this image contains text
s e e w h a t y o u w a n t t o s e e .........
: M I M I C 4 2 :....: ..
: M E R R Y X M A S :
i asked nicely, i offered,. :::: ::::
again, nobody wanted my ascii:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
i will now do some ascii for people who probably will:not:want it
/ / / :T H E U S U A L S U S P E C T S:
/ / wk
abstract drax hex corrupt mother trasher
boss hogg demented kaes noches tripulogic
cain double zero mertz prizm unseen fate
discyple ekto merlin shrimp yce
+ abstract
+ boss hogg
/ wk
+ cain
/ wk
+ discyple
+ drax
/ / / / / / / .d.r.a.x.
// wk
+ demented
// // // // wk
+ double zero
/ / / / /: / : : / / :/ D O U B L E
Z E R O : :/ : / / / / / .
/ / wk
+ ekto
/ / / e k t o /
+ hex corrupt
wk /
+ kaes
+ mertz
---- / / / /-wk-
+ merlin
/ / / / / / : : / / m e r l i n wk
+ mother
+ noches
/ / / / /wk
+ prizm
+ shrimp
+ trasher
// //wk
+ tripulogic
+ unseen fate
// wk
/ / u n s e e n f a t e
+ yce
+-wk------------------------------- y c e ---+
the end.
have a good xmas, holidays, whatever..
probably do some ascii for a different group next time, possibly remorse..
ofcourse, requests are available .. not like anyone is going to request shit
though. wlynskey@hotmail.com / wise-x@ihug.co.nz
seeya in 2oo2.
shout outs to crayon the elastic uh - jeff - wh0d - mulysa ninja squad,
dartagnan and nobody else..
-Wisekid Wade
: M I M I C 4 2 :....: ..
: M E R R Y X M A S :
i asked nicely, i offered,. :::: ::::
again, nobody wanted my ascii:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
i will now do some ascii for people who probably will:not:want it
/ / / :T H E U S U A L S U S P E C T S:
/ / wk
abstract drax hex corrupt mother trasher
boss hogg demented kaes noches tripulogic
cain double zero mertz prizm unseen fate
discyple ekto merlin shrimp yce
+ abstract
+ boss hogg
/ wk
+ cain
/ wk
+ discyple
+ drax
/ / / / / / / .d.r.a.x.
// wk
+ demented
// // // // wk
+ double zero
/ / / / /: / : : / / :/ D O U B L E
Z E R O : :/ : / / / / / .
/ / wk
+ ekto
/ / / e k t o /
+ hex corrupt
wk /
+ kaes
+ mertz
---- / / / /-wk-
+ merlin
/ / / / / / : : / / m e r l i n wk
+ mother
+ noches
/ / / / /wk
+ prizm
+ shrimp
+ trasher
// //wk
+ tripulogic
+ unseen fate
// wk
/ / u n s e e n f a t e
+ yce
+-wk------------------------------- y c e ---+
the end.
have a good xmas, holidays, whatever..
probably do some ascii for a different group next time, possibly remorse..
ofcourse, requests are available .. not like anyone is going to request shit
though. wlynskey@hotmail.com / wise-x@ihug.co.nz
seeya in 2oo2.
shout outs to crayon the elastic uh - jeff - wh0d - mulysa ninja squad,
dartagnan and nobody else..
-Wisekid Wade
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