this image contains text
. 1 .
l .l. l l. . . l l
. ll .l . l. l .
l l . l
: l:
/ p r e s e n t s
,,*. *,, ,, , *bURN bABY bURN*
/ /, Y l
// Y d/ .
/ / b. --l.
, ,/ l
/ / l
/ l /
l /
/ -,,,d.----
---,,* n/m
. l . lll .. / /
. . l ll / /
l l / /
/ l i o o
/ . m f o
/ N i f m .
l i c e /
/ l 2 l
: / o A l 0 /
. s i 8 :
/ / c p .
/ i o
/ . i f ..:.
. . . . . f :
/ i n a c o l l y c a l l e d
/ / / / /ml/
/ *d I S C o i N F E R N o* /
, in pc mode - where availible ,
/ Dz/a! / / / / / / / // / / / / / PREF/CE /
.: ciao. .:
:. guess what, im backiddeybackk. little has happened since last :.
.:. month. oh yeah, i started drawing ansi again, be sure to check .:.
: my stuff out and all the other great art in poffelipoff packs. :
. back to ascii, i need more requests.. catch me on irc as nino .
ascii/mimic/sweart or email me at dataflow@sweart.nu if
you need an ascii done.
. some days ago i recieved an email from black jack, concerning this.
.:.. whole europe - america/canada thingy going on, im going to quote .:..
.:.: a few lines .:.:
.:. Alright.. over the past few days there has been a lot of .:.
: . eurotrash calling, and nazi calling by the euros. : .
: This shit has gone too far. :
. Even myself, who is probably the most to blame for bringing back .
the word eurotrash, is realizing this. A lot of people are
. getting offended, and stupid shit is coming as a result. .
..: well, i couldnt agree with you more. lets all stop this shit, ..:
: because its killing the already dying scene, the scene should :
:: be a place for people from all over the world to meet, whether ::
: youre american, european, asian, russian, black, white, yellow, :
.:. green or whatever. the scene is about friendship and having fun, .:.
.::. atleast as i can recall. .::.
.:. put more energy into drawing instead, and maybe the scene once .:.
::. again can become what it has been. ::.
. im out, peace. .
//./ . o./ n/ / / . //../ n/ / /
/ c / / /.. // t./ e / /.. // t
. / ascii says : drawn for : .
abel square
// bt unknown
crooklyn mankind
deadlock compo
intergalactic absent spinsister
index kayozz and dezibel
kremic karma/remorse/mimic
spinal core abstrakt
sweart sweart
trance induced dont remember
/ vajsing vader
/. writers corner myself .
lets start..
/ ---- O
kO / ,, // // ,
/ mIMIC aSCII!@ /
abel for square
. : b .
. / / / l
/ .n/m
a e /
bt for unknown note: this was for some
guy who said hed give me
a ftp account for it.
contact me if you read
/ /n/m
crooklyn for mankind
cus there no such thing as
: half-way crookz.
deadlock for a compo note: i like this
/ d e a d l o c k
el nio / mimic
intergalactic for absent spinsister
/ l l
/ l
/ l . .. .. . . .. .
n/m :
index for kayozz dezibel
/ ./ / . / l
,b n/M!
. . : l
: i N D E x
kremic for noone
/ / / /. / . / . // .karma - remorse - mimic
// ! k re mic
spinal core for abstrakt
/ n/m
: / . . i. /. l . . . . :
: / l : /
/ / s p i n a l c o r e
if i had one wish, id ask for a big enuff ass for the whole world to kiss
- eminem
sweart for sweart
, // / / n/m
s w e a r t
trance induced for ?! note: uhm, yeah
this blowz
/ n/m
vajsing for vader note: GOD i hate that v.
, m . ./ / ../ // . /.
lk . / / /
MM/ //ln/m
: v a j s i n g .
writers corner for myself note: this is ooold. one
of my 1st asciis. i still
think its cool tho.
oO / : / /
:::::...... / / / w r i t e r s
::::: :::::: / ---. / c o r n e r !
end of asciis..
,, bne
greets and stuff.
first of all i would like to thank the artists that
helped me with this colly:
mjolnir disco inferno
dezibel preface
konami mimic
and brane greets
also a big shoutout to the swedish scene - sweart everest
i would like to say hi to all the talented artists in mimic
and karma, you rock.
music i listened to during the making of this colly:
black eyed peas behind the front, sun trip phase 5,
eminem slim shady, cypress hill IV, DJ shadow and
the dopest hiphop compilation around by me oolite.
until next time.
el nio in
// disco inferno
-mimic ascii-1998------+
l .l. l l. . . l l
. ll .l . l. l .
l l . l
: l:
/ p r e s e n t s
,,*. *,, ,, , *bURN bABY bURN*
/ /, Y l
// Y d/ .
/ / b. --l.
, ,/ l
/ / l
/ l /
l /
/ -,,,d.----
---,,* n/m
. l . lll .. / /
. . l ll / /
l l / /
/ l i o o
/ . m f o
/ N i f m .
l i c e /
/ l 2 l
: / o A l 0 /
. s i 8 :
/ / c p .
/ i o
/ . i f ..:.
. . . . . f :
/ i n a c o l l y c a l l e d
/ / / / /ml/
/ *d I S C o i N F E R N o* /
, in pc mode - where availible ,
/ Dz/a! / / / / / / / // / / / / / PREF/CE /
.: ciao. .:
:. guess what, im backiddeybackk. little has happened since last :.
.:. month. oh yeah, i started drawing ansi again, be sure to check .:.
: my stuff out and all the other great art in poffelipoff packs. :
. back to ascii, i need more requests.. catch me on irc as nino .
ascii/mimic/sweart or email me at dataflow@sweart.nu if
you need an ascii done.
. some days ago i recieved an email from black jack, concerning this.
.:.. whole europe - america/canada thingy going on, im going to quote .:..
.:.: a few lines .:.:
.:. Alright.. over the past few days there has been a lot of .:.
: . eurotrash calling, and nazi calling by the euros. : .
: This shit has gone too far. :
. Even myself, who is probably the most to blame for bringing back .
the word eurotrash, is realizing this. A lot of people are
. getting offended, and stupid shit is coming as a result. .
..: well, i couldnt agree with you more. lets all stop this shit, ..:
: because its killing the already dying scene, the scene should :
:: be a place for people from all over the world to meet, whether ::
: youre american, european, asian, russian, black, white, yellow, :
.:. green or whatever. the scene is about friendship and having fun, .:.
.::. atleast as i can recall. .::.
.:. put more energy into drawing instead, and maybe the scene once .:.
::. again can become what it has been. ::.
. im out, peace. .
//./ . o./ n/ / / . //../ n/ / /
/ c / / /.. // t./ e / /.. // t
. / ascii says : drawn for : .
abel square
// bt unknown
crooklyn mankind
deadlock compo
intergalactic absent spinsister
index kayozz and dezibel
kremic karma/remorse/mimic
spinal core abstrakt
sweart sweart
trance induced dont remember
/ vajsing vader
/. writers corner myself .
lets start..
/ ---- O
kO / ,, // // ,
/ mIMIC aSCII!@ /
abel for square
. : b .
. / / / l
/ .n/m
a e /
bt for unknown note: this was for some
guy who said hed give me
a ftp account for it.
contact me if you read
/ /n/m
crooklyn for mankind
cus there no such thing as
: half-way crookz.
deadlock for a compo note: i like this
/ d e a d l o c k
el nio / mimic
intergalactic for absent spinsister
/ l l
/ l
/ l . .. .. . . .. .
n/m :
index for kayozz dezibel
/ ./ / . / l
,b n/M!
. . : l
: i N D E x
kremic for noone
/ / / /. / . / . // .karma - remorse - mimic
// ! k re mic
spinal core for abstrakt
/ n/m
: / . . i. /. l . . . . :
: / l : /
/ / s p i n a l c o r e
if i had one wish, id ask for a big enuff ass for the whole world to kiss
- eminem
sweart for sweart
, // / / n/m
s w e a r t
trance induced for ?! note: uhm, yeah
this blowz
/ n/m
vajsing for vader note: GOD i hate that v.
, m . ./ / ../ // . /.
lk . / / /
MM/ //ln/m
: v a j s i n g .
writers corner for myself note: this is ooold. one
of my 1st asciis. i still
think its cool tho.
oO / : / /
:::::...... / / / w r i t e r s
::::: :::::: / ---. / c o r n e r !
end of asciis..
,, bne
greets and stuff.
first of all i would like to thank the artists that
helped me with this colly:
mjolnir disco inferno
dezibel preface
konami mimic
and brane greets
also a big shoutout to the swedish scene - sweart everest
i would like to say hi to all the talented artists in mimic
and karma, you rock.
music i listened to during the making of this colly:
black eyed peas behind the front, sun trip phase 5,
eminem slim shady, cypress hill IV, DJ shadow and
the dopest hiphop compilation around by me oolite.
until next time.
el nio in
// disco inferno
-mimic ascii-1998------+
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