this image contains text
* moerderbaesse / killerdrums * --------------------------------dtr-hl.txt-
: h e a v y l e t t e r i z m :
: in memorian of andi ramone horvath :
: i wish one of our various tries :
: to meet had been successful :
: i t s t h e y e a r t w o t h o u s a nd a n d 2
: l e t s :
d o
t h e .
ttt i m e w a rp :
: a g a i n . :
. it has been quite a while since ive / /
: seen this guys. i wonder what they are / / /
.:. going to do now after they mashed up all /
place the last time.. / /./ /
: : / / Mt
: : :lets sit back and watch!
: : a g u y c a l l e d ..
: .. a v e n g e r :
Mo!aL / / / /
: r : e p r e s e n t i n g --------------
/ .o/ dream / theatre /o.
/ l ...... / ..
-!----- l/ . --- / :
n7v : / /
a:s:l :.... / / / / / , / /
: : l/ l/ / . ---- l/
: a : n d -
: . * bLACK mAiDEN *
: a : n d a l s o ..
: m i m i c
/ / /mR!
// p r e s e n t s
a n e w c o l l e c t i o n c a l l e d
h e a v y
l e t t e r i z m
the intro
its quiet in the streets of new lorque. well, as long as
you ignore the screams of ascii gangs slaughtering each other.
a long time has passed since the clan of the low profile had
conquered every boss chair in this city and renamed this giant, ugly
pile of skyscrapers to new lorque. few know how it was called before ..
: / / / U / /.
/ / says: 1oo
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: zito
o n e
/ h u n d r e d
/ / / p e r c e n t
/ U / / - / / / -
ave dtr
one hundred percent presents
eine ganze menge eingelegte
/ / says: third world
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: toot?
/ / says: alien pub
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: zippy
/ / / / the alien pub :
/ / dastollhaus- :
// dernationzippy :
/ / says: audio
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
: a U D I O ! . - U / - / - /
: ----------- ave/dTR!
/ / says: ankeborg
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: pogue?
ankeborg - / / / / / ankeborg
.:.. ave.:
/ / says: amok
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
ave dTR
/ / says: config
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nestor
/ / / - c o n f i g ::
ave dtr.................::.........
/ / says: moplayaz
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: tEiS
/ m o p l a y a z - ./
/ ave / /
/ / says: phat one
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: raver
ave . //
/ / says: straight from
/ / heavy letterizm the crate
-//------ ---- req by: zaner
-:-- sTRAiGHT fROM tHE cRATE ---:-
:avedTr . :
-:- lots of musical digging @ the yard -:-
/ / says: spiral
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: some compo?
s p i r a l / / / / / - / /ave
/ / says: street sweeper
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: dipswitch
ave/ dTR
: .. s t r e e t s w e e p e r .. : ---:--------------------------:---
// teaawTWO,mmbfla
the giant spider of lorque controlled everything. but after such a
long time it had become lazy and careless .
so unnoticed by the government a strange new group of warriors had
appeared in the suburbs. they were on the one hand the cybersneakers
of the divine stylers clique and then there was the even more
mysterious sect of dream theatre. rumours said strange rituals would
take place in the outback and their shamans would have arcane powers .
aveskij memphis is one of these shamans. he waited ages for his
chance and was finally chosen by the great dream theatre council to
explore the inner city core and recruit new warriors and find the
ones who hadnt returned .
the inhabitants of new lorque are irritated by the view of aveskij
a string of alien symbols and runes was burned into his face. the
deep black hair was bound to a plait, he hadnt shoven
himself for weeks. the blue-grey eyes give a hint on his real age .
his wide, gray coat flies in the wind as he wanders in direction of
the empire lorque building, leant on a man-tall wooden staff .
ave. . dTR
.. says the sign over the bar . its one out of many similar
etablissements. the doorman, obviously a former box-champion , is
busy playing with his vibroblade . this evening the musical live act
consists of a huge , heavy musceled mc with rastas and a
turn-tableist with fingers faster than light . the mcee toasts some
wikked rhymes and the dj spins a couple of nuskool breakbeat
records . the bottles of beer on the tables vibrate and nobody
notices how aveskij memphis enters the room . no one has yet
discovered the dead doorman at the entrance, nailed on the wall with
the vibroblade stuck in his throat .
memphis sits down in a corner and watches the musicians .
they look somehow familiar . now heavier beats are rolling
through the smoky room. breakbeat massacre . he really loves what
hes hearing. obviously the audience isnt . bottles are thrown and
the audience, mostly rockers and a few other dusty characters , are
yelling names at the two musicians .
angrily the mc takes up one bottle and throws it back . it hits one
rocker in the front, who has the size of two normal men . the bottle
breaks and blood drips from wounds all over his face . he starts
screaming in anger which easily triumphated over the volume of the
music. the dj stops the turntables and packs up very quickly .
now the crowd is totally out of control . the barman prefers to hide
behind his bar .
the tall mc takes up a billard queue and holds it in front of him ,
the dj wields two vibro-blades and switches them on . one rocker
attacks with a chain . the mc blocks off the chain easily
and kicks the rocker from the stage .
the dj and the mcee are now standing back2back . the dj swings one
blade and decapitates a rocker while he keeps the others on distance
with the other blade . but they have no chance since the attackers
are simply too many . just when the rocker with the smashed face is
pulling out two heavy guns, suddenly a strange sing-sang gets louder
and louder . everybody turned around wondering where this sound is
coming from . aveskij had lifted his hand and enchants the
old chorus of thgiliwt .
the mc cannot believe his eyes : every lightsource in the room seems
to run to one place, particles build a body looking like a dragon.
finally the materilization was finished and the fire-red monster
roared . when the monster made one step to the crowd, life came back
to the rockers and they tried to escape. the fat rocker shot his
automatic guns right into the dragons mouth but couldnt stop him ..
few people are left to hear the crunching noises of the dragon
finishing his meal.
/ / says: the ascii charts
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: dipswitch
: t h e /
: a s c i i . .
: c h a r t s - / / / /
/ / says: tear
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
....... / /..... t e a r
/ / says: galza
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: asciicompo
.-/---- / / galza / /-----/-.
-:---- a s c i i c o m p o n u m b e r 2 4 3 7 9 9 0 1 ----:-
/ / says: aznet
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
/ / / aZNET
/ / says: basskraft
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
.......:ave dTR:.....
/ / says: beggie
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: lord chaos
BeGGie ..........................:.. : avedTR
ave / / / // /dTR
:..:. b e g g i e .:..:
/ / says: betamax
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: betamax crew
: b e t a m a x :
/ / says: birdhouse
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: birdhouse op
ave dtr
.:..:. b i r d h o u s e f t p .:..:.
/ / says: blazing
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: dipswitch
: : : avedtr
:.......: : : : : bLAZ1NG
/ / says: blitzkrieg
/ / heavy letterizm witchcraft
-//------ ---- req by: ?
. ave .
/ / says: console
/ / heavy letterizm city
-//------ ---- req by: ?
c o n s o l e c i t y
/ / says: conference
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nestor
c o n f e r e n c e - b l a b l a .............. avedtr .........
/ / says: chiptunes.org
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: chiptunes.org
/- c h i p t u n e . o r g ------------/
: / U / / /
-: -- ----//------------------------avedTR-:
/ / says: czarne blondynki
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
:..: . / czarne blondynki
/ / says: death and money
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
// /dTR
/ / says: dancehall conf
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: zaner
: ave//dtr :
: dANCEHALL / / / rEGGAE :
/ / says: danone
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
ave// d a n o n e - /dTR
/ / says: darkVCD
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
ave// //dTR
/ / says: die blumenkinder
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: poti
.. : poti bla hier / /
: : zippy und blubb dort / - / /
. .: : / die blumenkinder - : :
/ / says: don
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: don
d o n
/ / says: electronic beats
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: zaner
: e l e c t r o n i c :
ave dtr
b e a t s
/ / says: emulation
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nestor
/ U / - / / / / :
ave .
/ / says: exile
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
exile / /
irc /. /.
script avedTR
when everyone except the two musicians and aveskij has left the room ,
the shaman makes a quick gesture with his staff and the monster
vanishes with a last howl . gasping for air the dj turns around and
looks aveskij memphis into the eyes . ive only seen this kind of
magic once in my life and that has been long , long time ago .
ages before my current life.. i wonder.. no ! tell me its not you !
you cant be..
aveskij grins yes, i am. im glad and also suprised to see you, my
friend. still in love with those turntables? they take each other
in the arms .
the dj nods , lost in thoughts yes . i still cant believe it .
the portal to the astral plane closed so suddenly we all thought you
and the clan would be lost forever .. anyway, let me introduce my
fellow companion mcee orkstar or also known as zanerski, he supports
me with his wicked microphone chatting . zanerski, this is ..
aveskij interrupts him call me aveskij memphis , or ave for my
friends nice to meet you and thanks for your help with those
unfriendly guys, ave said zanerski and they shake hands .
memphis turned back to the dj so tell me, how do you call yourself
nowadays , lord chaos ? zanerski is obviously surprised .
lord chaos laughs well , i hid my origin under the name lois lane ,
but thats over now - at least for this adventure .
aveskij memphis nods . hell yeah!
the three guys go to the next bar, since most of the bottles were
broken in the little fight, and sit down in a corner.. aveskij takes
a small but very thick black book out of his coat and lays it on the
table. maybe youre interested what ive been working on the last
years.. - sure lord chaos grins and opens the book . it features
dozens of black and white sketches ....
/ / says: first family
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
/ / // / I
/ / says: ftp list
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: zippy
f t p // / l i s t /
ave/dTR! /
/ / says: ftpcopolipse
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
: / ftpcopolipse /
: ave.. ..dTR/
. f t p c o p o l i p s e i n f o f i l e
-:-------------- design by ave/dream theatre -----------------:-
/ / says: galza
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: asciicompo
.----------/ / / galza / /----------
/ / says: geniuz
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: geniuz
geniuz . .
/ / says: geniuz 2
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: geniuz
I : geniuz / moplayaz language lab und so : I
for 150 friendship, love and sonnenuntergaenge contact this comrade:
geniuz horst
hallo strasse 52
/ germany
----/- avedTR -----------------------------------------------------/----/
/ / says: gme2ooo
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: gme2ooo
...: / .: gme2ooo
/ / says: gosub21
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: fastjackjeru
gosub 21 avebm .
/ / / U / / / /
/ / says: horst
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: supah
: : / er heisst h0rst und jeder kennt ihn : : /
/ / says: homer
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
ave// dtr
/ / says: insomnia
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
..- / avedTR / / / - /--.
/ / says: industry
/ / heavy letterizm standard ftp
-//------ ---- req by: ?
.............. industrial standard ftp ..............
ave /dTR
/ / says: joy to the
/ / heavy letterizm world
-//------ ---- req by: shaolin
ave/dTR /
/ / says: kubuz
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: kubuz
/ / / U / / k u b u z :
/ / says: link124
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: link124
ave dTR
/ / says: malik
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: maleeeeek
. / maleekster
/ / says: masterslut
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
/ U /
/ / says: melrose place
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: toot
/ - / melrose p l a c e :
/ / says: milky way
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
: / avedtr/:
.:... m i l k y w a y f t p s e r v e r infotext here ...:.
/ / says: mother
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: mother aka
ave dTR
: : : : mother
: : : : black
--/----------------------:-:----------------------------: maiden
/ / says: occult
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: pigpen
ave dTr
U /
/ / oCCULT
ave dTr /
* SUDDENLY * **** **** . * *************
U / - - / / /
some noize distracts the threes attention from the memphis styles ..
at least two dozen members of the new lorque security force are
entering the room, wearing masks and dark blue overalls with lots of
eelectronic equipment . everyone is armed with a heavy automatic gun .
one guy , obviously the leader , looks around the bar and spot!s
aveskij and friends . over there! accompanied by the other police
men the leader marches to the table where lord chaos, zanerski and
aveskij are sitting . you are arrested . you are accused of murder
and vandalism . come with us - resistance is futile !
lord chaos looks over to aveskij , ready to pull out his blades .
aveskij shakes his head . too many . lets wait for a moment .
you wont see the sun for a long time when were done with you guys ,
come with me NOW ! the security leader yelled at them .
they dont feel very comfortable doing this, but the three mates
let the security force disarm them and they are lead to the gray
and old state prison of new lorque .
a raven sits on the fence and is staring at them .
it might not look very high-tech but it still serves its purpose .
obviously the police officer likes prisoning people .
you will spent the next night in one of our more
comfortable suites and then supreme court will decide
about how to execute you .
you seem to be pretty sure that we will be executed zanerski
replies while the cops are pushing them towards their cell .
yeah. he turned around well, we dont rely on solid walls only .
officer, come over and bind them.
aye, captain. another security officer came over and bound them
with a complicated set of strings which left few freedom to move
hands and legs .
i will be back tomorrow to take you to the court, enjoy your
last night of life . the police men leave .
lord chaos asks what can we do now?. aveskij tries to shrug but
the strings make it impossible i dont know, i didnt expect them
to bind us . i cant chant any spells without my hands .
zanerski sighs . well.. then we have to wait. the three guys try to
find the most comfortable position possible and wait.
time passes by..
/ / says: openbsd
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: rezine
o p e n B S D
/ / says: phantasy
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: raver
:avedtr :
::: p h a n t a s y :::
...:........:.---/------ r e l e a s e i n f o ------/---.:........:..
...:........:.---/------- m e m b e r l i s t -------/---.:........:..
...:........:.---/--------- b o a r d s ---------/---.:........:..
...:........:.---/--------- g r e e t s ---------/---.:........:..
: if you want to contact pHANTASY tRY phantasyemail@pht.xy or :
: call any of the above mentioned boards! :
---- d e s i g n b y a v e n g e r / b l a c k m a i d e n d T R 2oo1 ----
/ / says: poise
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nekro
/ / says: 3x prevail
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nestor
/ ave /dTR /
/ prevail!
p r e v a i . l
ave / / / / / // /dtr
/ ./ / / / - / / / ave
/ //dtr
p r e v a i l / s ome placefillingstuff :
/ / says: raketenbrot
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: potze
raketenbrot - jetzt auch mit /
sauerampfer! - /
@BEGINFILEID.DIZ an ascii colly called heavy letterizm
. / by avenger
// / / / // / / .drEAm
/ // / / / thEAtrE
// //D! /
/ / says: records
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nestor
dTR ----------.-------------------------------------------------.---------- -
.: r e c o r d s .:.
/ / says: renee
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: toot ?
avedTR /
/ / says: riders of the
/ / heavy letterizm storm
-//------ ---- req by: darkus
/ / . avedTR
/ / says: rules
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nestor
. / / U / / .
- -----:-- ave dTR --:------
/ / says: sample
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: sources
ave/ dTR
/ / says: scenet
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
.......... : s c e n e t : .......
/ave dTR/
/ / says: skatevideos
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: zippy
/ / says: spiral
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ascii compo
s p i r a l / / / / / - / /ave
/ / says: spunk
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
..... / U / / /
: /ave /dTR
/ / says: time zone
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
-/--:----- dtr--:---
: t i m e z o n e :
/ / says: the loop
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: noches
tHE lOOP! - /
the three ascii heroes have fallen asleep when zanerski suddenly
wakes up and feels something like very low frequency bass hits
running against the walls . hey wake up you two lord chaos and
aveskij need a few seconds to open their eyes but then they can feel
it too . what is it? they feel how the power of the hits is
increasing fast and finally with a big crash the outer wall starts to
vibrate so heavily that it begins breaking down.
when the dust calmed down they recognize a shape of a man .. zanerski
happily exclaimes eL miGHTY shaoliNo! the man walks into the cell ,
smiles and says yeah thats me . also lord chaos recognizes hey
shao , i really love to see you here but please hurry and untie us
before those stupid !@:*@! come back.. ok ok, nice to see you too
lordee shaolino quickly unties the guys and than they disappear in
the dark..
as they reach the outer prison fence aveskij notices that the raven
is still sitting on top of it and then he suddenly realizes ..
dipsker switchblade you damn mutant .. change back into a human so i
can hug you!!
the raven jumps down to the ground, using his wings to slow the fall
and then a black cloud appears , covering dipsker . after a few
seconds the cloud fades away and a large - a large wild looking man -
shao explains well.. dipsker was observing the enemy as usual when
he saw you get arrested . he immediatly told me and we decided
to get you out before the dream theatre clan will lose even more
a very noble move lordee laughs. but now lets get out of here guys !
/ / says: tribe
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: tribe
/ / : tribe- : :
/ / says: twister
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: twister?
// / / / / /dTR
ave ...
/ / says: the yard
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: zaner
: ave//dTR
/ / says: upload
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nestor
U / - / - / : :
ave dTR..:. upload .:.....
/ / says: utopia
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
U / / / / /
/ / says: vans
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: toot
/ ave dTR
/ / says: volatile
/ / heavy letterizm mimic
-//------ ---- req by: volatile
ave //dTR
ave dTr
/ / says: wall
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nestor
/ / - / / / wall
/ / says: zerostar
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: zerostar
avedtr ...........................................
/ / : z e r o s t a r blablabla
this is the end of part one.
read on about the future adventures
of the dream theatre warriors and the
divine stylers clique in ... ... ..
/ /heavy
: : .: / letterizm
: part two! ....
thank you very very much mortimer twang, mogue!, native,
mark ryder!, desert and dino for your wonderful logos and
characters. i love you not only for that.
thanks to dipswitch for helping me out with the final
cleaning of this thing.
im sorry that the end of the colly lacks a little design
but i wanted to get this fucker finally released and since
it will be released in mimic pack 50 too, the deadline uhoh,
gotta hurry up and the lack of sleep prevent me from
doing it the proper way.
greets and thanks to all you ansi- ascii-artists, who shared
my passion for this sweet textmode over the last years.
it was a good fun time.
till a.k.a. avenger / black maiden * dream theatre * mimic
ex-member of: utshg, ega, fire, mean scheme, zenith!design
seraphic, everglo, awe and probably some more
which i forgot.
/ / / / / / / / / VISIT EVOKE 2002 !
/ / / 30.8.-1.9. COLOGNE
- -------diP-:-dTR--------------------------------------------------- - -
-dtr-hl.txt-------------------------------------- * mrderbsse, killadrums -
: h e a v y l e t t e r i z m :
: in memorian of andi ramone horvath :
: i wish one of our various tries :
: to meet had been successful :
: i t s t h e y e a r t w o t h o u s a nd a n d 2
: l e t s :
d o
t h e .
ttt i m e w a rp :
: a g a i n . :
. it has been quite a while since ive / /
: seen this guys. i wonder what they are / / /
.:. going to do now after they mashed up all /
place the last time.. / /./ /
: : / / Mt
: : :lets sit back and watch!
: : a g u y c a l l e d ..
: .. a v e n g e r :
Mo!aL / / / /
: r : e p r e s e n t i n g --------------
/ .o/ dream / theatre /o.
/ l ...... / ..
-!----- l/ . --- / :
n7v : / /
a:s:l :.... / / / / / , / /
: : l/ l/ / . ---- l/
: a : n d -
: . * bLACK mAiDEN *
: a : n d a l s o ..
: m i m i c
/ / /mR!
// p r e s e n t s
a n e w c o l l e c t i o n c a l l e d
h e a v y
l e t t e r i z m
the intro
its quiet in the streets of new lorque. well, as long as
you ignore the screams of ascii gangs slaughtering each other.
a long time has passed since the clan of the low profile had
conquered every boss chair in this city and renamed this giant, ugly
pile of skyscrapers to new lorque. few know how it was called before ..
: / / / U / /.
/ / says: 1oo
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: zito
o n e
/ h u n d r e d
/ / / p e r c e n t
/ U / / - / / / -
ave dtr
one hundred percent presents
eine ganze menge eingelegte
/ / says: third world
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: toot?
/ / says: alien pub
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: zippy
/ / / / the alien pub :
/ / dastollhaus- :
// dernationzippy :
/ / says: audio
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
: a U D I O ! . - U / - / - /
: ----------- ave/dTR!
/ / says: ankeborg
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: pogue?
ankeborg - / / / / / ankeborg
.:.. ave.:
/ / says: amok
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
ave dTR
/ / says: config
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nestor
/ / / - c o n f i g ::
ave dtr.................::.........
/ / says: moplayaz
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: tEiS
/ m o p l a y a z - ./
/ ave / /
/ / says: phat one
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: raver
ave . //
/ / says: straight from
/ / heavy letterizm the crate
-//------ ---- req by: zaner
-:-- sTRAiGHT fROM tHE cRATE ---:-
:avedTr . :
-:- lots of musical digging @ the yard -:-
/ / says: spiral
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: some compo?
s p i r a l / / / / / - / /ave
/ / says: street sweeper
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: dipswitch
ave/ dTR
: .. s t r e e t s w e e p e r .. : ---:--------------------------:---
// teaawTWO,mmbfla
the giant spider of lorque controlled everything. but after such a
long time it had become lazy and careless .
so unnoticed by the government a strange new group of warriors had
appeared in the suburbs. they were on the one hand the cybersneakers
of the divine stylers clique and then there was the even more
mysterious sect of dream theatre. rumours said strange rituals would
take place in the outback and their shamans would have arcane powers .
aveskij memphis is one of these shamans. he waited ages for his
chance and was finally chosen by the great dream theatre council to
explore the inner city core and recruit new warriors and find the
ones who hadnt returned .
the inhabitants of new lorque are irritated by the view of aveskij
a string of alien symbols and runes was burned into his face. the
deep black hair was bound to a plait, he hadnt shoven
himself for weeks. the blue-grey eyes give a hint on his real age .
his wide, gray coat flies in the wind as he wanders in direction of
the empire lorque building, leant on a man-tall wooden staff .
ave. . dTR
.. says the sign over the bar . its one out of many similar
etablissements. the doorman, obviously a former box-champion , is
busy playing with his vibroblade . this evening the musical live act
consists of a huge , heavy musceled mc with rastas and a
turn-tableist with fingers faster than light . the mcee toasts some
wikked rhymes and the dj spins a couple of nuskool breakbeat
records . the bottles of beer on the tables vibrate and nobody
notices how aveskij memphis enters the room . no one has yet
discovered the dead doorman at the entrance, nailed on the wall with
the vibroblade stuck in his throat .
memphis sits down in a corner and watches the musicians .
they look somehow familiar . now heavier beats are rolling
through the smoky room. breakbeat massacre . he really loves what
hes hearing. obviously the audience isnt . bottles are thrown and
the audience, mostly rockers and a few other dusty characters , are
yelling names at the two musicians .
angrily the mc takes up one bottle and throws it back . it hits one
rocker in the front, who has the size of two normal men . the bottle
breaks and blood drips from wounds all over his face . he starts
screaming in anger which easily triumphated over the volume of the
music. the dj stops the turntables and packs up very quickly .
now the crowd is totally out of control . the barman prefers to hide
behind his bar .
the tall mc takes up a billard queue and holds it in front of him ,
the dj wields two vibro-blades and switches them on . one rocker
attacks with a chain . the mc blocks off the chain easily
and kicks the rocker from the stage .
the dj and the mcee are now standing back2back . the dj swings one
blade and decapitates a rocker while he keeps the others on distance
with the other blade . but they have no chance since the attackers
are simply too many . just when the rocker with the smashed face is
pulling out two heavy guns, suddenly a strange sing-sang gets louder
and louder . everybody turned around wondering where this sound is
coming from . aveskij had lifted his hand and enchants the
old chorus of thgiliwt .
the mc cannot believe his eyes : every lightsource in the room seems
to run to one place, particles build a body looking like a dragon.
finally the materilization was finished and the fire-red monster
roared . when the monster made one step to the crowd, life came back
to the rockers and they tried to escape. the fat rocker shot his
automatic guns right into the dragons mouth but couldnt stop him ..
few people are left to hear the crunching noises of the dragon
finishing his meal.
/ / says: the ascii charts
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: dipswitch
: t h e /
: a s c i i . .
: c h a r t s - / / / /
/ / says: tear
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
....... / /..... t e a r
/ / says: galza
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: asciicompo
.-/---- / / galza / /-----/-.
-:---- a s c i i c o m p o n u m b e r 2 4 3 7 9 9 0 1 ----:-
/ / says: aznet
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
/ / / aZNET
/ / says: basskraft
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
.......:ave dTR:.....
/ / says: beggie
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: lord chaos
BeGGie ..........................:.. : avedTR
ave / / / // /dTR
:..:. b e g g i e .:..:
/ / says: betamax
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: betamax crew
: b e t a m a x :
/ / says: birdhouse
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: birdhouse op
ave dtr
.:..:. b i r d h o u s e f t p .:..:.
/ / says: blazing
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: dipswitch
: : : avedtr
:.......: : : : : bLAZ1NG
/ / says: blitzkrieg
/ / heavy letterizm witchcraft
-//------ ---- req by: ?
. ave .
/ / says: console
/ / heavy letterizm city
-//------ ---- req by: ?
c o n s o l e c i t y
/ / says: conference
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nestor
c o n f e r e n c e - b l a b l a .............. avedtr .........
/ / says: chiptunes.org
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: chiptunes.org
/- c h i p t u n e . o r g ------------/
: / U / / /
-: -- ----//------------------------avedTR-:
/ / says: czarne blondynki
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
:..: . / czarne blondynki
/ / says: death and money
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
// /dTR
/ / says: dancehall conf
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: zaner
: ave//dtr :
: dANCEHALL / / / rEGGAE :
/ / says: danone
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
ave// d a n o n e - /dTR
/ / says: darkVCD
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
ave// //dTR
/ / says: die blumenkinder
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: poti
.. : poti bla hier / /
: : zippy und blubb dort / - / /
. .: : / die blumenkinder - : :
/ / says: don
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: don
d o n
/ / says: electronic beats
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: zaner
: e l e c t r o n i c :
ave dtr
b e a t s
/ / says: emulation
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nestor
/ U / - / / / / :
ave .
/ / says: exile
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
exile / /
irc /. /.
script avedTR
when everyone except the two musicians and aveskij has left the room ,
the shaman makes a quick gesture with his staff and the monster
vanishes with a last howl . gasping for air the dj turns around and
looks aveskij memphis into the eyes . ive only seen this kind of
magic once in my life and that has been long , long time ago .
ages before my current life.. i wonder.. no ! tell me its not you !
you cant be..
aveskij grins yes, i am. im glad and also suprised to see you, my
friend. still in love with those turntables? they take each other
in the arms .
the dj nods , lost in thoughts yes . i still cant believe it .
the portal to the astral plane closed so suddenly we all thought you
and the clan would be lost forever .. anyway, let me introduce my
fellow companion mcee orkstar or also known as zanerski, he supports
me with his wicked microphone chatting . zanerski, this is ..
aveskij interrupts him call me aveskij memphis , or ave for my
friends nice to meet you and thanks for your help with those
unfriendly guys, ave said zanerski and they shake hands .
memphis turned back to the dj so tell me, how do you call yourself
nowadays , lord chaos ? zanerski is obviously surprised .
lord chaos laughs well , i hid my origin under the name lois lane ,
but thats over now - at least for this adventure .
aveskij memphis nods . hell yeah!
the three guys go to the next bar, since most of the bottles were
broken in the little fight, and sit down in a corner.. aveskij takes
a small but very thick black book out of his coat and lays it on the
table. maybe youre interested what ive been working on the last
years.. - sure lord chaos grins and opens the book . it features
dozens of black and white sketches ....
/ / says: first family
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
/ / // / I
/ / says: ftp list
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: zippy
f t p // / l i s t /
ave/dTR! /
/ / says: ftpcopolipse
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
: / ftpcopolipse /
: ave.. ..dTR/
. f t p c o p o l i p s e i n f o f i l e
-:-------------- design by ave/dream theatre -----------------:-
/ / says: galza
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: asciicompo
.----------/ / / galza / /----------
/ / says: geniuz
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: geniuz
geniuz . .
/ / says: geniuz 2
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: geniuz
I : geniuz / moplayaz language lab und so : I
for 150 friendship, love and sonnenuntergaenge contact this comrade:
geniuz horst
hallo strasse 52
/ germany
----/- avedTR -----------------------------------------------------/----/
/ / says: gme2ooo
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: gme2ooo
...: / .: gme2ooo
/ / says: gosub21
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: fastjackjeru
gosub 21 avebm .
/ / / U / / / /
/ / says: horst
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: supah
: : / er heisst h0rst und jeder kennt ihn : : /
/ / says: homer
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
ave// dtr
/ / says: insomnia
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
..- / avedTR / / / - /--.
/ / says: industry
/ / heavy letterizm standard ftp
-//------ ---- req by: ?
.............. industrial standard ftp ..............
ave /dTR
/ / says: joy to the
/ / heavy letterizm world
-//------ ---- req by: shaolin
ave/dTR /
/ / says: kubuz
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: kubuz
/ / / U / / k u b u z :
/ / says: link124
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: link124
ave dTR
/ / says: malik
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: maleeeeek
. / maleekster
/ / says: masterslut
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
/ U /
/ / says: melrose place
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: toot
/ - / melrose p l a c e :
/ / says: milky way
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
: / avedtr/:
.:... m i l k y w a y f t p s e r v e r infotext here ...:.
/ / says: mother
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: mother aka
ave dTR
: : : : mother
: : : : black
--/----------------------:-:----------------------------: maiden
/ / says: occult
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: pigpen
ave dTr
U /
/ / oCCULT
ave dTr /
* SUDDENLY * **** **** . * *************
U / - - / / /
some noize distracts the threes attention from the memphis styles ..
at least two dozen members of the new lorque security force are
entering the room, wearing masks and dark blue overalls with lots of
eelectronic equipment . everyone is armed with a heavy automatic gun .
one guy , obviously the leader , looks around the bar and spot!s
aveskij and friends . over there! accompanied by the other police
men the leader marches to the table where lord chaos, zanerski and
aveskij are sitting . you are arrested . you are accused of murder
and vandalism . come with us - resistance is futile !
lord chaos looks over to aveskij , ready to pull out his blades .
aveskij shakes his head . too many . lets wait for a moment .
you wont see the sun for a long time when were done with you guys ,
come with me NOW ! the security leader yelled at them .
they dont feel very comfortable doing this, but the three mates
let the security force disarm them and they are lead to the gray
and old state prison of new lorque .
a raven sits on the fence and is staring at them .
it might not look very high-tech but it still serves its purpose .
obviously the police officer likes prisoning people .
you will spent the next night in one of our more
comfortable suites and then supreme court will decide
about how to execute you .
you seem to be pretty sure that we will be executed zanerski
replies while the cops are pushing them towards their cell .
yeah. he turned around well, we dont rely on solid walls only .
officer, come over and bind them.
aye, captain. another security officer came over and bound them
with a complicated set of strings which left few freedom to move
hands and legs .
i will be back tomorrow to take you to the court, enjoy your
last night of life . the police men leave .
lord chaos asks what can we do now?. aveskij tries to shrug but
the strings make it impossible i dont know, i didnt expect them
to bind us . i cant chant any spells without my hands .
zanerski sighs . well.. then we have to wait. the three guys try to
find the most comfortable position possible and wait.
time passes by..
/ / says: openbsd
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: rezine
o p e n B S D
/ / says: phantasy
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: raver
:avedtr :
::: p h a n t a s y :::
...:........:.---/------ r e l e a s e i n f o ------/---.:........:..
...:........:.---/------- m e m b e r l i s t -------/---.:........:..
...:........:.---/--------- b o a r d s ---------/---.:........:..
...:........:.---/--------- g r e e t s ---------/---.:........:..
: if you want to contact pHANTASY tRY phantasyemail@pht.xy or :
: call any of the above mentioned boards! :
---- d e s i g n b y a v e n g e r / b l a c k m a i d e n d T R 2oo1 ----
/ / says: poise
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nekro
/ / says: 3x prevail
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nestor
/ ave /dTR /
/ prevail!
p r e v a i . l
ave / / / / / // /dtr
/ ./ / / / - / / / ave
/ //dtr
p r e v a i l / s ome placefillingstuff :
/ / says: raketenbrot
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: potze
raketenbrot - jetzt auch mit /
sauerampfer! - /
@BEGINFILEID.DIZ an ascii colly called heavy letterizm
. / by avenger
// / / / // / / .drEAm
/ // / / / thEAtrE
// //D! /
/ / says: records
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nestor
dTR ----------.-------------------------------------------------.---------- -
.: r e c o r d s .:.
/ / says: renee
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: toot ?
avedTR /
/ / says: riders of the
/ / heavy letterizm storm
-//------ ---- req by: darkus
/ / . avedTR
/ / says: rules
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nestor
. / / U / / .
- -----:-- ave dTR --:------
/ / says: sample
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: sources
ave/ dTR
/ / says: scenet
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
.......... : s c e n e t : .......
/ave dTR/
/ / says: skatevideos
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: zippy
/ / says: spiral
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ascii compo
s p i r a l / / / / / - / /ave
/ / says: spunk
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
..... / U / / /
: /ave /dTR
/ / says: time zone
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
-/--:----- dtr--:---
: t i m e z o n e :
/ / says: the loop
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: noches
tHE lOOP! - /
the three ascii heroes have fallen asleep when zanerski suddenly
wakes up and feels something like very low frequency bass hits
running against the walls . hey wake up you two lord chaos and
aveskij need a few seconds to open their eyes but then they can feel
it too . what is it? they feel how the power of the hits is
increasing fast and finally with a big crash the outer wall starts to
vibrate so heavily that it begins breaking down.
when the dust calmed down they recognize a shape of a man .. zanerski
happily exclaimes eL miGHTY shaoliNo! the man walks into the cell ,
smiles and says yeah thats me . also lord chaos recognizes hey
shao , i really love to see you here but please hurry and untie us
before those stupid !@:*@! come back.. ok ok, nice to see you too
lordee shaolino quickly unties the guys and than they disappear in
the dark..
as they reach the outer prison fence aveskij notices that the raven
is still sitting on top of it and then he suddenly realizes ..
dipsker switchblade you damn mutant .. change back into a human so i
can hug you!!
the raven jumps down to the ground, using his wings to slow the fall
and then a black cloud appears , covering dipsker . after a few
seconds the cloud fades away and a large - a large wild looking man -
shao explains well.. dipsker was observing the enemy as usual when
he saw you get arrested . he immediatly told me and we decided
to get you out before the dream theatre clan will lose even more
a very noble move lordee laughs. but now lets get out of here guys !
/ / says: tribe
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: tribe
/ / : tribe- : :
/ / says: twister
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: twister?
// / / / / /dTR
ave ...
/ / says: the yard
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: zaner
: ave//dTR
/ / says: upload
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nestor
U / - / - / : :
ave dTR..:. upload .:.....
/ / says: utopia
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: ?
U / / / / /
/ / says: vans
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: toot
/ ave dTR
/ / says: volatile
/ / heavy letterizm mimic
-//------ ---- req by: volatile
ave //dTR
ave dTr
/ / says: wall
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: nestor
/ / - / / / wall
/ / says: zerostar
/ / heavy letterizm
-//------ ---- req by: zerostar
avedtr ...........................................
/ / : z e r o s t a r blablabla
this is the end of part one.
read on about the future adventures
of the dream theatre warriors and the
divine stylers clique in ... ... ..
/ /heavy
: : .: / letterizm
: part two! ....
thank you very very much mortimer twang, mogue!, native,
mark ryder!, desert and dino for your wonderful logos and
characters. i love you not only for that.
thanks to dipswitch for helping me out with the final
cleaning of this thing.
im sorry that the end of the colly lacks a little design
but i wanted to get this fucker finally released and since
it will be released in mimic pack 50 too, the deadline uhoh,
gotta hurry up and the lack of sleep prevent me from
doing it the proper way.
greets and thanks to all you ansi- ascii-artists, who shared
my passion for this sweet textmode over the last years.
it was a good fun time.
till a.k.a. avenger / black maiden * dream theatre * mimic
ex-member of: utshg, ega, fire, mean scheme, zenith!design
seraphic, everglo, awe and probably some more
which i forgot.
/ / / / / / / / / VISIT EVOKE 2002 !
/ / / 30.8.-1.9. COLOGNE
- -------diP-:-dTR--------------------------------------------------- - -
-dtr-hl.txt-------------------------------------- * mrderbsse, killadrums -
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