this image contains text
: ::::::::::: :: th! // //
:::: / R I T 0 V I N
divider?! ::::
. ::::th! . /
:::: --// R I T A L 1 N
I kinda screwed up on this, i was supposed to draw ritalin but dumbly drew
something saying ritovin, i fixed it up but liked the original so much i have
decided to release them both.. you can stop laughing now. please stop.
-thanatosthe artist previously known as waste//thanatos@mimic.ca
:::: / R I T 0 V I N
divider?! ::::
. ::::th! . /
:::: --// R I T A L 1 N
I kinda screwed up on this, i was supposed to draw ritalin but dumbly drew
something saying ritovin, i fixed it up but liked the original so much i have
decided to release them both.. you can stop laughing now. please stop.
-thanatosthe artist previously known as waste//thanatos@mimic.ca
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