this image contains text
7.gb..dg. 7**. .**.
7.d*..*b.7dlSSSb .**. me and wackie are homos!
d7.db.7b 7: : db - sorry my bad, HOMIES!
ii ii :l l7.**.
ll .gSSg. db
7b. -- .d7 .d**b.7 .**.
b 7g..g7 d7.d b.7b 7db
b.*7,,7*.- ii - - ii .**.
SgdbgS db
7b. - - .d7 . 77 .7 .**.
b.*SS*. d77b..d77b 7SSSS
* warning! * g l: g ii b. 77 .d ii : : 7.**.
- This file : : ll gg ll l :l db
could damage . 7b.77.d7 .gSSg.7 your head. b 7g..g7.d**b.7 b.*7..7* d7.d b.7b 7 ii ii hi, im emok. I run windows95 and come from sweden. 7b. .d7 Still i got some words i want to share with you. First 7g..g7 off all you people dont have to belive that the scene *SS* will keep on going. I would say that the averge age of the l: artist today is about 18, and theres no new artist in the ago : below that will continue with this scene of ours.
Its sounds cruel, but thats the way it is.
I cant imagine what i would do without it. Not because of the art, but the
people. Where the fuck can i get to know such top quality people like all of you? And well, the only thingy i hope for is for you hooking up on irc every
now and then. Whatever you do i want to say that i love you! All of you.
Some greets will follow.
blk-jack : i know that we not always have been buddies but damn your cool
cain : too bad you changed that much, you used to be so cool.
wackie : man i love you.
polygon : Keep up all the good work!
revo2001 : peace!
cat-dog : haha, i cant belive that you quit mimic with your lowquality
asciis, mimic gave you the shot and you blew it! DAMN BOY!
Till alla mina underbara svenskar!
keetar, drax, zatchmo, xzip, IPH!, pogue, purplee, arx
- jag lskar er mina sm ascii nglar! :
At the end i would say thank you all, and i am the scenes worst spelling
ashole in the history of ascii : this is how i will be remembered
7.d*..*b.7dlSSSb .**. me and wackie are homos!
d7.db.7b 7: : db - sorry my bad, HOMIES!
ii ii :l l7.**.
ll .gSSg. db
7b. -- .d7 .d**b.7 .**.
b 7g..g7 d7.d b.7b 7db
b.*7,,7*.- ii - - ii .**.
SgdbgS db
7b. - - .d7 . 77 .7 .**.
b.*SS*. d77b..d77b 7SSSS
* warning! * g l: g ii b. 77 .d ii : : 7.**.
- This file : : ll gg ll l :l db
could damage . 7b.77.d7 .gSSg.7 your head. b 7g..g7.d**b.7 b.*7..7* d7.d b.7b 7 ii ii hi, im emok. I run windows95 and come from sweden. 7b. .d7 Still i got some words i want to share with you. First 7g..g7 off all you people dont have to belive that the scene *SS* will keep on going. I would say that the averge age of the l: artist today is about 18, and theres no new artist in the ago : below that will continue with this scene of ours.
Its sounds cruel, but thats the way it is.
I cant imagine what i would do without it. Not because of the art, but the
people. Where the fuck can i get to know such top quality people like all of you? And well, the only thingy i hope for is for you hooking up on irc every
now and then. Whatever you do i want to say that i love you! All of you.
Some greets will follow.
blk-jack : i know that we not always have been buddies but damn your cool
cain : too bad you changed that much, you used to be so cool.
wackie : man i love you.
polygon : Keep up all the good work!
revo2001 : peace!
cat-dog : haha, i cant belive that you quit mimic with your lowquality
asciis, mimic gave you the shot and you blew it! DAMN BOY!
Till alla mina underbara svenskar!
keetar, drax, zatchmo, xzip, IPH!, pogue, purplee, arx
- jag lskar er mina sm ascii nglar! :
At the end i would say thank you all, and i am the scenes worst spelling
ashole in the history of ascii : this is how i will be remembered
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