this image contains text
@kimmish haha jeff
@kimmish remember that time you pissed on my car?
@kimmish hahah that ruled.
@sb i wish i got a chance to piss on your car :
@sb s/on/IN/
@sb s/car/MOUTH/
@kimmish you had your chance when i was passed out on the bathroom floor
@kimmish DID YOU TAKE IT. NO.
Now talking in havok
topicWelcome to havok, approximately 20 minutes until the next /mdop. by Cheesebal
webba I dont do ascii
webba it makes me feel dirty :
webba VGA 4 L1F3
mydknight draw me an ascii
bzzy o
bzzy /
bzzy /
bzzy thats you
bzzy !
entropy i like wasting her time
@Umkilla bang her and never call her back.
entropy nah...i dont bang chix
@dose knock her up, throw sand in her eyes and run
entropy haha
@Umkilla you fuck guys?
entropy nah thats not wot i meant
entropy i have a gf
entropy i stick to one girl
entropy dont bang chix
@Umkilla oh.
@Umkilla that works.
entropy heh
@wage thats what i thought you meant too
@wage the guy thing
entropy shes like..im all yours
entropy do with me wot you want
entropy you better believe ihad her turn over nd take it in the ass
@webba Yum
@wage i remember when entropy said that too me
@wage :
annemarei kidd rock is gay
annemarei and the epitome of white trash
@morbid *Psylocke* hi wanna see my dancing penis?
@morbid this spells trouble with a capital p.
@Psylocke jeffs just stands there and spits
@Psylocke mine boogies
@morbid i would, i really would, but you know how it is, you see one dancing penis youve seen them all.
*** destruct- has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
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*** moom has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
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*** kitten has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** wage has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** Mog has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** entropy has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
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morbid so. anyway.
@sb ascii RULES.
morbid ansi is even better.
morbid its like an artistic bearcave.
@morb1d msgsparklez!sparklez@tsc.mars.edu ew, no youre a fat cunt but, shit, that
knoxy is one sexy hunk of man
@morb1d just back off unless youre prepared to go 12 rounds with pure power.
@knox alternatively, we could partake in a bout of crotch thrusting and sweaty cursing
in a public toilet
@jamiesan girly-girl.net
@jamiesan i showed my boss
@morb1d hahah
@jamiesan and he goes lets write caren an email and tell her she sux
@jamiesan then he goes
@jamiesan her boyfriend looks like a muppet vulcan
@morb1d girly-girl because shes twice a girl.
@morb1d or at least twice the size of a normal girl. -- fat jokes from fat people are so
awkward and wrong.
@knox i see you have scaled haha. correctly for her size
@sb i see you have a working knowledge of her tits
-morbid- is back.
-webba- well sir, thanks for sharing!
sb hhahaha
morbid shrugs.
sb fuck
sb ive drank too much
webba oh stop :
S+Z Signoff: morbid .
webba er
webba hrm
webba I didnt think hed stop that violently
@morbid all right, is it a requirement to listen to electronica or whatever to be a true doodler?
@ybee hah
@knox garn
@knox fucken dirty cunts, we have camps for people like you pignata
@morbid YES. ITS KNOX.
@morbid - -knox- *SONIC BOOM*
@morbid he can no longer be of any problem.
@knox - --- ,----,
@knox --- ,- o , meep meep
@knox - -- --
@knox thats for you john, peace
@colrebel why is it that i go to the mall to buy one thing
@colrebel and i spend a shitload of cash
@colrebel im like a fucking woman when i go shopping
@neruaL you buy makeup?
@neruaL and skirts?
wage i think im going to drink until i pass out with you.
@colrebel damnit
@colrebel im out of my mind
@colrebel i just replied to a ds3 customers email with groovy baby yahhhhhhhhhhhh
@colrebel and hit send and realized wtf are you doing?
@knox im going to keep reloading jeffs webpage until either his computer
locks up with the load or he notices me and sends me a rude message
knox changes topic to sb:djk@ YOUR MOTHER IS LOPSIDED.
@anunnaki i got lots of free pot from a girl whose father grows it but she wants me
which sucks because she looks like a man
@kimmish remember that time you pissed on my car?
@kimmish hahah that ruled.
@sb i wish i got a chance to piss on your car :
@sb s/on/IN/
@sb s/car/MOUTH/
@kimmish you had your chance when i was passed out on the bathroom floor
@kimmish DID YOU TAKE IT. NO.
Now talking in havok
topicWelcome to havok, approximately 20 minutes until the next /mdop. by Cheesebal
webba I dont do ascii
webba it makes me feel dirty :
webba VGA 4 L1F3
mydknight draw me an ascii
bzzy o
bzzy /
bzzy /
bzzy thats you
bzzy !
entropy i like wasting her time
@Umkilla bang her and never call her back.
entropy nah...i dont bang chix
@dose knock her up, throw sand in her eyes and run
entropy haha
@Umkilla you fuck guys?
entropy nah thats not wot i meant
entropy i have a gf
entropy i stick to one girl
entropy dont bang chix
@Umkilla oh.
@Umkilla that works.
entropy heh
@wage thats what i thought you meant too
@wage the guy thing
entropy shes like..im all yours
entropy do with me wot you want
entropy you better believe ihad her turn over nd take it in the ass
@webba Yum
@wage i remember when entropy said that too me
@wage :
annemarei kidd rock is gay
annemarei and the epitome of white trash
@morbid *Psylocke* hi wanna see my dancing penis?
@morbid this spells trouble with a capital p.
@Psylocke jeffs just stands there and spits
@Psylocke mine boogies
@morbid i would, i really would, but you know how it is, you see one dancing penis youve seen them all.
*** destruct- has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** DuckEE has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** abyss has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** shugenja has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** moom has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** Umkilla has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** kitten has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** wage has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** Mog has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** entropy has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** webba has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** jackfrost has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** colrebel has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** ntide has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** daed has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** neruaL has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** JL has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** pablo has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** PLuToNiuM has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** knoxII has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
*** snowman has quit IRC ircd-w.concentric.net irc.best.net
morbid so. anyway.
@sb ascii RULES.
morbid ansi is even better.
morbid its like an artistic bearcave.
@morb1d msgsparklez!sparklez@tsc.mars.edu ew, no youre a fat cunt but, shit, that
knoxy is one sexy hunk of man
@morb1d just back off unless youre prepared to go 12 rounds with pure power.
@knox alternatively, we could partake in a bout of crotch thrusting and sweaty cursing
in a public toilet
@jamiesan girly-girl.net
@jamiesan i showed my boss
@morb1d hahah
@jamiesan and he goes lets write caren an email and tell her she sux
@jamiesan then he goes
@jamiesan her boyfriend looks like a muppet vulcan
@morb1d girly-girl because shes twice a girl.
@morb1d or at least twice the size of a normal girl. -- fat jokes from fat people are so
awkward and wrong.
@knox i see you have scaled haha. correctly for her size
@sb i see you have a working knowledge of her tits
-morbid- is back.
-webba- well sir, thanks for sharing!
sb hhahaha
morbid shrugs.
sb fuck
sb ive drank too much
webba oh stop :
S+Z Signoff: morbid .
webba er
webba hrm
webba I didnt think hed stop that violently
@morbid all right, is it a requirement to listen to electronica or whatever to be a true doodler?
@ybee hah
@knox garn
@knox fucken dirty cunts, we have camps for people like you pignata
@morbid YES. ITS KNOX.
@morbid - -knox- *SONIC BOOM*
@morbid he can no longer be of any problem.
@knox - --- ,----,
@knox --- ,- o , meep meep
@knox - -- --
@knox thats for you john, peace
@colrebel why is it that i go to the mall to buy one thing
@colrebel and i spend a shitload of cash
@colrebel im like a fucking woman when i go shopping
@neruaL you buy makeup?
@neruaL and skirts?
wage i think im going to drink until i pass out with you.
@colrebel damnit
@colrebel im out of my mind
@colrebel i just replied to a ds3 customers email with groovy baby yahhhhhhhhhhhh
@colrebel and hit send and realized wtf are you doing?
@knox im going to keep reloading jeffs webpage until either his computer
locks up with the load or he notices me and sends me a rude message
knox changes topic to sb:djk@ YOUR MOTHER IS LOPSIDED.
@anunnaki i got lots of free pot from a girl whose father grows it but she wants me
which sucks because she looks like a man
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