this image contains text
:: 80 x 50 mode :: :: 80 x 50 mode :: :: 80 x 50 mode ::
::: ::::::::::: ::::::: ::: :::-- ------ Mi!
:: :: Mimic / Remorse Ascii by Miasma :: ::
:: Hey, its miasma.. offical mascot of mimic and tru membah of the rmrs crew
:: See, this ascii is representation, at least my representation of what the
:: ascii scene truly is. A Fusion of people thru art. This is what art is
:: supposed to do. Its supposed to express views .. this is MY expression.
::: ::::::::::: ::::::: ::: :::-- ------ Mi!
:: :: Mimic / Remorse Ascii by Miasma :: ::
:: Hey, its miasma.. offical mascot of mimic and tru membah of the rmrs crew
:: See, this ascii is representation, at least my representation of what the
:: ascii scene truly is. A Fusion of people thru art. This is what art is
:: supposed to do. Its supposed to express views .. this is MY expression.
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