this image contains text
. ... .......... .qb. .: .s@Ss :.
. .q@S@q. .d :: .k .4. .d :: .k ys.
4 .dy jk /.dy jk .s@Xl: aes
.d4. .jk/.d 4. .jk 7 .
.4 4 4kk .d 4 kk 7 .y,. ..
4 4. kk .d. kk */Q.4 / 4 4. Q .d yyy . Q ., . 4/
4Q .. .s ::....
. .... 47 MiMiC! . 4 :
47 . .*
47 . .
all ascii work i do gets released in mimic since jasper is now ansi only.
id like to thank black jack for being a true friend since the beginning, you
rock bj!
other greets to everyone else in mimic and jasper.
. .q@S@q. .d :: .k .4. .d :: .k ys.
4 .dy jk /.dy jk .s@Xl: aes
.d4. .jk/.d 4. .jk 7 .
.4 4 4kk .d 4 kk 7 .y,. ..
4 4. kk .d. kk */Q.4 / 4 4. Q .d yyy . Q ., . 4/
4Q .. .s ::....
. .... 47 MiMiC! . 4 :
47 . .*
47 . .
all ascii work i do gets released in mimic since jasper is now ansi only.
id like to thank black jack for being a true friend since the beginning, you
rock bj!
other greets to everyone else in mimic and jasper.
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