this image contains text
Mimic Productions mailinglist information:
As of late, a *public* Mimic Productions mailinglist
has sprung forth. This mailinglist will have public chatter
about the group, about the releases, information on the group,
and other such group matters. *Anyone* may join the list, and
you can do so by following the below instructions
1 In your email client, send an email to majordomo@christ.nws.net,
with the *BODY* of the message saying subscribe mimic
If you would like to sign up from a different email address
than the one youre sending the mail from, please use :
subscribe mimic yournick@hostname.com
2 Within a few minutes, you should receive confirmation email,
please reply properly The instructions will be in the email
3 Thats it! Youre all set.. were trying to get as many
interested people in on this as we can, so sign yourself up
*Note* -- Since Im in a good mood, Ill host other groups
mailinglists too If needed.
If interested in this, email blkjack@christ.nws.net
telling me how youd like to do this..
Black Jack, MIMIC
As of late, a *public* Mimic Productions mailinglist
has sprung forth. This mailinglist will have public chatter
about the group, about the releases, information on the group,
and other such group matters. *Anyone* may join the list, and
you can do so by following the below instructions
1 In your email client, send an email to majordomo@christ.nws.net,
with the *BODY* of the message saying subscribe mimic
If you would like to sign up from a different email address
than the one youre sending the mail from, please use :
subscribe mimic yournick@hostname.com
2 Within a few minutes, you should receive confirmation email,
please reply properly The instructions will be in the email
3 Thats it! Youre all set.. were trying to get as many
interested people in on this as we can, so sign yourself up
*Note* -- Since Im in a good mood, Ill host other groups
mailinglists too If needed.
If interested in this, email blkjack@christ.nws.net
telling me how youd like to do this..
Black Jack, MIMIC
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