this image contains text
.. ./ .b*-
.--, ./ -?. . .y@@.
.d/,/SS. . P*-*?/.
.!!P . .
P -y/ !.
l . . l
.. .P/. ..
.l,., /,,, d
./ l .
.d ** P*./
. . P* ,yd..P
?. .d. . .
?Pb --.d
/ ?@dP
d /
.yy. .yy. .yy. .****. .yy.
. . ?/.
/ release name here
Supplier : Disk : Cracker : Platform : Packer : DirectX : Release Date : Util Type : System Requirements :
. d /
.yy. .yy. .yy.
. .d //.
P .
. .b ?. ?/.
2000AD Release Notes
2000AD Install Notes
d /
.yy. .yy. . /.
b, . /.
P . .
. ?/.
./ 2000AD News
yyy .d/
.yy?. .yy.
? . .
? ..
// . . 2000AD Info
If you think you can do anything for us and the scene
and are ready to do some hard working not just sit there
and get a nice ass freeride.
Crackers - If your an cracker who are intresting in joining us
youre very welcome.
Suppliers - If you work in a computer store or even on a big
computer company contact us we want you we also want ppl who
can scan the net for unreleased stuff to crack if your the right
man PLEASE contact us.
Webmasters - Yeah we are in need of does ppls to, if youre good
on HTML/JAVA/SHOCKWAVE/CGI please contact us. If you got an page
upn running, email the url and we will take a look at it. If you
run a web server and can provide us with webspace contact us as
soon as you can.
Shell suppliers - If your working on a ISP or running a shellbox
in EURO .se .fi .nl .uk .de or even USA please contact us
as soon as you can and we can talk about your and our future.
SiteOPs - So your a siteOP and wanna join your site into 2000AD?
That alright but as Razor says if your just going to sit there and
run your little site then you can forget it 2000AD wants hard
working ppl who really care about the group.
.,,..,,. .yy. .,,..,,. ****. .yy. .yy.
P P / . / .
.. 2000AD Leaders
GeeMoney * Leddy
2000AD Seniors
* loke * zed- *
2000AD Big Boys
* Agent-KGB * Exeron * Nolander * zathan * GOZ *
* Elixir * TiX * PrimlFear *
2000AD Sites
Name Speed Size Status
Wanted ........................... T3 ... ???? ................... World HQ
Wanted ........................... T3 ... ???? ................... Euro HQ
United Center .................... T3 ... Yeah ................... Courier HQ
Sanctuary ........................ T3 ... Alot ................... Usa HQ
WhoreGasm ........................ E3 ... More ................... Cracking HQ
The Blade ........................ T1 ... Whoa ................... Iso HQ
.yy. ,. . d /
/yy. .yy. .yy. .yy. /.
. . . . b ?/.
.. . . . . . . .y. //. . ,. /P 2000AD Greets /
ChinaBlue Thepep Slice Joe Honda Sicko
Contact 2000AD At:
Email: towkad@hotmail.com / twokad@twokad.org coming
WWW: www.twokad.org coming soon
2000AD .NFO layout-for: geemoney-------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
this is the first warez info file layout Ive ever done... I dunno, I
think its fun. that rhymes, yoe! anyway, props to geemoney, hes a nice guy
even though hes never around... I hope 2000ad makes its comeback in a big way.
if you want me to do a layout for your group, drop me some email... my
current email address is available on the mimic web page, which isnt up yet!
pretty convenient, huh?
- meatpod MIMIC ! ASCII
.. ./ .b*-
.--, ./ -?. . .y@@.
.d/,/SS. . P*-*?/.
.!!P . .
P -y/ !.
l . . l
.. .P/. ..
.l,., /,,, d
./ l .
.d ** P*./
. . P* ,yd..P
?. .d. . .
?Pb --.d
/ ?@dP
d /
.yy. .yy. .yy. .****. .yy.
. . ?/.
/ release name here
Supplier : Disk : Cracker : Platform : Packer : DirectX : Release Date : Util Type : System Requirements :
. d /
.yy. .yy. .yy.
. .d //.
P .
. .b ?. ?/.
2000AD Release Notes
2000AD Install Notes
d /
.yy. .yy. . /.
b, . /.
P . .
. ?/.
./ 2000AD News
yyy .d/
.yy?. .yy.
? . .
? ..
// . . 2000AD Info
If you think you can do anything for us and the scene
and are ready to do some hard working not just sit there
and get a nice ass freeride.
Crackers - If your an cracker who are intresting in joining us
youre very welcome.
Suppliers - If you work in a computer store or even on a big
computer company contact us we want you we also want ppl who
can scan the net for unreleased stuff to crack if your the right
man PLEASE contact us.
Webmasters - Yeah we are in need of does ppls to, if youre good
on HTML/JAVA/SHOCKWAVE/CGI please contact us. If you got an page
upn running, email the url and we will take a look at it. If you
run a web server and can provide us with webspace contact us as
soon as you can.
Shell suppliers - If your working on a ISP or running a shellbox
in EURO .se .fi .nl .uk .de or even USA please contact us
as soon as you can and we can talk about your and our future.
SiteOPs - So your a siteOP and wanna join your site into 2000AD?
That alright but as Razor says if your just going to sit there and
run your little site then you can forget it 2000AD wants hard
working ppl who really care about the group.
.,,..,,. .yy. .,,..,,. ****. .yy. .yy.
P P / . / .
.. 2000AD Leaders
GeeMoney * Leddy
2000AD Seniors
* loke * zed- *
2000AD Big Boys
* Agent-KGB * Exeron * Nolander * zathan * GOZ *
* Elixir * TiX * PrimlFear *
2000AD Sites
Name Speed Size Status
Wanted ........................... T3 ... ???? ................... World HQ
Wanted ........................... T3 ... ???? ................... Euro HQ
United Center .................... T3 ... Yeah ................... Courier HQ
Sanctuary ........................ T3 ... Alot ................... Usa HQ
WhoreGasm ........................ E3 ... More ................... Cracking HQ
The Blade ........................ T1 ... Whoa ................... Iso HQ
.yy. ,. . d /
/yy. .yy. .yy. .yy. /.
. . . . b ?/.
.. . . . . . . .y. //. . ,. /P 2000AD Greets /
ChinaBlue Thepep Slice Joe Honda Sicko
Contact 2000AD At:
Email: towkad@hotmail.com / twokad@twokad.org coming
WWW: www.twokad.org coming soon
2000AD .NFO layout-for: geemoney-------------------- - - - -- fuck you -----
this is the first warez info file layout Ive ever done... I dunno, I
think its fun. that rhymes, yoe! anyway, props to geemoney, hes a nice guy
even though hes never around... I hope 2000ad makes its comeback in a big way.
if you want me to do a layout for your group, drop me some email... my
current email address is available on the mimic web page, which isnt up yet!
pretty convenient, huh?
- meatpod MIMIC ! ASCII
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