this image contains text
we interrupt this mimic pack to bring you a marlon brando colly..normally i
would use this time to say something profound and since i have just finished
reading descartes, i say to you dont bump into the furniture.. i say to
myself about this colly something an acting teacher once told me i just want
you to do it better..
greets to: blkjack, konami, aeternam, kayozz, cat-dog, serial toon, dezible,
deviant, injektilo, dyingsoul, ironghost, palmore and all you mimic4lifers..
special k-r0d eleet greets to: goatboy, joe nobody, assassin, opteek and the
whole bHc crew..
if you actually like my work and would like me to create you some, catch me
on irc, email kkornelu@shrike.depaul.edu or, better yet, hop on over to
chicagos last die-hard art board at 773-244-4137..
: / // for: aeternam
/ // /says: wayland
: : /mB! : :
: : + o a e t e r n a m : :
: / // for: opteek
/ // /says: phive
mB:: // : /
system seventy phive / all h/p/a/c/v
mercenary member board / animal pr0n
: k-r0d eleet ops: opteek marl0n brand0
: / // for: pak
/ // /says: pak
: mB / // ::
: pAk nUmbAH sEvEN! wOOp!! ::
: ansi to make your panties moist! ::
: / // for: delarion
/ // /says: p.w.
/ xXmEnU mENuXx
mB / o:::::::::::::::
o/ptions o/ptions o/ptions o/ptions
g/o g/o g/o g/o
h/ere h/ere h/ere h/ere
: / // for: whoever
/ // /says: last ten
: //. mB , :// , :
num username usernote time baud new area
hAndLe bAuD uSeRNotE nOdE
1 MarloN BrandO op hazmat/mercenary 12:01 57600 No --
1 MarloN Brand0 57600 op bHc/mimic/merc Local
2 randy west 69000 up commers one
3 ron jeremy 69696 ski sluts two
asCiIs bY mARl0n bRanD0
bLacK hOLe cAFe 773.244.4137
would use this time to say something profound and since i have just finished
reading descartes, i say to you dont bump into the furniture.. i say to
myself about this colly something an acting teacher once told me i just want
you to do it better..
greets to: blkjack, konami, aeternam, kayozz, cat-dog, serial toon, dezible,
deviant, injektilo, dyingsoul, ironghost, palmore and all you mimic4lifers..
special k-r0d eleet greets to: goatboy, joe nobody, assassin, opteek and the
whole bHc crew..
if you actually like my work and would like me to create you some, catch me
on irc, email kkornelu@shrike.depaul.edu or, better yet, hop on over to
chicagos last die-hard art board at 773-244-4137..
: / // for: aeternam
/ // /says: wayland
: : /mB! : :
: : + o a e t e r n a m : :
: / // for: opteek
/ // /says: phive
mB:: // : /
system seventy phive / all h/p/a/c/v
mercenary member board / animal pr0n
: k-r0d eleet ops: opteek marl0n brand0
: / // for: pak
/ // /says: pak
: mB / // ::
: pAk nUmbAH sEvEN! wOOp!! ::
: ansi to make your panties moist! ::
: / // for: delarion
/ // /says: p.w.
/ xXmEnU mENuXx
mB / o:::::::::::::::
o/ptions o/ptions o/ptions o/ptions
g/o g/o g/o g/o
h/ere h/ere h/ere h/ere
: / // for: whoever
/ // /says: last ten
: //. mB , :// , :
num username usernote time baud new area
hAndLe bAuD uSeRNotE nOdE
1 MarloN BrandO op hazmat/mercenary 12:01 57600 No --
1 MarloN Brand0 57600 op bHc/mimic/merc Local
2 randy west 69000 up commers one
3 ron jeremy 69696 ski sluts two
asCiIs bY mARl0n bRanD0
bLacK hOLe cAFe 773.244.4137
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