this image contains text
. .4.
.44. .*@4* 4* .44.
.44. * . ,**
lll .*@@*, * * ll * Music-dump *
ll: j : *
*9* .*@99@*. .
*@@* j .4. Login
,...,*L, .44. Feedback
lll /,....,J, *@99@* * Apply
llll. ll Logoff
ll 7 *,.....,J *
44 *@9@* llll 44
gnk- 44 llll 4
-- cut --
hi, this is a new version of an ascii i drew, the old one sucked so
i decided to improve it abit, ehmm.. i guess its alot better, cya
.44. .*@4* 4* .44.
.44. * . ,**
lll .*@@*, * * ll * Music-dump *
ll: j : *
*9* .*@99@*. .
*@@* j .4. Login
,...,*L, .44. Feedback
lll /,....,J, *@99@* * Apply
llll. ll Logoff
ll 7 *,.....,J *
44 *@9@* llll 44
gnk- 44 llll 4
-- cut --
hi, this is a new version of an ascii i drew, the old one sucked so
i decided to improve it abit, ehmm.. i guess its alot better, cya
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