this image contains text
: / / th:
:: / th / th::::::::
idt staff
chuckwicked ch! boss Founder/coder/ppl/ascii
the eraser th! coder/ppl/ascii
boombastic boom ascii/courrier/ppl/writer
spyderman spyd phreaker/ascii/courrier/ppl
caffeine killer ck! ansi/courrier
/ the eraser / md/mdn/skl/kiss / ascii requested by : ChUCkWiCkEd
/ / here is your idt staff logo request... its once more for you zine!
/ how a elith group as idt hasnt much members!?
:: / th / th::::::::
idt staff
chuckwicked ch! boss Founder/coder/ppl/ascii
the eraser th! coder/ppl/ascii
boombastic boom ascii/courrier/ppl/writer
spyderman spyd phreaker/ascii/courrier/ppl
caffeine killer ck! ansi/courrier
/ the eraser / md/mdn/skl/kiss / ascii requested by : ChUCkWiCkEd
/ / here is your idt staff logo request... its once more for you zine!
/ how a elith group as idt hasnt much members!?
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