this image contains text
,, , , : , - *SMMLLSLli,,..
:: l ,,sssssss,, *MLLii:, :
,,LL* ,llMMly, *MMLi::
I think ::/. .. llM . . *M,,
Isnt tha,db,.y . :MMl . . . :Mlll ithinkilo
MMMM, . ,lNM: . . , Sl:isntthatw
I dont knoY7,/, . ,NNL . . /b, Sll
I dont know wha . L:l. . . ,NNb,*dontknow
--**SS * -- ll . . ,N* , idontknow
I think i,S /, . . . .* ,,
But whaj ,, :: LLithinkilo
j7 .S 77, , LLbutwhatam
Do youSSSL * ,:: .. LL
I thin*** , ,ll: ili :b, ?*. LLdoyouthin
,, sss@@Slll * lMi */ * LLithinkilo
lLl @@@SS/.. ? LL.
:: 7ll SS***Sb. /,
7* ***llM ?
Do you think i have a ca//,MM*S* * */*
Let me ask you to your face. **
:: l ,,sssssss,, *MLLii:, :
,,LL* ,llMMly, *MMLi::
I think ::/. .. llM . . *M,,
Isnt tha,db,.y . :MMl . . . :Mlll ithinkilo
MMMM, . ,lNM: . . , Sl:isntthatw
I dont knoY7,/, . ,NNL . . /b, Sll
I dont know wha . L:l. . . ,NNb,*dontknow
--**SS * -- ll . . ,N* , idontknow
I think i,S /, . . . .* ,,
But whaj ,, :: LLithinkilo
j7 .S 77, , LLbutwhatam
Do youSSSL * ,:: .. LL
I thin*** , ,ll: ili :b, ?*. LLdoyouthin
,, sss@@Slll * lMi */ * LLithinkilo
lLl @@@SS/.. ? LL.
:: 7ll SS***Sb. /,
7* ***llM ?
Do you think i have a ca//,MM*S* * */*
Let me ask you to your face. **
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