this image contains text
Another Aerosol Release. Dare To Compare
NaS ........ : :
! nasOne presents: ASL-WIS.TXT !
Called: Whats In Store.
-+------------------------- 05/09/00 -+-
: : This file is an official release under the Aerosol label : :
: : Aerosols members are in some order: : :
................ : : darkus . karlOs . blue : : ................
: : : : nasOne . mute : : : :
: : : : native . hseven : : : :
: / / nAS0NE :
: /l :
: / /-nTR! : :
: : . nasOne . : :
: : . of . : :
:no - //-- -- :
: a e r o s o l :
: : .aerosol. : :
: : .and. : :
: : // miMiC aSCii / : :
: : diP dTR : :
: : .mimic. : :
: : .presents. : :
: : . diP / / /: dTR . : :
: : .whats in store. : :
: : I actually forgot why i named it like that : :
: : Anyway.. : :
: : / / h7 : :
Say What?!
Thats right.
Lets start allready..
- --------- NaS --------- -
This is the menu.
. nas-db.asc requested by erm.? .
nas-dip.asc requested by dipswitch
nas-dark.asc requested by darkus
nas-dwf.asc requested by dwarf
nas-eaf.asc requested by eaf
nas-end.asc requested by dwarf
nas-ff.asc requested by kayozz
nas-hick.asc requested by acorn
nas-inh.asc requested by neurotrance
nas-ind.asc requested by noches
- Commercial Break -
nas-loop.asc requested by noches
nas-mmc.asc requested by n/a
nas-ms.asc requested by n/a
nas-noch.asc requested by noches
nas-now.asc requested by erm.?
nas-soe.asc requested by darkus
nas-silk.asc requested by my sister
nas-spot.asc requested by erm.?
nas-yard.asc requested by zaner
. nas-znr.asc requested by zaner .
: / Intro :
: owkayyyyy, so this is my first :
: colly under the aerosol label, :
: actually its my first colly :
: with any amiga label, actually :
: this is my first real colly! :
....:... shocking huh? Yeh anyway, i ...:....
: :..:....... have however released lotsa .......:..: :
: ...:....... single asciis under mimic for .......:... :
:...:..: over a year, so im not really :..:...:
: a complete ascii newbie . :
: as you might notice i do not :
: have a fixed style, my fonting :
. ..:.......... seems to change a bit with ..........:.. .
: every ascii i draw. anyway.. :
. i take my time to do my stuff .
so when you see me putting out
2 collys a year dont complain
Also, i litteraly stuffed this
thing with guest asciis, its
a nice way to fill your lines
Blah blah blah.
Anyway, I dont draw much, so
leave me alone.
btw. some of these asciis are
actually quite old, they suck.
but i put em in anyway couse i
had to fill this thing up some
way. hrm... judge for yourself
Cut the crap already..
. . NaS
For:...........i.forgot / /
Says:..........drop.beat / Aerosol .
NaS / /
: dROp bEAt - bla bla bla.
. . NaS
For:..........dipswitch / /
Says:..........dipswitch / Aerosol .
NaS : :
::............... ..:: : d1PsW1TCH
. . NaS
For:.............darkus / /
Says:.............darkus / Aerosol .
. ......: :..::..: D.arkus :.....: : : ::.:........: NaS
. . NaS
For:..............dwarf / /
Says:..............dwarf / Aerosol .
NaS .:..:: : / :.....: ::.. . . ..: ::: :
.::....:.....: Dwarf
. . NaS
For:................eaf / /
Says:................eaf / Aerosol .
/ NaS . ....:
/ / E.A.F
:.....: : : E-Mail eaf@blahblah.com
: : ICQ 44433322
: : WWW www.somewhere.com
. . NaS
For:..............dwarf / /
Says:................end / Aerosol .
this is the beginning of the end.
NaS : :
. . NaS
For:.............kayozz / /
Says:.......first.family / Aerosol .
/ / // // NaS
First Family. dig it .
. . NaS
For:..............acorn / /
Says:.........hicksville / Aerosol .
: . NaS
: Welcome to Hicksville.. :
. . NaS
For:........neurotrance / /
Says:.......inhale.films / Aerosol .
NaS :
: inhale films! :
. . NaS
For:.............noches / /
Says:..............index / Aerosol .
...: .------------------------------- This Is The Index. ::::: ::::::
NaS ::::::: :::::::::::::
Name Of Piece No Name Of Requester
Blah.Blah.Blah........... 01 ...........Blah.Blah.Blah
......................... 02 .........................
......................... 03 .........................
......................... 04 .........................
......................... 05 .........................
......................... 06 .........................
......................... 08 .........................
-+---------------------------------nasOne Rules-----+-
--------- say something cool here
we interrupt this program for a word from our sponsors.
/ l/ / / / / / l/ / : .
. aBHO . : : :
: / / / // bREaK
Now, let the whise men speak!
with nas: are you gey?
with nas: you fucking sormabitch! shit! fuck!
MaLyJfO Cleaner what you fak U fak U fak U !
*Note that the above people are polish. that explains*
san3 Todays ebonics word is OMELETTE
san3 Let me use it in a sentence:
san3 I should punch u ded in yo eye fo wat u jus sed, but OMELETTE dis
one slide.
::: dan21 invites you to join gayteenuk
discyple WWJD???????????????????????????????????????
discyple WWJD???????????????????????????????????????
discyple GOD WWJD!!?!?! WWWJFJF?!
aeternam jeffcreep:: AAkJJDDKK00110001AALTJr0x
OLRIK man this is like hrg russian channel, ed.
-d0d0@p19.j2.actcom.co.il u know
-d0d0@p19.j2.actcom.co.il when i was in canada
-d0d0@p19.j2.actcom.co.il also
-d0d0@p19.j2.actcom.co.il i remember some 2 girls
-d0d0@p19.j2.actcom.co.il who were 10-12 years old
-d0d0@p19.j2.actcom.co.il and like, they looked like 15-16
-d0d0@p19.j2.actcom.co.il so i.... u know
-d0d0@p19.j2.actcom.co.il jerked
13:09:06 nasOne you massage guys?
13:09:07 volastyle made like 1oo
13:09:10 nasOne are you gay?
13:09:12 volastyle nas : for money sure
*** Now talking in jew
aram can you guys put this channel on +s so it doesnt show up on
my /whois
aram i dont want people to think i killed jesus or anything like
vollopro jeff : i had an orgy yesterday!!!
BLKJACK An orgy?
BLKJACK An army orgy?
BLKJACK With other guys?!
++ join ascii:spinsane spinsane@xcalibur.IntNet.net
spinsane orgy?
Raven Im looking for a valid The Sims serial code, please msg me...
SpdRazor Y34H-R1GHT-Y0UW4R3Z-M0NK3Y
SpdRazor theres one for you
Raven thanks man
retributn oh wait
retributn ess
retributn thats the wrong pic
retributn thats a pic of my dick
klumzee ive also talked to Dopie
klumzee dopie is a miami wigger.
klumzee he HONESTLY says... whats up y0!?@
jeffcreep klumzee: Uh, I say Whats up yo.
klumzee jeffcreep yeah, but when a white canadian punk says it, its
funny, you take it as a joke..
klumzee when a miami wigger says it, you protect your car stereo
@ lame you should have made a shirt that said.. I am l337
@ david or.. a long shirt.. and where the crotch is.. i could write
lame Heh, oops. My dog was outside chasing a small child around the street
that was fun wasnt it?
/ l/ / / / / / l/ / : .
. aBHO . : : :
: / / / // bREaK
And now, lets get back to the show
. . NaS
For:.............noches / /
Says:...........the.loop / Aerosol .
, / , : NaS
The lOOp!
Its easy as that. . .
. . NaS
For:.........mimic.crew / /
Says:..............mimic / Aerosol .
OOOOOOOOOOo. ........: :. NaS
OOOOOO meemeek
. . NaS
For:.........mark.ryder / /
Says:.................MS / Aerosol .
NaS : / /
..::.: // // / Rasta Men
/ Dont Die,
/ .:.... They Just
mO sOul! ..:: Rest .....
. . NaS
For:.............noches / /
Says:.............noches / Aerosol .
NaS . ... : : ........
. . NaS
For:...........i.forgot / /
Says:................now / Aerosol .
// / / NaS
. . NaS
For:.............darkus / /
Says:......save.our.eyes / Aerosol .
: NaS :..: :
.....: ! o.u.r !
. . NaS
For:..............silke / /
Says:..............silke / Aerosol .
/ / :... . NaS
: Silke: :
: silketheshocka@hotmail.com
. . NaS
For:...........I.forgot / /
Says:...............spot / Aerosol .
: : : : : NaS: : :
spOt -
. . NaS
For:..............zaner / /
Says:...........the.yard / Aerosol .
The Yard . .
NaS / /
This File Went Through:
The Yard.
. . NaS
For:..............zaner / /
Says:..............zaner / Aerosol .
NaS . ...: : ........
:...... . .......... ::.... . .....: - zANEr .
so this is the end of my collection, hope you enjoyed it.
here are some final words.
first up, these are my musical influences
/ . / // NaS . /
These are the bands/people that i listened to during the making of this file
4hero . abel . acda en de munnik . air . astral projection . blof
bob marley . de dijk . ferry corsten . leftfield . orbital
paul oakenfold . portishead . rem . tiesto . van dik hout
and various trance and drum n bass mixes
.: credits- /.
: Credits go out to :
avenger - credits
abohorrance - commercial break
dipswitch - whats in store /.mimic
. h7 - lets go :
: neurotrance - nasone :
: noches - aerosol :
- 1 9 9 7 -/
... ASL-HDT.TXT ... DARKUS ............... JUL-97 ...
... ASL-MNS.TXT ... KARLOS ............... AUG-97 ...
... ASL-COS.TXT ... BLUE ................. SEP-97 ...
... ASL-AG2.TXT ... DARKUS ............... OCT-97 ...
- 1 9 9 8 -/
... ASL-EMT.TXT ... BLUE ................. MAR-98 ...
... ASL-IWY.TXT ... DARKUS ............... APR-98 ...
... ASL-LJT.TXT ... DARKUS,KARLOS ........ APR-98 ...
... ASL-FPT.TXT ... DARKUS ............... MAY-98 ...
... ASL-BDR.TXT ... DARKUS ............... AUG-98 ...
... ASL-END.TXT ... BLUE ................. DEC-98 ...
- 1 9 9 9 -/
... ASL-DTC.TXT ... DARKUS ............... AUG-99 ...
... ASL-LTB.TXT ... MUTE ................. AUG-99 ...
... ASL-FWB.TXT ... NATIVE ............... AUG-99 ...
... ASL-2VS.TXT ... BLUE ................. AUG-99 ...
... ASL-WNE.TXT ... NATIVE ............... AUG-99 ...
... ASL-ENJ.TXT ... HSEVEN ............... SEP-99 ...
... ASL-COM.TXT ... MUTE ................. SEP-99 ...
... ASL-UPR.TXT ... DARKUS ............... SEP-99 ...
... ASL-BLM.TXT ... NATIVE ............... SEP-99 ...
... A!ASLQ.TXT ... VOUCK,ZANER .......... OCT-99 ...
... ASL-INT.TXT ... MUTE ................. OCT-99 ...
... ASL-MAT.TXT ... MUTE ................. OCT-99 ...
... ASL-WAT.TXT ... HSEVEN ............... OCT-99 ...
... ASL-RSE.TXT ... DARKUS ............... NOV-99 ...
... ASL-AWB.TXT ... NATIVE ............... NOV-99 ...
... ASL-HRN.TXT ... NATIVE ............... NOV-99 ...
... ASL-FNR.TXT ... DARKUS ............... DEC-99 ...
- 2 0 0 0 -/
... ASL-RTR.TXT ... MUTE ................. JAN-00 ...
... ASL-1O1.TXT ... PHREAK KLASS ......... MAR-00 ...
... ASL-STR.TXT ... HSEVEN ............... MAR-00 ...
... ASL-RFN.TXT ... DARKUS ............... APR-00 ...
... ASL-BAS.TXT ... BLUE ................. APR-00 ...
... ASL-ICM.TXT ... DARKUS ............... JUL-00 ...
... ASL-WIS.TXT ... NASONE ............... SEP-00 ...
.O.F.F.I.C.I.A.L. .A.E.R.O.S.O.L. .B.U.L.L.E.T.I.N. .B.O.A.R.D.S.
.O.F.F.I.C.I.A.L. .A.E.R.O.S.O.L. .M.E.M.B.E.R.S.
darkus . karlos . blue . mute
native . hseven . nasone
my final words are for all those people
that have some kind of problem whith me:
You Donkey ball sniffing, Dried and chaffed pussy,Shit eating, Cum
gargling,Spunk sucking, Urinal licking, Cross dressing, Bleeding rag
sucking, Scab gnawing, Last beer drinking, Cock breath breathing, Glass
dick sucking, Sperm burping, Retarded child bearing, Blood farting, ,
Mother fucking, Kiddie diddling , Animal fucking, Ass licking, Nose
Picking, Back Stabbing, Low life, Punk ass fucking, Pink cigar smoking,
Fudge packing, Piss guzzling, Chicken fucking, Gerbil stuffing, Puss
lapping, Rectum ring licking, Diarrhea slurping, Fart Snorting Fat
bastard, Vaseline farting, Menstrual chunk chomping, Red river
drinking, Cunt cheese eating, Herpe sore breeding, Asshole penetrating,
Vaginal wart picking, Roast beef flap licking, Butt plugging, Hersey
highway riding, Toe Jam nibbling, Homo fucking, Donkey dick sucking,
Breath of sisters twat Breathing, Shit chute stoking, Nancy boy,
Eskimo crack whore , Scabby dicked, Dead Granny fucking, Titty suckin,
No balled, Cock Smoking, Yeast infection eating, Blow up doll owning,
Dried cum chewing, Shit cum swollowing, Bleeding asshole sucking, Whore
for a girlfriend having, Run-on-rank adding, Penis eating, Ear wax
flinging , Chocolate stabbing, Elderly beating, Sweaty flab grabbin,
Retard raping, Leper Screwing, Nipple twisting, Hemorrhoid popping Hog
swallowing, Three foot dildo riding, Douche gargling, Pube flossing,
Gay mag subscribing, Suppository sucking, Stick fucking, Slutasaurus
mongoloided whoremaster, Ass bandit, Seriously Fucking Twisted, Old
whores douche guzzling, Grand pappys adult diaper wearing, Sloshy
colostomy bag eating, Midget flogging, Nerd piffing, Knob chomping, Cum
drenched, Dirty pad wearing, Used Condom wearing, Circle jerking,
Pickle crunching, Dirty diaper sniffing, Puss spreading, Tabasco ass,
Bleeding ass-crack, Snuff film watching, Ass hair shaving, Turd
smoking, Kotex eating, Pimple on the ass lovin, Cock knockin,
Foreskinned faced, Pus and maggot infested cunt scab chewin, Phlegm
sucking, FromUnder cheese tasting, Pud pulling, Monkey banging, Stinky
foot toe-nail biting, Caniballistic, Baby slaying, Head collecting,
Finger Banging, Pillow biting, Autposy left-over eatin, Mutilated dead
whore bangin, Zit pus splattered mirror licking, Grave uprooting, Dead
body fucking, Ass picking fingernail chewing, Dead fetus eatin, Kiddie
porn producing, Quick cummin, Dry ass pussy, Shit swimmin, Pantie
smellin, Anal intruding, Shit Dick, Helmet cheese licking, Cling-on
Munching, Turd Gargling, Bath-house Baron, Pickle park princess, Pussy
cunt sore picking, Refugee from a douche bag, Living breathing
nightmare, Spandex wearing, Two pump chump , Cross dresser lovin,
Trickle dick lickin, Steven Tyler lipped, 3 cock in your mouth, Stupid
fucking loser, Dick choking, Butt-dart playing, Mucus face, Mattress on
your back wearing, Shit eating bastard, Ass blastin, Pus infested boil
sucking , Dirty douchebag drinking, 2 cent whore ass , Self-castrating
, Scratching your ass and licking your finger, Frolicking in your own
urine, Trailer park trash, Hershey hitch-hiking, Cock snotty, Butt
nugget, Pee-Pee smootchin, Cum wheezin, Cocaine sneezin, Barbara
Streisand lovin, John Tesh listenin, Twat twiddlin, Crack homo,
Squirrel shit eatin, Ass bubble blowin, Puppy kickin, Cock tickling,
Crack baby rapin, Internet fag, Baby butt rapin, Nun fucking, Your
friends eighty year old gramma fucking, Rectum roving, Derrier diving,
Repeat Run-on Rank Submitting, Porn site lovin, Thimble prick pumpin,
Backdoor bum lovin, Dead kitten stomping, Livestock molesting, Frog
torturing, Woman shit eater, Sheep shagging, Wart popping, Cowball
sucker, Doggie dick lickin, User of shit as a sexual lubricant,
Afterbirth eating, Smegma sucking, Disco dancing, Still livin with
your parents, Jeffrey Dahmer becomin, Nut juggaling, Orangatang
looking, Butt farmer., Cum Dump., Cum bubble popping, Cunt juice
dripping, Useless, Dead mans ball sweat lickin, Faucet humpin, Pubic
hair munchin, Blood clot suckin, George W. Bush admiring, Catheter
straw piss suckin, Cum-guzzling blow broad, Faggot felching, Turd
burgler, Waste of human flesh, Yellow bellied, Richard Simmons sucking,
Tampon blowing, Sperm fartin trailer trash, Dog breath, Ass sucking
bitch, Fetus face fucking, Bubba yeast infected, Anal bead sucking,
Twelve sandwich eatin, No tit havin, Wiper of other peoples bottoms,
Backwoods, Sister screwin, Inbreedin, Knob gobbling, Green grass
gobblin, Bed hoppin, Cum bucket drinking, Cousin doin, Dog felching,
Shit sucking, Cornholing, Scrotum fondling, Salad tossing, 10 kid
havin by 11 men, Mongolian sloth nut sucking, Butt jousing, 3 toothed
genetic mishap, Rectal writing, Syphylitic canker on the base of my
cock, Gonnasyphyherpaids having, Stinking, Snail trail licking, Rump
Ranger tryin to be, Great dane cock monkeyspank, Dickless, Ass acne,
Canker sore under my left nut, Golden Girls loving, Bea Arthur poster
having, Wish Betty White was your mom, Sheep helping over the fence,
Watcher of the A-team, Wanting Mr Ts cock in your ass, Three nostril
having, Bucktoothed redneck, Backstreet Boys wannabe fag, Baseball bat
having in your ass, Nose picking african pygmy, Toilet bowl licking,
Homeless freak, Non pussy getting, Fat skank, Zamfir master of the skin
flute, Testicular cancer having lab rat, Rotten snatch on a downtown
whore, Stiff cock riding without lubrication queer, Salvation army
shopping sleaze, Baloney pony smoking, Used rubber hanging out of your
ass, Milwaukees Best drinking, Slant eyed hairball, Booger eating
scumbutt, Genitalia faced weasel, Disease spreading, Pile of dried
semen stuck to your hand, Fake orgasm having, Herpes infected, Tampax
licking, Daddy loves my ass, Fromunda cheese sandwich with ranch
dressing eating, Dingleberry collecting, Pile of baboon vomit,
Bloodclot licking, Lesion on your balls having, No ass getting, Happy
horse shit eatin, Anal fissure eating, Slurping your mommas pussy,
Zit on the ass of a dead wildebeast, Genital crevice wart on a homeless
leper, Bryan loving, Not ever having any book learning, Runny snot
lapping, Ejaculation deprived pedophile, Vigorous skull fuck taking,
Anal lubing every three thousand miles, Driving around in your 50
Pinto thinking your all that, Sweat licker off of your grammas cunt,
Rimjobbing, Misbegotten son of a camels miscarriage, Ass licking wart
on the ass of the president, Son of A Cat Kickin, Dog Lickin, Pig
Screwin, Cock Biting, Rooster Pluckin, Dingleberry Chewin, Sister
sniffin, Peter pullin, Backdoor conquistador, Not very nice, Drier
sheet., Mcdonalds worker, Used cock ring licking, Mugwump jissom
slurping, AIDS infested cum-bubble, Son of a two-balled bitch, Penis
wrinkled, E.T. looking mother fucker, Uphill Gardener, Shit stabbing,
Fanny licking, Skanky bitch, Dirt eating, Nose pickin, Booger eatin,
3 inch weasel, Serbian sheep rimming, Daniel Wayne Smith, 26 yr old
dead beat dad, Necrofeliac, Elvis impersonating, Flaminco dancing,
Uncle fucking, Pickled purple pussy porking, Chicken molesting, Skunk
pussy, Web-updating., Schizophrenic, Rancid corpse fucking, Foreskin
picking, Son of a cock biter, Tit flickin, Skin flute blowin, Bone-a-
phone grabbin, Taint chewin, Real world MTV watchin, No turn signal
using, Queef sniffing, Ingrown toenail toejam licking, Zooch sloppin,
Vaginal blood fart, Puss drinking, Party pooper, Pubic hair plucking,
Knob jockeying, Boss pet, Lizard hittin, Texan, Monkey juice
drinking, Ugly, Cum for lip gloss wearing, Tasmanian goat fucking, Rat
bastard, Needle dicked, Pancake titted, Vaginal discharge slurping,
Sperm belching gutter slut, Swollen cunt biting, Montrose living
Houstonions Only, Cow dung licking, Trouser porridge sniffin, Bag
lappin, Bicycle seat sniffing, Shit kicking, Rectal Ranger, First
cousin shaggin, Pillow biting , Midget engulfing, Prolapsed rectum
eating, Overweight spic whore, Dog-faced poopoo pile, Ass hair combing,
Pencil-dicked, Drippy dicked, Aunt Flow fuckin, Pussy plunger, Herpes
sore on the cunt of the planet, Ethiopian cum swallowing, No pussy
gettin, Duckbutter suckin through a straw, Coochie cobweb eatin,
Yeast infection residue chewin, Three day old semen swallowin ,
Rancid yak semen smelling, Republican, Festering knicker eating., Non-
toilet flushin, Corny shit eating, Frenchie felchin, Day old enema
bag slurpin, Vaginal yeast infection, Old man ball draining, Colostomy
bag drinking, Douche bag, Presidential cigar fucking, Stank ass, Pig
cum guzzling, Rag eating, Dog blowing, Hermaphrodite fucking, Limp
cock, Fudge packin, Lesbo loving, Poo-Putt, Needle dick bug fucking,
Lochness cock monster, Smegma slurping, Cum drinking gutter slut,
Embalming fluid drinkin, Chapped pussy lipped, Cancerous, Sticky
underwear plucking, Alcoholic, Non stop talkin, Tampon reusing, Pad
saving, Japanese juvie defacation snuff film loving, Duck fucking,
Grandma humping, Biting your toenails and eating it, Tongue butt plug,
Chico wanna be, Rat packed ass jamming, Feline butt raping, Primate
butt raping, Titty nibblin, Butt-pirate chaser, Skank infested,
Infected cunt muscle , Slut fucking, Whorin fat ass, Skanky, Floppy
titties, Bloody axe-wound licker, Fucking the goat next door,
Dingleberry picking, Donkey ass, Nazi lesbian fish eatin harlot, Cunt
faced, Cannibal, Your dog who rides your leg like a moped, Enema waste
chewing, Smegma eater, Geek-ass-shit-fuck, Bitch face, Festering
hatchet wound, Molding dead baby, Unoriginal, Tissue titted, Lesbian
fish eating whore, Hoochiemomma, Shitstake eating, Pat Buchanan
looking., Clinton headed looking, Ball cheese nibbling, Green splotch
on the panties of an AIDS infected whore, Big bad, Trash picking, Short
dicked, Small animal loving, Finger licking asswhipping, Dead carp
smelling, Muderer loving, Website updating, Project living, Coach-
purse-carrying bitch, Beast bangin, Pig porker, Peanut infested, Pap
smear licking, Cat fucking, Toaster strudel, Blue balled, Sphincter
slurpin, Monkey spank, Shaka-zulu lookin, Dick stroking, Are the
ultimate, Felching fan, Goofy-looking, Vaginal wart, Turd sucking,
Gorilla ass fingering, Toilet bowl licking, Limp dick, Penis pimple
popping, Fat ladys ass grabbing, Dirty donkey dick gagging, Spawny
eyed poot sucking, Purple headed love dart, Pistol grip eard fold back
teeth, Bitch fucking, Monkey ball licking, Klingon, Wheelbarrow style
humpin, Back of a gorillas hairy nuts slurping, Serosanguinous
mucilaginous purulent rectal fistulary abscess slurping, Ant pile
humping, Steel trap wankin, Bootyhole and face poking in tripod
position humpin, Child of blair witch and the exorcist with priapism
slurping, Adding to ranks cuz you aint got no life loser, Multi-
headed, bloody, giant snowflake shaped, Woman rubbing your clit all
over a porcupines back, Hyena dick guzzling, with his nuts all in your
face, till he cums down your throat, Anita hills cummy, shit-coated
pubic hair flossing, Pee-wee herman humpin till he goes huh-huh and
burps out cum lovin, Asshole baby breeding, Dog piss drinking, Nasal
sex doing, Nuclear waste farting, Habitrail ass, Turd juggling, Michael
Jackson lookalike, Turdstained weiner sucker, Halfbreed rhino
offspring, Nose up ass, Rectal sweat drinking, Green pus licking,
Little hoochie ho eatin, Bad, Dickless pasty trailer trash eating, Cum
fart eater, Dingleberry, Slam pig, Peterbreath O Lipped motherfucker,
Elephant ass fucker, Yeast mayonaise slurping, Beer can sized asshole,
Toilet paper remnant lickin, Pussy gurgling, Cigar sucking Bubba
wannabe, Scabies infected cocksucker, Dried-up shit for a dildo using,
Oprah watching , Would stand in line for a bowl of diarrhea and love
the taste, Bald monkey lickin, Fart oozing, Snotnose, Pimple faced
geek, Buttmunch, Think the farting sperm is an orgasm, Ridiculous,
Pompous, Ego inflated, Most idiotic, Think turds are jewelry, Vomit is
an appetizer, Jerk off, Do nothing, Dickless waste of a life, Al Gore
voter, Corn infested, Nose fucking, Douche chewing bastard, Naval lint
eating, Brown stained around the mouth from felching assholes, Wider-
than-long in the shorts, Silly, Used rag, Tea baggin, Think the
farting sperm is an orgasm, Crack whore Jerry Springer guest, Total
waste of sperm, Oversized cum bubble, Blood drenched frozen tampon
popsicle eating, Cum belching road whore, Wanking, Uncle fucking,
Whorebag slut fucking, Creamy afterbirth of a butt fucked chicken,
Gorilla ass hair tooth flossing, Ingrown ass-hair nibbling, Used condom
licking, Toilet licking, Ass picker, Stinky finger, Crotch sniffin,
Dog chasing, Jism lipped, Goat groping, Chode chomping, Bean smashing,
Human dildo, Pickle smoocher, Nambla card carrying, Ramrodding, Dead
chipmunk raping, Skank sucking whore, Nagging rot cunt fucking, Pus
nutted, Cum sponge licking, Dirty toe sucker, Syphilis infected, Ass
pounding, Inseminferous tubloidial, Retarded infant goat molesting,
Lesbian rabbit corn munching, Snot off my fuckstick licking, Do do
chasing, Blind melon, Little dick loving, Cum bubble your mom should
have swallowed, Porno chatting cause you cant get a piece of ass,
Scaly-legged whore climbing, Penis peeling, Cat fingerer and a dogs
balls licker, Goat cheese motion lotion using, Pussy pus eater, Cock
hopping, Cock dehydrating, Gay porn fantisizing, Dingleberry picking,
Regurgitated cumbubble from a faggots ass eating, Afterbirth of a
lesbian finger fuck eating, Piece of shit!!
So There!
Another Aerosol Release. Dare To Compare
NaS ........ : :
! nasOne presents: ASL-WIS.TXT !
Called: Whats In Store.
-+------------------------- 05/09/00 -+-
: : This file is an official release under the Aerosol label : :
: : Aerosols members are in some order: : :
................ : : darkus . karlOs . blue : : ................
: : : : nasOne . mute : : : :
: : : : native . hseven : : : :
: / / nAS0NE :
: /l :
: / /-nTR! : :
: : . nasOne . : :
: : . of . : :
:no - //-- -- :
: a e r o s o l :
: : .aerosol. : :
: : .and. : :
: : // miMiC aSCii / : :
: : diP dTR : :
: : .mimic. : :
: : .presents. : :
: : . diP / / /: dTR . : :
: : .whats in store. : :
: : I actually forgot why i named it like that : :
: : Anyway.. : :
: : / / h7 : :
Say What?!
Thats right.
Lets start allready..
- --------- NaS --------- -
This is the menu.
. nas-db.asc requested by erm.? .
nas-dip.asc requested by dipswitch
nas-dark.asc requested by darkus
nas-dwf.asc requested by dwarf
nas-eaf.asc requested by eaf
nas-end.asc requested by dwarf
nas-ff.asc requested by kayozz
nas-hick.asc requested by acorn
nas-inh.asc requested by neurotrance
nas-ind.asc requested by noches
- Commercial Break -
nas-loop.asc requested by noches
nas-mmc.asc requested by n/a
nas-ms.asc requested by n/a
nas-noch.asc requested by noches
nas-now.asc requested by erm.?
nas-soe.asc requested by darkus
nas-silk.asc requested by my sister
nas-spot.asc requested by erm.?
nas-yard.asc requested by zaner
. nas-znr.asc requested by zaner .
: / Intro :
: owkayyyyy, so this is my first :
: colly under the aerosol label, :
: actually its my first colly :
: with any amiga label, actually :
: this is my first real colly! :
....:... shocking huh? Yeh anyway, i ...:....
: :..:....... have however released lotsa .......:..: :
: ...:....... single asciis under mimic for .......:... :
:...:..: over a year, so im not really :..:...:
: a complete ascii newbie . :
: as you might notice i do not :
: have a fixed style, my fonting :
. ..:.......... seems to change a bit with ..........:.. .
: every ascii i draw. anyway.. :
. i take my time to do my stuff .
so when you see me putting out
2 collys a year dont complain
Also, i litteraly stuffed this
thing with guest asciis, its
a nice way to fill your lines
Blah blah blah.
Anyway, I dont draw much, so
leave me alone.
btw. some of these asciis are
actually quite old, they suck.
but i put em in anyway couse i
had to fill this thing up some
way. hrm... judge for yourself
Cut the crap already..
. . NaS
For:...........i.forgot / /
Says:..........drop.beat / Aerosol .
NaS / /
: dROp bEAt - bla bla bla.
. . NaS
For:..........dipswitch / /
Says:..........dipswitch / Aerosol .
NaS : :
::............... ..:: : d1PsW1TCH
. . NaS
For:.............darkus / /
Says:.............darkus / Aerosol .
. ......: :..::..: D.arkus :.....: : : ::.:........: NaS
. . NaS
For:..............dwarf / /
Says:..............dwarf / Aerosol .
NaS .:..:: : / :.....: ::.. . . ..: ::: :
.::....:.....: Dwarf
. . NaS
For:................eaf / /
Says:................eaf / Aerosol .
/ NaS . ....:
/ / E.A.F
:.....: : : E-Mail eaf@blahblah.com
: : ICQ 44433322
: : WWW www.somewhere.com
. . NaS
For:..............dwarf / /
Says:................end / Aerosol .
this is the beginning of the end.
NaS : :
. . NaS
For:.............kayozz / /
Says:.......first.family / Aerosol .
/ / // // NaS
First Family. dig it .
. . NaS
For:..............acorn / /
Says:.........hicksville / Aerosol .
: . NaS
: Welcome to Hicksville.. :
. . NaS
For:........neurotrance / /
Says:.......inhale.films / Aerosol .
NaS :
: inhale films! :
. . NaS
For:.............noches / /
Says:..............index / Aerosol .
...: .------------------------------- This Is The Index. ::::: ::::::
NaS ::::::: :::::::::::::
Name Of Piece No Name Of Requester
Blah.Blah.Blah........... 01 ...........Blah.Blah.Blah
......................... 02 .........................
......................... 03 .........................
......................... 04 .........................
......................... 05 .........................
......................... 06 .........................
......................... 08 .........................
-+---------------------------------nasOne Rules-----+-
--------- say something cool here
we interrupt this program for a word from our sponsors.
/ l/ / / / / / l/ / : .
. aBHO . : : :
: / / / // bREaK
Now, let the whise men speak!
with nas: are you gey?
with nas: you fucking sormabitch! shit! fuck!
MaLyJfO Cleaner what you fak U fak U fak U !
*Note that the above people are polish. that explains*
san3 Todays ebonics word is OMELETTE
san3 Let me use it in a sentence:
san3 I should punch u ded in yo eye fo wat u jus sed, but OMELETTE dis
one slide.
::: dan21 invites you to join gayteenuk
discyple WWJD???????????????????????????????????????
discyple WWJD???????????????????????????????????????
discyple GOD WWJD!!?!?! WWWJFJF?!
aeternam jeffcreep:: AAkJJDDKK00110001AALTJr0x
OLRIK man this is like hrg russian channel, ed.
-d0d0@p19.j2.actcom.co.il u know
-d0d0@p19.j2.actcom.co.il when i was in canada
-d0d0@p19.j2.actcom.co.il also
-d0d0@p19.j2.actcom.co.il i remember some 2 girls
-d0d0@p19.j2.actcom.co.il who were 10-12 years old
-d0d0@p19.j2.actcom.co.il and like, they looked like 15-16
-d0d0@p19.j2.actcom.co.il so i.... u know
-d0d0@p19.j2.actcom.co.il jerked
13:09:06 nasOne you massage guys?
13:09:07 volastyle made like 1oo
13:09:10 nasOne are you gay?
13:09:12 volastyle nas : for money sure
*** Now talking in jew
aram can you guys put this channel on +s so it doesnt show up on
my /whois
aram i dont want people to think i killed jesus or anything like
vollopro jeff : i had an orgy yesterday!!!
BLKJACK An orgy?
BLKJACK An army orgy?
BLKJACK With other guys?!
++ join ascii:spinsane spinsane@xcalibur.IntNet.net
spinsane orgy?
Raven Im looking for a valid The Sims serial code, please msg me...
SpdRazor Y34H-R1GHT-Y0UW4R3Z-M0NK3Y
SpdRazor theres one for you
Raven thanks man
retributn oh wait
retributn ess
retributn thats the wrong pic
retributn thats a pic of my dick
klumzee ive also talked to Dopie
klumzee dopie is a miami wigger.
klumzee he HONESTLY says... whats up y0!?@
jeffcreep klumzee: Uh, I say Whats up yo.
klumzee jeffcreep yeah, but when a white canadian punk says it, its
funny, you take it as a joke..
klumzee when a miami wigger says it, you protect your car stereo
@ lame you should have made a shirt that said.. I am l337
@ david or.. a long shirt.. and where the crotch is.. i could write
lame Heh, oops. My dog was outside chasing a small child around the street
that was fun wasnt it?
/ l/ / / / / / l/ / : .
. aBHO . : : :
: / / / // bREaK
And now, lets get back to the show
. . NaS
For:.............noches / /
Says:...........the.loop / Aerosol .
, / , : NaS
The lOOp!
Its easy as that. . .
. . NaS
For:.........mimic.crew / /
Says:..............mimic / Aerosol .
OOOOOOOOOOo. ........: :. NaS
OOOOOO meemeek
. . NaS
For:.........mark.ryder / /
Says:.................MS / Aerosol .
NaS : / /
..::.: // // / Rasta Men
/ Dont Die,
/ .:.... They Just
mO sOul! ..:: Rest .....
. . NaS
For:.............noches / /
Says:.............noches / Aerosol .
NaS . ... : : ........
. . NaS
For:...........i.forgot / /
Says:................now / Aerosol .
// / / NaS
. . NaS
For:.............darkus / /
Says:......save.our.eyes / Aerosol .
: NaS :..: :
.....: ! o.u.r !
. . NaS
For:..............silke / /
Says:..............silke / Aerosol .
/ / :... . NaS
: Silke: :
: silketheshocka@hotmail.com
. . NaS
For:...........I.forgot / /
Says:...............spot / Aerosol .
: : : : : NaS: : :
spOt -
. . NaS
For:..............zaner / /
Says:...........the.yard / Aerosol .
The Yard . .
NaS / /
This File Went Through:
The Yard.
. . NaS
For:..............zaner / /
Says:..............zaner / Aerosol .
NaS . ...: : ........
:...... . .......... ::.... . .....: - zANEr .
so this is the end of my collection, hope you enjoyed it.
here are some final words.
first up, these are my musical influences
/ . / // NaS . /
These are the bands/people that i listened to during the making of this file
4hero . abel . acda en de munnik . air . astral projection . blof
bob marley . de dijk . ferry corsten . leftfield . orbital
paul oakenfold . portishead . rem . tiesto . van dik hout
and various trance and drum n bass mixes
.: credits- /.
: Credits go out to :
avenger - credits
abohorrance - commercial break
dipswitch - whats in store /.mimic
. h7 - lets go :
: neurotrance - nasone :
: noches - aerosol :
- 1 9 9 7 -/
... ASL-HDT.TXT ... DARKUS ............... JUL-97 ...
... ASL-MNS.TXT ... KARLOS ............... AUG-97 ...
... ASL-COS.TXT ... BLUE ................. SEP-97 ...
... ASL-AG2.TXT ... DARKUS ............... OCT-97 ...
- 1 9 9 8 -/
... ASL-EMT.TXT ... BLUE ................. MAR-98 ...
... ASL-IWY.TXT ... DARKUS ............... APR-98 ...
... ASL-LJT.TXT ... DARKUS,KARLOS ........ APR-98 ...
... ASL-FPT.TXT ... DARKUS ............... MAY-98 ...
... ASL-BDR.TXT ... DARKUS ............... AUG-98 ...
... ASL-END.TXT ... BLUE ................. DEC-98 ...
- 1 9 9 9 -/
... ASL-DTC.TXT ... DARKUS ............... AUG-99 ...
... ASL-LTB.TXT ... MUTE ................. AUG-99 ...
... ASL-FWB.TXT ... NATIVE ............... AUG-99 ...
... ASL-2VS.TXT ... BLUE ................. AUG-99 ...
... ASL-WNE.TXT ... NATIVE ............... AUG-99 ...
... ASL-ENJ.TXT ... HSEVEN ............... SEP-99 ...
... ASL-COM.TXT ... MUTE ................. SEP-99 ...
... ASL-UPR.TXT ... DARKUS ............... SEP-99 ...
... ASL-BLM.TXT ... NATIVE ............... SEP-99 ...
... A!ASLQ.TXT ... VOUCK,ZANER .......... OCT-99 ...
... ASL-INT.TXT ... MUTE ................. OCT-99 ...
... ASL-MAT.TXT ... MUTE ................. OCT-99 ...
... ASL-WAT.TXT ... HSEVEN ............... OCT-99 ...
... ASL-RSE.TXT ... DARKUS ............... NOV-99 ...
... ASL-AWB.TXT ... NATIVE ............... NOV-99 ...
... ASL-HRN.TXT ... NATIVE ............... NOV-99 ...
... ASL-FNR.TXT ... DARKUS ............... DEC-99 ...
- 2 0 0 0 -/
... ASL-RTR.TXT ... MUTE ................. JAN-00 ...
... ASL-1O1.TXT ... PHREAK KLASS ......... MAR-00 ...
... ASL-STR.TXT ... HSEVEN ............... MAR-00 ...
... ASL-RFN.TXT ... DARKUS ............... APR-00 ...
... ASL-BAS.TXT ... BLUE ................. APR-00 ...
... ASL-ICM.TXT ... DARKUS ............... JUL-00 ...
... ASL-WIS.TXT ... NASONE ............... SEP-00 ...
.O.F.F.I.C.I.A.L. .A.E.R.O.S.O.L. .B.U.L.L.E.T.I.N. .B.O.A.R.D.S.
.O.F.F.I.C.I.A.L. .A.E.R.O.S.O.L. .M.E.M.B.E.R.S.
darkus . karlos . blue . mute
native . hseven . nasone
my final words are for all those people
that have some kind of problem whith me:
You Donkey ball sniffing, Dried and chaffed pussy,Shit eating, Cum
gargling,Spunk sucking, Urinal licking, Cross dressing, Bleeding rag
sucking, Scab gnawing, Last beer drinking, Cock breath breathing, Glass
dick sucking, Sperm burping, Retarded child bearing, Blood farting, ,
Mother fucking, Kiddie diddling , Animal fucking, Ass licking, Nose
Picking, Back Stabbing, Low life, Punk ass fucking, Pink cigar smoking,
Fudge packing, Piss guzzling, Chicken fucking, Gerbil stuffing, Puss
lapping, Rectum ring licking, Diarrhea slurping, Fart Snorting Fat
bastard, Vaseline farting, Menstrual chunk chomping, Red river
drinking, Cunt cheese eating, Herpe sore breeding, Asshole penetrating,
Vaginal wart picking, Roast beef flap licking, Butt plugging, Hersey
highway riding, Toe Jam nibbling, Homo fucking, Donkey dick sucking,
Breath of sisters twat Breathing, Shit chute stoking, Nancy boy,
Eskimo crack whore , Scabby dicked, Dead Granny fucking, Titty suckin,
No balled, Cock Smoking, Yeast infection eating, Blow up doll owning,
Dried cum chewing, Shit cum swollowing, Bleeding asshole sucking, Whore
for a girlfriend having, Run-on-rank adding, Penis eating, Ear wax
flinging , Chocolate stabbing, Elderly beating, Sweaty flab grabbin,
Retard raping, Leper Screwing, Nipple twisting, Hemorrhoid popping Hog
swallowing, Three foot dildo riding, Douche gargling, Pube flossing,
Gay mag subscribing, Suppository sucking, Stick fucking, Slutasaurus
mongoloided whoremaster, Ass bandit, Seriously Fucking Twisted, Old
whores douche guzzling, Grand pappys adult diaper wearing, Sloshy
colostomy bag eating, Midget flogging, Nerd piffing, Knob chomping, Cum
drenched, Dirty pad wearing, Used Condom wearing, Circle jerking,
Pickle crunching, Dirty diaper sniffing, Puss spreading, Tabasco ass,
Bleeding ass-crack, Snuff film watching, Ass hair shaving, Turd
smoking, Kotex eating, Pimple on the ass lovin, Cock knockin,
Foreskinned faced, Pus and maggot infested cunt scab chewin, Phlegm
sucking, FromUnder cheese tasting, Pud pulling, Monkey banging, Stinky
foot toe-nail biting, Caniballistic, Baby slaying, Head collecting,
Finger Banging, Pillow biting, Autposy left-over eatin, Mutilated dead
whore bangin, Zit pus splattered mirror licking, Grave uprooting, Dead
body fucking, Ass picking fingernail chewing, Dead fetus eatin, Kiddie
porn producing, Quick cummin, Dry ass pussy, Shit swimmin, Pantie
smellin, Anal intruding, Shit Dick, Helmet cheese licking, Cling-on
Munching, Turd Gargling, Bath-house Baron, Pickle park princess, Pussy
cunt sore picking, Refugee from a douche bag, Living breathing
nightmare, Spandex wearing, Two pump chump , Cross dresser lovin,
Trickle dick lickin, Steven Tyler lipped, 3 cock in your mouth, Stupid
fucking loser, Dick choking, Butt-dart playing, Mucus face, Mattress on
your back wearing, Shit eating bastard, Ass blastin, Pus infested boil
sucking , Dirty douchebag drinking, 2 cent whore ass , Self-castrating
, Scratching your ass and licking your finger, Frolicking in your own
urine, Trailer park trash, Hershey hitch-hiking, Cock snotty, Butt
nugget, Pee-Pee smootchin, Cum wheezin, Cocaine sneezin, Barbara
Streisand lovin, John Tesh listenin, Twat twiddlin, Crack homo,
Squirrel shit eatin, Ass bubble blowin, Puppy kickin, Cock tickling,
Crack baby rapin, Internet fag, Baby butt rapin, Nun fucking, Your
friends eighty year old gramma fucking, Rectum roving, Derrier diving,
Repeat Run-on Rank Submitting, Porn site lovin, Thimble prick pumpin,
Backdoor bum lovin, Dead kitten stomping, Livestock molesting, Frog
torturing, Woman shit eater, Sheep shagging, Wart popping, Cowball
sucker, Doggie dick lickin, User of shit as a sexual lubricant,
Afterbirth eating, Smegma sucking, Disco dancing, Still livin with
your parents, Jeffrey Dahmer becomin, Nut juggaling, Orangatang
looking, Butt farmer., Cum Dump., Cum bubble popping, Cunt juice
dripping, Useless, Dead mans ball sweat lickin, Faucet humpin, Pubic
hair munchin, Blood clot suckin, George W. Bush admiring, Catheter
straw piss suckin, Cum-guzzling blow broad, Faggot felching, Turd
burgler, Waste of human flesh, Yellow bellied, Richard Simmons sucking,
Tampon blowing, Sperm fartin trailer trash, Dog breath, Ass sucking
bitch, Fetus face fucking, Bubba yeast infected, Anal bead sucking,
Twelve sandwich eatin, No tit havin, Wiper of other peoples bottoms,
Backwoods, Sister screwin, Inbreedin, Knob gobbling, Green grass
gobblin, Bed hoppin, Cum bucket drinking, Cousin doin, Dog felching,
Shit sucking, Cornholing, Scrotum fondling, Salad tossing, 10 kid
havin by 11 men, Mongolian sloth nut sucking, Butt jousing, 3 toothed
genetic mishap, Rectal writing, Syphylitic canker on the base of my
cock, Gonnasyphyherpaids having, Stinking, Snail trail licking, Rump
Ranger tryin to be, Great dane cock monkeyspank, Dickless, Ass acne,
Canker sore under my left nut, Golden Girls loving, Bea Arthur poster
having, Wish Betty White was your mom, Sheep helping over the fence,
Watcher of the A-team, Wanting Mr Ts cock in your ass, Three nostril
having, Bucktoothed redneck, Backstreet Boys wannabe fag, Baseball bat
having in your ass, Nose picking african pygmy, Toilet bowl licking,
Homeless freak, Non pussy getting, Fat skank, Zamfir master of the skin
flute, Testicular cancer having lab rat, Rotten snatch on a downtown
whore, Stiff cock riding without lubrication queer, Salvation army
shopping sleaze, Baloney pony smoking, Used rubber hanging out of your
ass, Milwaukees Best drinking, Slant eyed hairball, Booger eating
scumbutt, Genitalia faced weasel, Disease spreading, Pile of dried
semen stuck to your hand, Fake orgasm having, Herpes infected, Tampax
licking, Daddy loves my ass, Fromunda cheese sandwich with ranch
dressing eating, Dingleberry collecting, Pile of baboon vomit,
Bloodclot licking, Lesion on your balls having, No ass getting, Happy
horse shit eatin, Anal fissure eating, Slurping your mommas pussy,
Zit on the ass of a dead wildebeast, Genital crevice wart on a homeless
leper, Bryan loving, Not ever having any book learning, Runny snot
lapping, Ejaculation deprived pedophile, Vigorous skull fuck taking,
Anal lubing every three thousand miles, Driving around in your 50
Pinto thinking your all that, Sweat licker off of your grammas cunt,
Rimjobbing, Misbegotten son of a camels miscarriage, Ass licking wart
on the ass of the president, Son of A Cat Kickin, Dog Lickin, Pig
Screwin, Cock Biting, Rooster Pluckin, Dingleberry Chewin, Sister
sniffin, Peter pullin, Backdoor conquistador, Not very nice, Drier
sheet., Mcdonalds worker, Used cock ring licking, Mugwump jissom
slurping, AIDS infested cum-bubble, Son of a two-balled bitch, Penis
wrinkled, E.T. looking mother fucker, Uphill Gardener, Shit stabbing,
Fanny licking, Skanky bitch, Dirt eating, Nose pickin, Booger eatin,
3 inch weasel, Serbian sheep rimming, Daniel Wayne Smith, 26 yr old
dead beat dad, Necrofeliac, Elvis impersonating, Flaminco dancing,
Uncle fucking, Pickled purple pussy porking, Chicken molesting, Skunk
pussy, Web-updating., Schizophrenic, Rancid corpse fucking, Foreskin
picking, Son of a cock biter, Tit flickin, Skin flute blowin, Bone-a-
phone grabbin, Taint chewin, Real world MTV watchin, No turn signal
using, Queef sniffing, Ingrown toenail toejam licking, Zooch sloppin,
Vaginal blood fart, Puss drinking, Party pooper, Pubic hair plucking,
Knob jockeying, Boss pet, Lizard hittin, Texan, Monkey juice
drinking, Ugly, Cum for lip gloss wearing, Tasmanian goat fucking, Rat
bastard, Needle dicked, Pancake titted, Vaginal discharge slurping,
Sperm belching gutter slut, Swollen cunt biting, Montrose living
Houstonions Only, Cow dung licking, Trouser porridge sniffin, Bag
lappin, Bicycle seat sniffing, Shit kicking, Rectal Ranger, First
cousin shaggin, Pillow biting , Midget engulfing, Prolapsed rectum
eating, Overweight spic whore, Dog-faced poopoo pile, Ass hair combing,
Pencil-dicked, Drippy dicked, Aunt Flow fuckin, Pussy plunger, Herpes
sore on the cunt of the planet, Ethiopian cum swallowing, No pussy
gettin, Duckbutter suckin through a straw, Coochie cobweb eatin,
Yeast infection residue chewin, Three day old semen swallowin ,
Rancid yak semen smelling, Republican, Festering knicker eating., Non-
toilet flushin, Corny shit eating, Frenchie felchin, Day old enema
bag slurpin, Vaginal yeast infection, Old man ball draining, Colostomy
bag drinking, Douche bag, Presidential cigar fucking, Stank ass, Pig
cum guzzling, Rag eating, Dog blowing, Hermaphrodite fucking, Limp
cock, Fudge packin, Lesbo loving, Poo-Putt, Needle dick bug fucking,
Lochness cock monster, Smegma slurping, Cum drinking gutter slut,
Embalming fluid drinkin, Chapped pussy lipped, Cancerous, Sticky
underwear plucking, Alcoholic, Non stop talkin, Tampon reusing, Pad
saving, Japanese juvie defacation snuff film loving, Duck fucking,
Grandma humping, Biting your toenails and eating it, Tongue butt plug,
Chico wanna be, Rat packed ass jamming, Feline butt raping, Primate
butt raping, Titty nibblin, Butt-pirate chaser, Skank infested,
Infected cunt muscle , Slut fucking, Whorin fat ass, Skanky, Floppy
titties, Bloody axe-wound licker, Fucking the goat next door,
Dingleberry picking, Donkey ass, Nazi lesbian fish eatin harlot, Cunt
faced, Cannibal, Your dog who rides your leg like a moped, Enema waste
chewing, Smegma eater, Geek-ass-shit-fuck, Bitch face, Festering
hatchet wound, Molding dead baby, Unoriginal, Tissue titted, Lesbian
fish eating whore, Hoochiemomma, Shitstake eating, Pat Buchanan
looking., Clinton headed looking, Ball cheese nibbling, Green splotch
on the panties of an AIDS infected whore, Big bad, Trash picking, Short
dicked, Small animal loving, Finger licking asswhipping, Dead carp
smelling, Muderer loving, Website updating, Project living, Coach-
purse-carrying bitch, Beast bangin, Pig porker, Peanut infested, Pap
smear licking, Cat fucking, Toaster strudel, Blue balled, Sphincter
slurpin, Monkey spank, Shaka-zulu lookin, Dick stroking, Are the
ultimate, Felching fan, Goofy-looking, Vaginal wart, Turd sucking,
Gorilla ass fingering, Toilet bowl licking, Limp dick, Penis pimple
popping, Fat ladys ass grabbing, Dirty donkey dick gagging, Spawny
eyed poot sucking, Purple headed love dart, Pistol grip eard fold back
teeth, Bitch fucking, Monkey ball licking, Klingon, Wheelbarrow style
humpin, Back of a gorillas hairy nuts slurping, Serosanguinous
mucilaginous purulent rectal fistulary abscess slurping, Ant pile
humping, Steel trap wankin, Bootyhole and face poking in tripod
position humpin, Child of blair witch and the exorcist with priapism
slurping, Adding to ranks cuz you aint got no life loser, Multi-
headed, bloody, giant snowflake shaped, Woman rubbing your clit all
over a porcupines back, Hyena dick guzzling, with his nuts all in your
face, till he cums down your throat, Anita hills cummy, shit-coated
pubic hair flossing, Pee-wee herman humpin till he goes huh-huh and
burps out cum lovin, Asshole baby breeding, Dog piss drinking, Nasal
sex doing, Nuclear waste farting, Habitrail ass, Turd juggling, Michael
Jackson lookalike, Turdstained weiner sucker, Halfbreed rhino
offspring, Nose up ass, Rectal sweat drinking, Green pus licking,
Little hoochie ho eatin, Bad, Dickless pasty trailer trash eating, Cum
fart eater, Dingleberry, Slam pig, Peterbreath O Lipped motherfucker,
Elephant ass fucker, Yeast mayonaise slurping, Beer can sized asshole,
Toilet paper remnant lickin, Pussy gurgling, Cigar sucking Bubba
wannabe, Scabies infected cocksucker, Dried-up shit for a dildo using,
Oprah watching , Would stand in line for a bowl of diarrhea and love
the taste, Bald monkey lickin, Fart oozing, Snotnose, Pimple faced
geek, Buttmunch, Think the farting sperm is an orgasm, Ridiculous,
Pompous, Ego inflated, Most idiotic, Think turds are jewelry, Vomit is
an appetizer, Jerk off, Do nothing, Dickless waste of a life, Al Gore
voter, Corn infested, Nose fucking, Douche chewing bastard, Naval lint
eating, Brown stained around the mouth from felching assholes, Wider-
than-long in the shorts, Silly, Used rag, Tea baggin, Think the
farting sperm is an orgasm, Crack whore Jerry Springer guest, Total
waste of sperm, Oversized cum bubble, Blood drenched frozen tampon
popsicle eating, Cum belching road whore, Wanking, Uncle fucking,
Whorebag slut fucking, Creamy afterbirth of a butt fucked chicken,
Gorilla ass hair tooth flossing, Ingrown ass-hair nibbling, Used condom
licking, Toilet licking, Ass picker, Stinky finger, Crotch sniffin,
Dog chasing, Jism lipped, Goat groping, Chode chomping, Bean smashing,
Human dildo, Pickle smoocher, Nambla card carrying, Ramrodding, Dead
chipmunk raping, Skank sucking whore, Nagging rot cunt fucking, Pus
nutted, Cum sponge licking, Dirty toe sucker, Syphilis infected, Ass
pounding, Inseminferous tubloidial, Retarded infant goat molesting,
Lesbian rabbit corn munching, Snot off my fuckstick licking, Do do
chasing, Blind melon, Little dick loving, Cum bubble your mom should
have swallowed, Porno chatting cause you cant get a piece of ass,
Scaly-legged whore climbing, Penis peeling, Cat fingerer and a dogs
balls licker, Goat cheese motion lotion using, Pussy pus eater, Cock
hopping, Cock dehydrating, Gay porn fantisizing, Dingleberry picking,
Regurgitated cumbubble from a faggots ass eating, Afterbirth of a
lesbian finger fuck eating, Piece of shit!!
So There!
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