A :A :A :A :: l
l l : : : l l
l la :b l
: :: l
. Y : :YYYa l
,,, ,,,l ,,,,
this is some last-minute ascii for chaos ad, and its also my birthday present
to myself. which is like.. uh.. pretty bad present eh?
anyway, on to the delicious filling!
IRC LOG FROM 11.02.2003
sinsilent jash the ansi scene isnt dead. its no where near dead. just
because there is no activity in this channel doesnt mean its
dead , it means a lot of people have jobs and school and arent
in here right now
I am rambling about how I had lots of stuff to do and yet found time to draw
Jashiin sinsilent Ive seen people who had like 3 jobs + school + things and
yet they find time for their hobbies
Jashiin So all those excuses are.. BULLSHIT.
sinsilent hahahaha
sinsilent whatever dude
sinsilent jashin , just because YOU can do something like that doesnt mean
EVERYONE else can
Jashiin sinsilent If one holds something dear, one CAN find time.
sinsilent hahaha
sinsilent not if you have work , school , a girlfriend , and family
sinsilent hahaha
Jashiin You just find excuses
The most common excuse for not drawing ANSi has ALWAYS been I dont have
time.. We all know that this may shake the current conversation but it simply
isnt true. When I was working 60 hrs. a week , going to school , and raising
a baby boy I still has time to draw and play basketball. Its just that you
have to love ANSi , love it like a baby and hold it in your arms forever!@
Hurray for tcf!
:44b4b44b b
l lA :A :A :A :A :: l
l l : : : l l
l la :b l
: :: l
. Y : :YYYa l
,,, ,,,l ,,,,
this is some last-minute ascii for chaos ad, and its also my birthday present
to myself. which is like.. uh.. pretty bad present eh?
anyway, on to the delicious filling!
IRC LOG FROM 11.02.2003
sinsilent jash the ansi scene isnt dead. its no where near dead. just
because there is no activity in this channel doesnt mean its
dead , it means a lot of people have jobs and school and arent
in here right now
I am rambling about how I had lots of stuff to do and yet found time to draw
Jashiin sinsilent Ive seen people who had like 3 jobs + school + things and
yet they find time for their hobbies
Jashiin So all those excuses are.. BULLSHIT.
sinsilent hahahaha
sinsilent whatever dude
sinsilent jashin , just because YOU can do something like that doesnt mean
EVERYONE else can
Jashiin sinsilent If one holds something dear, one CAN find time.
sinsilent hahaha
sinsilent not if you have work , school , a girlfriend , and family
sinsilent hahaha
Jashiin You just find excuses
The most common excuse for not drawing ANSi has ALWAYS been I dont have
time.. We all know that this may shake the current conversation but it simply
isnt true. When I was working 60 hrs. a week , going to school , and raising
a baby boy I still has time to draw and play basketball. Its just that you
have to love ANSi , love it like a baby and hold it in your arms forever!@
Hurray for tcf!
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