this image contains text
/ / / / --- ive done this ascii
before, right?
M i m i c - 2 7
questioned myself - release what little ive done now or wait until next
month and release something that has the potential to be better, but most
likely will not be. decided to release this now, the people who requested
them will most likely never see this, theyll need to find me on irc.. a
month has passed on both requests and ive seen neither one of them.
eight o nine
eight - o - nine
/ / / / / s q u a d
809 diz
// / 809 sQUAD
Fugly Bitches x2
/ / / / / / / / f u g l y
// / b i t c h e s
/ / / / / / / f u g l y b i t c h e s
standards constantly dropping - w i s e k i d.
greets to dartagnan, blackjack, whodini, red demon, speedevil.
before, right?
M i m i c - 2 7
questioned myself - release what little ive done now or wait until next
month and release something that has the potential to be better, but most
likely will not be. decided to release this now, the people who requested
them will most likely never see this, theyll need to find me on irc.. a
month has passed on both requests and ive seen neither one of them.
eight o nine
eight - o - nine
/ / / / / s q u a d
809 diz
// / 809 sQUAD
Fugly Bitches x2
/ / / / / / / / f u g l y
// / b i t c h e s
/ / / / / / / f u g l y b i t c h e s
standards constantly dropping - w i s e k i d.
greets to dartagnan, blackjack, whodini, red demon, speedevil.
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