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Member Board-Distro listing
Board Name Sysop A/C D
Street Rage Ryu 813 World HQ
Thunder Strike Thunder 813 Member Boar
Ashes of Dune Lord Ash 813 Member Boar
A.O.A Ali Baba 813 Member Board
Kronic Physcosis Physco Chaser 708 Member Boar
Da UnderGround The Exorcist 813 Member Boar
Blue Water Thorax +41 Switzerland
Warner Studios White Noise 604 Canadian
Terra Firma Soma 714 South Weste
Dazed Confused Demented P. 908 Distro Si
T.S.A. Righteous 215 Distro Site
Pleasure Island Dark Lighting 813 Distro Sit
Dark Shadows Elite Kronic G 904 Distro Sit
Shadowy Descent Contact MiiS WHQ 615 Distro Site
Eve of Chaos Wire Fashion 915 Distro Sit
Packaged Rebelion Mass Delusion 916 Distro Si
Death Row Flatlined Reality 413 Distro Si
The 8th Note Domino 810 Distro Site
Harvest Moon QuArn 215 Distro Site
The Spade Mad Dog 609 Distro Site
Skeletal Remains Brimstone 615 Distro Si
.A.....M.....F. Gaurdston 813 Distro Si
The Darker Image Cyric Bane 201 Distro Si
Skully Brothers Rage 203 Distro Site
Steler Nites Someone 610 Distro Si
Temples of Syrnix Urick 813 Distro
Well we got our second pak, and even though it took another
2 months, we are close to being able to release monthly paks.
We just need a couple more artists, though we have picked up
many new artists within the last 2 months. We have the Great
Ansi talent of The Exorcist, Rip from Pit, Chaoss mods, and
Thrasher even though he was in the last member list, he is
an active member now. And we have picked up a courier from
TiME, Flare. To all of you annoying people who made me aware
that my spelling sucked, may you choke on my cock. If you were
a distro and your name is not in the listing, then you have been
removed as a distro site, or we made a bad mistake so either way
call street rage to figure out witch it was. Masterken has
introduced a new demension to ansi in this pack. The .DBL,
make sure to check it out in the MiiS viewer. Well thats it
cause I am dead tired.
Greets : Mad Dog and Hch, Peanut, BeastieR:where is the nodelist?G and ACiD
Primal Scream, TiME, Fire Skull, all the people that piss me off.
Thunder MiiS President
Board Name Sysop A/C D
Street Rage Ryu 813 World HQ
Thunder Strike Thunder 813 Member Boar
Ashes of Dune Lord Ash 813 Member Boar
A.O.A Ali Baba 813 Member Board
Kronic Physcosis Physco Chaser 708 Member Boar
Da UnderGround The Exorcist 813 Member Boar
Blue Water Thorax +41 Switzerland
Warner Studios White Noise 604 Canadian
Terra Firma Soma 714 South Weste
Dazed Confused Demented P. 908 Distro Si
T.S.A. Righteous 215 Distro Site
Pleasure Island Dark Lighting 813 Distro Sit
Dark Shadows Elite Kronic G 904 Distro Sit
Shadowy Descent Contact MiiS WHQ 615 Distro Site
Eve of Chaos Wire Fashion 915 Distro Sit
Packaged Rebelion Mass Delusion 916 Distro Si
Death Row Flatlined Reality 413 Distro Si
The 8th Note Domino 810 Distro Site
Harvest Moon QuArn 215 Distro Site
The Spade Mad Dog 609 Distro Site
Skeletal Remains Brimstone 615 Distro Si
.A.....M.....F. Gaurdston 813 Distro Si
The Darker Image Cyric Bane 201 Distro Si
Skully Brothers Rage 203 Distro Site
Steler Nites Someone 610 Distro Si
Temples of Syrnix Urick 813 Distro
Well we got our second pak, and even though it took another
2 months, we are close to being able to release monthly paks.
We just need a couple more artists, though we have picked up
many new artists within the last 2 months. We have the Great
Ansi talent of The Exorcist, Rip from Pit, Chaoss mods, and
Thrasher even though he was in the last member list, he is
an active member now. And we have picked up a courier from
TiME, Flare. To all of you annoying people who made me aware
that my spelling sucked, may you choke on my cock. If you were
a distro and your name is not in the listing, then you have been
removed as a distro site, or we made a bad mistake so either way
call street rage to figure out witch it was. Masterken has
introduced a new demension to ansi in this pack. The .DBL,
make sure to check it out in the MiiS viewer. Well thats it
cause I am dead tired.
Greets : Mad Dog and Hch, Peanut, BeastieR:where is the nodelist?G and ACiD
Primal Scream, TiME, Fire Skull, all the people that piss me off.
Thunder MiiS President
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