this image contains text
* ShrimpMimic
?b,. * /. Sg. , :b
. ?b ?S, . ?b. ? .,dM 1b. .
MMMMb j ,* jb. ?MMMMP jb. P .,a ., ?S* .,gSb. . jPSb ,*,d dMMMM MMM ,db ,aP* ., *,.,d .. ? P 11 iMMMMM 1 ,d -aMMMMMMb. ?P jMMMMb l , ? ?MMMM 1MM? l: : P j,. */MMb. ? jMMMMMP . /b. ?b /SM 1MMM i1 . *SP jSg. ?Mb. MMMMP . *, * :M1 b ?Mg,.. *Sb, ?Mb. ?M j . ,gMMb. ?MMMP jMS /1. lMMb. ,l jM ,. ?a, ?M MMMMMMMb . P jP . l M b. d * MS* ?b / /SM . j jP ,* 1,. .,dP p jP . /S SS
Remorse1981 .
The font says RMrS. heh, its drawn in the gEnICk sTyLe. LIT.
Theres no reason behind my decision to draw a Remorse logo. Certainly its not
the humiliating treatment I recieved by Remorse leaders nM at the time it was
in its glory, which was quite long ago.
I dedicate this to the current Remorse leader, Tzeentch, who does not share
the arrogance that characterizes current and former remorse members.
?b,. * /. Sg. , :b
. ?b ?S, . ?b. ? .,dM 1b. .
MMMMb j ,* jb. ?MMMMP jb. P .,a ., ?S* .,gSb. . jPSb ,*,d dMMMM MMM ,db ,aP* ., *,.,d .. ? P 11 iMMMMM 1 ,d -aMMMMMMb. ?P jMMMMb l , ? ?MMMM 1MM? l: : P j,. */MMb. ? jMMMMMP . /b. ?b /SM 1MMM i1 . *SP jSg. ?Mb. MMMMP . *, * :M1 b ?Mg,.. *Sb, ?Mb. ?M j . ,gMMb. ?MMMP jMS /1. lMMb. ,l jM ,. ?a, ?M MMMMMMMb . P jP . l M b. d * MS* ?b / /SM . j jP ,* 1,. .,dP p jP . /S SS
Remorse1981 .
The font says RMrS. heh, its drawn in the gEnICk sTyLe. LIT.
Theres no reason behind my decision to draw a Remorse logo. Certainly its not
the humiliating treatment I recieved by Remorse leaders nM at the time it was
in its glory, which was quite long ago.
I dedicate this to the current Remorse leader, Tzeentch, who does not share
the arrogance that characterizes current and former remorse members.
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