this image contains text
aSCii hAS rEACHED tHE y2k
so, the new millennium is here. /
i must say that nye didnt live up to my expectations,
no millennium bugz, no nothing. anyway, i had a blast,
so its alllll good.
ive been trying some new stylez for the new millennium,
some of this might look like crap, which suits me fine,
cause im a crapper, thats right, a crapper. crap becomes
me. : :
btw, i am ..
.: . / / h7
.:::::: E L N I N O /
and this is my colly for mimic 19.
. its called ..
t H E f A o U T s O N o F A l U N G
m i t t h j r t a b a n k a r i 1 2 0
mimic 18..
/ i gladly unzipped the files as usual, started my viewer
/ and began browsing the asciis, as usual. i thought to myself,
// / / / what a brilliant and amazing pack, as usual.
/ / minutes passed.. hours.. days.. might have overdone that,
// / until i reached the joints, the joints always marks an ending
/ of a pack, and i was a bit sad and gloomy. my life passed in
front of my eyes, a tear made its way down my cheek and
landed on the keyboard. i started to twitch.. anyway,
i noticed a file named US-ASS.ASC and i thought to myself,
ass? sounds interesting, what secrets can possibly be lurking
behind the kufic filename?
i stopped breathing for a second and then managed to press
enter. my screen flickered.. oh the joy and happinnes!
everything was swimming before my eyes. was this a dream?
a word had appeared before me.. ASSCOCK, in big bold white
letters. i started stuttering, A-A-SSSSSSSCOCK-K!@?
i had entered a state of denial, how could a person
possibly come to think of such an amazing word?
its a shame that i never before had been introduced to this
the ascii had no tags on it, so please contact me if you
were involved in the making of this ascii.
* . / o . . / *
/o / /
/ / / d a r k m y s t
/. / /. // /. / /. D A R K
M Y S T /. /
en / //
/ / / i n h a l e
/ / / m o s d e f
EN // / mos def
/ / / s u p e r g a s
/ S U P E R .
G A S ...
ItS PHaT yO . ...
/ / / e l n i n o
, iF yALL dONT lIKE mE yOU cAN sUCK mY dICK tIL yOU nUMB iT ,
id like to thank h7 for the el nino-logo
so, the new millennium is here. /
i must say that nye didnt live up to my expectations,
no millennium bugz, no nothing. anyway, i had a blast,
so its alllll good.
ive been trying some new stylez for the new millennium,
some of this might look like crap, which suits me fine,
cause im a crapper, thats right, a crapper. crap becomes
me. : :
btw, i am ..
.: . / / h7
.:::::: E L N I N O /
and this is my colly for mimic 19.
. its called ..
t H E f A o U T s O N o F A l U N G
m i t t h j r t a b a n k a r i 1 2 0
mimic 18..
/ i gladly unzipped the files as usual, started my viewer
/ and began browsing the asciis, as usual. i thought to myself,
// / / / what a brilliant and amazing pack, as usual.
/ / minutes passed.. hours.. days.. might have overdone that,
// / until i reached the joints, the joints always marks an ending
/ of a pack, and i was a bit sad and gloomy. my life passed in
front of my eyes, a tear made its way down my cheek and
landed on the keyboard. i started to twitch.. anyway,
i noticed a file named US-ASS.ASC and i thought to myself,
ass? sounds interesting, what secrets can possibly be lurking
behind the kufic filename?
i stopped breathing for a second and then managed to press
enter. my screen flickered.. oh the joy and happinnes!
everything was swimming before my eyes. was this a dream?
a word had appeared before me.. ASSCOCK, in big bold white
letters. i started stuttering, A-A-SSSSSSSCOCK-K!@?
i had entered a state of denial, how could a person
possibly come to think of such an amazing word?
its a shame that i never before had been introduced to this
the ascii had no tags on it, so please contact me if you
were involved in the making of this ascii.
* . / o . . / *
/o / /
/ / / d a r k m y s t
/. / /. // /. / /. D A R K
M Y S T /. /
en / //
/ / / i n h a l e
/ / / m o s d e f
EN // / mos def
/ / / s u p e r g a s
/ S U P E R .
G A S ...
ItS PHaT yO . ...
/ / / e l n i n o
, iF yALL dONT lIKE mE yOU cAN sUCK mY dICK tIL yOU nUMB iT ,
id like to thank h7 for the el nino-logo
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