this image contains text
The day of love, the day of fun,
a bright blue sky with shining sun.
Another smile, another kiss, The solitude, the loneliness,
reminding me of what I miss. eternal source of my distress,
they all come out this very day
The world around, so full of light, reminding me of my decay.
appears to me as deep black night
and happy souls are hunting me, Oh Valentine, Im bound to see
but I am trapped and cannot flee. how wunderful true love can be,
and this is what Im yearning for. Oh, I cant stand it anymore! - cirion 1997 m e a n s c h e m e valentine97
it has been a while... wired96, xmas, 1997 and finally... welcome back to your favourite nightmare, the mean scheme
valentine 1997 edition...
a few artists joined us since we last met, leonardo of black
maiden and outraider of the recently formed shade/blend merge
will release some of their kick-ass ansi with us in the
future and our vga divison was finally brought to life by acryl
and sky of the well-known german demo crew legend design.
krash left us because of lack of motivation, but were happy
to have a guest appearance of former mean scheme member
malice... looks like although she quit scene last year she
didnt quit writing and drawing... wouldve been a waste of
talent anyway...
so after the fights between german art groups have been settled i hope you guys can concentrate on drawing decent ansi again,
so a german artist doesnt need to be ashamed for the loads of
shit you produce...
until then... cya on mekka, x97 and of course on irc...
acryl .......................................
avenger ................... avengerbm@aol.com
bishop .............. bishop@cathouse.ping.de
cirion ................. cirion@geocities.com
daiji ..................... daiji@t-online.de
kyp ........................... kypbm@aol.com
leonardo .............. jan-felix@metronet.de nail ..................... nail@crypt.ping.de
outraider ......... outraider@mail.indiago.de
sky ...................... sky@haujobb.owl.de
thorn .......... thomas.koncina@do.netsurf.de
guest appearances::
malice independent ........................
t h e c r y p t home
op: nail analogue +49-231-9872188
isdn +49-231-9872188
d a m o u l d y v a u l t s germany
op: cirion analogue +49-2323-897151
isdn +49-2323-981351
h a z a r d / 2 germany
op: avenger analogue +49-2406-929269
x - p r e s s germany
op: sinus analogue +49-30-4013654 analogue +49-30-40632377
isdn +49-30-40632378
d u n e france
op: bisounours analogue +33-1-48790422
t r a u m a belgium
op: thrasher analogue +32-16-620922
f u n k i e s t finland
op: hash analogue +358-9-8552774
d o i n k usa
op: cheeze analogue +1-407-783-1522
f r e e c o k e canada
op: tna, flour analogue +1-514-254-4516
assign, avenger, bisounours, breed, bviper,
cheeze, cold and ugly, cosmic, defiant,
deeply disturbed, dieznyik, eerie, empty,
fathom, flame, flour, fractal, god among lice, grindking, gunman, halaster, kadaver, kb,
lizard, mass murderer, mice, necrofiliac,
noize, numb, panacea, poti, private parts,
prisoner1, rom, scamp, scope, shaitan,
snake grunger, sodium, the extremist,
the unconsciousness, trasher, trip, vade,
voice, zircus... and the rest that we
constantly forget...
some special hello to the artist formerly
known as the knight of fuel... now 13!
legal disclaimer::
the material in this archive is copyright
1997 by mean scheme and the individual artists respectively, it is no freeware.
however we grant you permission to copy and
distribute this archive as long as you leave
it intact and dont charge anything for it.
youre not allowed to put it on CD without
our explicit written permission.
- design by avenger nail
a bright blue sky with shining sun.
Another smile, another kiss, The solitude, the loneliness,
reminding me of what I miss. eternal source of my distress,
they all come out this very day
The world around, so full of light, reminding me of my decay.
appears to me as deep black night
and happy souls are hunting me, Oh Valentine, Im bound to see
but I am trapped and cannot flee. how wunderful true love can be,
and this is what Im yearning for. Oh, I cant stand it anymore! - cirion 1997 m e a n s c h e m e valentine97
it has been a while... wired96, xmas, 1997 and finally... welcome back to your favourite nightmare, the mean scheme
valentine 1997 edition...
a few artists joined us since we last met, leonardo of black
maiden and outraider of the recently formed shade/blend merge
will release some of their kick-ass ansi with us in the
future and our vga divison was finally brought to life by acryl
and sky of the well-known german demo crew legend design.
krash left us because of lack of motivation, but were happy
to have a guest appearance of former mean scheme member
malice... looks like although she quit scene last year she
didnt quit writing and drawing... wouldve been a waste of
talent anyway...
so after the fights between german art groups have been settled i hope you guys can concentrate on drawing decent ansi again,
so a german artist doesnt need to be ashamed for the loads of
shit you produce...
until then... cya on mekka, x97 and of course on irc...
acryl .......................................
avenger ................... avengerbm@aol.com
bishop .............. bishop@cathouse.ping.de
cirion ................. cirion@geocities.com
daiji ..................... daiji@t-online.de
kyp ........................... kypbm@aol.com
leonardo .............. jan-felix@metronet.de nail ..................... nail@crypt.ping.de
outraider ......... outraider@mail.indiago.de
sky ...................... sky@haujobb.owl.de
thorn .......... thomas.koncina@do.netsurf.de
guest appearances::
malice independent ........................
t h e c r y p t home
op: nail analogue +49-231-9872188
isdn +49-231-9872188
d a m o u l d y v a u l t s germany
op: cirion analogue +49-2323-897151
isdn +49-2323-981351
h a z a r d / 2 germany
op: avenger analogue +49-2406-929269
x - p r e s s germany
op: sinus analogue +49-30-4013654 analogue +49-30-40632377
isdn +49-30-40632378
d u n e france
op: bisounours analogue +33-1-48790422
t r a u m a belgium
op: thrasher analogue +32-16-620922
f u n k i e s t finland
op: hash analogue +358-9-8552774
d o i n k usa
op: cheeze analogue +1-407-783-1522
f r e e c o k e canada
op: tna, flour analogue +1-514-254-4516
assign, avenger, bisounours, breed, bviper,
cheeze, cold and ugly, cosmic, defiant,
deeply disturbed, dieznyik, eerie, empty,
fathom, flame, flour, fractal, god among lice, grindking, gunman, halaster, kadaver, kb,
lizard, mass murderer, mice, necrofiliac,
noize, numb, panacea, poti, private parts,
prisoner1, rom, scamp, scope, shaitan,
snake grunger, sodium, the extremist,
the unconsciousness, trasher, trip, vade,
voice, zircus... and the rest that we
constantly forget...
some special hello to the artist formerly
known as the knight of fuel... now 13!
legal disclaimer::
the material in this archive is copyright
1997 by mean scheme and the individual artists respectively, it is no freeware.
however we grant you permission to copy and
distribute this archive as long as you leave
it intact and dont charge anything for it.
youre not allowed to put it on CD without
our explicit written permission.
- design by avenger nail
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