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cardiac presents... 1st full pic/font!
chapters ONE and ONLY ..
sss ,sSPPSs, ,sSPPSs,
Ss cd!
i iiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii i
l lllll lllll lllll lllll l
s w. . . f , SS ! s
.. a . ,S, r .sSS a s e
,, .. SSS .. r .. .
. alien s warfare .
magma productions 1997
uhm hello .. i am mainly a font d00dler but i tried my first ever pic on here
and i think its perdy damn good too .. so uhm if you want a font/ad/pic of whatever then feel fr33 to email me a kardiak@aol.com, sorry i do not do irc andthis is my only functioning address at this time and you can buzz me at ethereal77o-439-76o6 which happens to be the whQ.
chapters ONE and ONLY ..
sss ,sSPPSs, ,sSPPSs,
Ss cd!
i iiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii i
l lllll lllll lllll lllll l
s w. . . f , SS ! s
.. a . ,S, r .sSS a s e
,, .. SSS .. r .. .
. alien s warfare .
magma productions 1997
uhm hello .. i am mainly a font d00dler but i tried my first ever pic on here
and i think its perdy damn good too .. so uhm if you want a font/ad/pic of whatever then feel fr33 to email me a kardiak@aol.com, sorry i do not do irc andthis is my only functioning address at this time and you can buzz me at ethereal77o-439-76o6 which happens to be the whQ.
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