this image contains text
-diP--- / --- --- ------dTR-
: d R U N K E N d A Y D R E A M d O O R S p R E S E N T :
: Blahblah v1.0 for DD/Linux by Cleaner :
: blahblah here you can write stuff about the door... just extend the :
: dots lines further to the bottom.. :
: m E M B E R S :
: Rezine Founder, DD Coder, Sysop rezine@criminology.com :
: Cleaner DD Coder, Sysop cleaner@ifrance.com :
: Zaner Sysop zaner@lightforce.net :
: b O A R D S :
: Third World Rezine World HQ XX nodes telnet :
: Prophecy Cleaner French HQ XX nodes telnet :
: XX nodes dialup :
: The Yard Zaner German HQ 4 nodes telnet :
: 2 nodes dialup :
dESiGN bY diPSWiTCH/dCSdTR : : : lAST uPDATED xx.xx.2k
SAUCE00Drunken infofile design Dipswitch DreamTheatre/Mimic 20000815R P P
SAUCE00Drunken infofile design Dipswitch DreamTheatre/Mimic 20000815PR
: d R U N K E N d A Y D R E A M d O O R S p R E S E N T :
: Blahblah v1.0 for DD/Linux by Cleaner :
: blahblah here you can write stuff about the door... just extend the :
: dots lines further to the bottom.. :
: m E M B E R S :
: Rezine Founder, DD Coder, Sysop rezine@criminology.com :
: Cleaner DD Coder, Sysop cleaner@ifrance.com :
: Zaner Sysop zaner@lightforce.net :
: b O A R D S :
: Third World Rezine World HQ XX nodes telnet :
: Prophecy Cleaner French HQ XX nodes telnet :
: XX nodes dialup :
: The Yard Zaner German HQ 4 nodes telnet :
: 2 nodes dialup :
dESiGN bY diPSWiTCH/dCSdTR : : : lAST uPDATED xx.xx.2k
SAUCE00Drunken infofile design Dipswitch DreamTheatre/Mimic 20000815R P P
SAUCE00Drunken infofile design Dipswitch DreamTheatre/Mimic 20000815PR
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