this image contains text
m i m i c t u r n s 4
w i s e l o s e s i t
everybody loves livejournal - read my bullshit too.
-- 05/06/2002 - 7:47pm ------------------------------------------------------
hmm.. im going to watch Angel soon. I kind of like that program, not as much
as Buffy, or maybe.. i cant decide.
my CAT is around here somewhere, tonight we plan to discuss the situation in
afghanastan over a game of chess. ironic really.
+ c a t + ::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: my cats name is sam.
::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::: i also have one named jazz
and one named libby.
my other one named doofie
- 05/06/2002 - 9:33pm -------------------------------------------------------
wise finds CUSTARD type donut type thing in fridge. i really like these.
there is also a chocolate chip muffin that i will eat a bit later after
playing final fantasy x.
Angel was good, seems they have raised Darla from the dead, for those who dont
know she was the one who turned Angel into a vampire!
C U S T A R D !
custard : dish or sauce made with milk and beaten eggs, usually sweetened
sweet sauce made with milk and flavoured cornflour.
- 09/06/2002 - 00:53am ------------------------------------------------------
today i made shakuhachi
trying to make sound with it, currently no success
may need to clean out bore better
think i will go steal more BAMBOO tomorrow
bamboo : tropical giant grass its stem used to make canes, furniture, etc.,
or for food.
- 09/06/2002 - 8:05pm -------------------------------------------------------
went and got bamboo today.
nobody around to watch.
difficult to cut.. got very large pieces
saw someone walk by, dont think they saw me in the bushes.
could have been embarassing, explaining what i was doing.
listening to buck 65 - VERTEX ... very cool.
vertex : highest point, top, apex
each angular point of tri
angle, polygon, etc .
meeting-point of lines
that form an angle.
- 18/06/2002 9:34pm ---------------------------------------------------------
hmm, playing too much final fantasy X
just downloading mimic 48
despite JEFFs email reminders, i managed not to finish this..
oh well, this will now be in mimic 49 - 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY PACK - WHAT A SETUP
::::::::::: j e f f / m i m i c :::::
- 04/07/2002 7.33pm ---------------------------------------------------------
been lazy
start to wonder what i was thinking
not sure MYSELF
are you?
m y s e l f
4 years of mimic, who wouldve thought.
wisekid : pack 13 - pack 49*
hi dtn, bj, whod, syc, crayon, spinsane, cat-dog.
w i s e l o s e s i t
everybody loves livejournal - read my bullshit too.
-- 05/06/2002 - 7:47pm ------------------------------------------------------
hmm.. im going to watch Angel soon. I kind of like that program, not as much
as Buffy, or maybe.. i cant decide.
my CAT is around here somewhere, tonight we plan to discuss the situation in
afghanastan over a game of chess. ironic really.
+ c a t + ::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: my cats name is sam.
::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::: i also have one named jazz
and one named libby.
my other one named doofie
- 05/06/2002 - 9:33pm -------------------------------------------------------
wise finds CUSTARD type donut type thing in fridge. i really like these.
there is also a chocolate chip muffin that i will eat a bit later after
playing final fantasy x.
Angel was good, seems they have raised Darla from the dead, for those who dont
know she was the one who turned Angel into a vampire!
C U S T A R D !
custard : dish or sauce made with milk and beaten eggs, usually sweetened
sweet sauce made with milk and flavoured cornflour.
- 09/06/2002 - 00:53am ------------------------------------------------------
today i made shakuhachi
trying to make sound with it, currently no success
may need to clean out bore better
think i will go steal more BAMBOO tomorrow
bamboo : tropical giant grass its stem used to make canes, furniture, etc.,
or for food.
- 09/06/2002 - 8:05pm -------------------------------------------------------
went and got bamboo today.
nobody around to watch.
difficult to cut.. got very large pieces
saw someone walk by, dont think they saw me in the bushes.
could have been embarassing, explaining what i was doing.
listening to buck 65 - VERTEX ... very cool.
vertex : highest point, top, apex
each angular point of tri
angle, polygon, etc .
meeting-point of lines
that form an angle.
- 18/06/2002 9:34pm ---------------------------------------------------------
hmm, playing too much final fantasy X
just downloading mimic 48
despite JEFFs email reminders, i managed not to finish this..
oh well, this will now be in mimic 49 - 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY PACK - WHAT A SETUP
::::::::::: j e f f / m i m i c :::::
- 04/07/2002 7.33pm ---------------------------------------------------------
been lazy
start to wonder what i was thinking
not sure MYSELF
are you?
m y s e l f
4 years of mimic, who wouldve thought.
wisekid : pack 13 - pack 49*
hi dtn, bj, whod, syc, crayon, spinsane, cat-dog.
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