this image contains text
grandmaster mojo presents ...
she had the booze i had the chronic. the lakers beat the supersonics.
the chronic
/ / , secular
: : : : : grm:
/ / , ksf
/ / , cash money millionaires
YP . .ss.
.ss. ..::: ::: YP
YP . .:::::::: :::: / /
YP ....::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::.. YP
.ss. YP
/ / , inso
. ...... : grm mimic
/ / , nodes
:grmmmc.: :::/ /
:::.::: cmd ::/
: : : : 2 :
....::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3 :::::::::::::::::::::::::.
:::l:::l: :::::l::::::: 4 :l::::ll::l:::::
l ::: ::l: ::: 5 :l ::l: ::::
: : :: :: 6 :l :::: :::
............................... 7 :l ..... : : .. : ........
l l : . .. ... ........l : : :
: : : ::l : : :
schedule confrontation.
i work too much to do ascii all day. or even in my spare time
more next month. greets to norad, diy, mimic
told all of yall critters, dont be contemplatin my figures.
@eof 199 lines
she had the booze i had the chronic. the lakers beat the supersonics.
the chronic
/ / , secular
: : : : : grm:
/ / , ksf
/ / , cash money millionaires
YP . .ss.
.ss. ..::: ::: YP
YP . .:::::::: :::: / /
YP ....::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::.. YP
.ss. YP
/ / , inso
. ...... : grm mimic
/ / , nodes
:grmmmc.: :::/ /
:::.::: cmd ::/
: : : : 2 :
....::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3 :::::::::::::::::::::::::.
:::l:::l: :::::l::::::: 4 :l::::ll::l:::::
l ::: ::l: ::: 5 :l ::l: ::::
: : :: :: 6 :l :::: :::
............................... 7 :l ..... : : .. : ........
l l : . .. ... ........l : : :
: : : ::l : : :
schedule confrontation.
i work too much to do ascii all day. or even in my spare time
more next month. greets to norad, diy, mimic
told all of yall critters, dont be contemplatin my figures.
@eof 199 lines
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