this image contains text
/ diz colection / says:
mdn / for: rorshack /
requested: maybe
// rating: o7/1o
/ comments: hmm... its good?!
maiden cuming package number !??
----------------------------- oo/oo/97 -
/ / .. we aint black maiden damn!
/ but we kick anyways . . .. .
/ diz colection / says:
epidemic / for: poseidom /
requested: yes
// rating: o7/1o
/ comments: now.. go catch warez...
epidemic blowing warez division!
/ : th
- independance day 4th july konami/tm! 97 -
disk number xX/Xx
---- date of warez release : oo/oo/oo ----
/ diz colection / says:
sat / for: maveriCk /
requested: no
// rating: o9/1o
/ comments: where are my shells!?
** sarcastic productions97 **
: / / th:
**** ami/x oneliner! 1.o ****
- never seen before!
- plus a blowing ami/x asc
- added animations
- cfg file avaliable
coded by: maveriCk oo/oo/97
/ diz colection / says:
skl / for: dark sickness /
requested: no
// rating: o8/1o
/ comments: yes.. another broking gr
sicklies art division
/ th
/ eraser//
yeah yeah... sicklies art pck 2!
its leech it or miss it
/ diz colection / says:
hemp / for: bad worm /
requested: maybe
// rating: o8/1o
/ comments: sorry for leeching too m
- hemp release : modding production -.
/ th
-- modding stuff here....
-- maybe here a ascii info or a cfg stuff
-- greets to someone!?
-- bla bla bla. . . . ...
---------------- oo/oo/97
/ diz colection / says:
hell / for: slayer dreams!?
/ requested: no
// rating: 1o/1o
/ comments: hey.. i was inspired!
. hell .
/ another extreme quality release!
// its join conference 1.o
cool ansi by xxxxx
perfect animations sequence
new topic in the ppe style
by xxxxxxxxx --------------- oo/oo/97
/ diz colection / says:
fake / for: slayer dreams /
requested: no
// rating: 1o/1o
/ comments: again.. a cooly art!
/ / th/
fake newest turbo login 1.o
configure your login...
you can chose betwen fast, slow, normal
ansi made by slayer dreams
added lightbars animations
kool look in your board!
code by slayer dreams
------ oo/oo/97 -
/ diz colection / says:
rca / for: suicide solution
/ requested: no
// rating: 1o/1o
/ comments: god! what is happend to
+-+-- ready to crack anywhere --
: / th/
+-+------+++-- eraser +-
brick in the wall 1.o
a wall to do wherever you want to!
configure options avaliable
desing and code by eraser
ideia by schizopherenia scd +
we are here to code!
s/n: / oo / oo / 97
/ diz colection / says:
idt / for: ChUCkWiCkEd /
requested: yes
// rating: o7/1o
/ comments: where is this zine!? dam
idt ascii zine number four!
: / / th::
stuff goes here ....
oo/oo/97 / coded by: idt staff!
/ diz colection / says:
idt / for: ChUCkWiCkEd /
requested: yes
// rating: o8/1o
/ comments: i tink that i did this f
or nothing
:: / / th:::
+ insane development treacherous 97+
stuff blows here!
+oo/oo/97----------- ppe division -+
/ diz colection / says:
kiss / for: bugs bunny /
requested: no
// rating: 1o/1o
/ comments: art is one of the life p
kiss colection of art. page number one
/ / / th/
------- ---/eraser
kiss page number one... its just read it
to know that to draw ... you need talent.
oldest brasilian group whit their first
try on packs...
----------------- - - - --- - oo/oo/97
/ diz colection / says:
tol / for: paranoid isomniac
/ requested: no
// rating: 1o/1o
/ comments: now.. release your secon
d pack
/ /eraser
-------- traces of life ---------
tol pack number two.. dedicated
to all the underground scene!
---------------------- oo/oo/97 -
h0h0h0 a 262 colly fileid.dizes... heheh i tink that is
my last one
if you want to request a ascii for you ... you can reach
me in my board
at 55+11-246-2598... or elese... i dont know
mdn / for: rorshack /
requested: maybe
// rating: o7/1o
/ comments: hmm... its good?!
maiden cuming package number !??
----------------------------- oo/oo/97 -
/ / .. we aint black maiden damn!
/ but we kick anyways . . .. .
/ diz colection / says:
epidemic / for: poseidom /
requested: yes
// rating: o7/1o
/ comments: now.. go catch warez...
epidemic blowing warez division!
/ : th
- independance day 4th july konami/tm! 97 -
disk number xX/Xx
---- date of warez release : oo/oo/oo ----
/ diz colection / says:
sat / for: maveriCk /
requested: no
// rating: o9/1o
/ comments: where are my shells!?
** sarcastic productions97 **
: / / th:
**** ami/x oneliner! 1.o ****
- never seen before!
- plus a blowing ami/x asc
- added animations
- cfg file avaliable
coded by: maveriCk oo/oo/97
/ diz colection / says:
skl / for: dark sickness /
requested: no
// rating: o8/1o
/ comments: yes.. another broking gr
sicklies art division
/ th
/ eraser//
yeah yeah... sicklies art pck 2!
its leech it or miss it
/ diz colection / says:
hemp / for: bad worm /
requested: maybe
// rating: o8/1o
/ comments: sorry for leeching too m
- hemp release : modding production -.
/ th
-- modding stuff here....
-- maybe here a ascii info or a cfg stuff
-- greets to someone!?
-- bla bla bla. . . . ...
---------------- oo/oo/97
/ diz colection / says:
hell / for: slayer dreams!?
/ requested: no
// rating: 1o/1o
/ comments: hey.. i was inspired!
. hell .
/ another extreme quality release!
// its join conference 1.o
cool ansi by xxxxx
perfect animations sequence
new topic in the ppe style
by xxxxxxxxx --------------- oo/oo/97
/ diz colection / says:
fake / for: slayer dreams /
requested: no
// rating: 1o/1o
/ comments: again.. a cooly art!
/ / th/
fake newest turbo login 1.o
configure your login...
you can chose betwen fast, slow, normal
ansi made by slayer dreams
added lightbars animations
kool look in your board!
code by slayer dreams
------ oo/oo/97 -
/ diz colection / says:
rca / for: suicide solution
/ requested: no
// rating: 1o/1o
/ comments: god! what is happend to
+-+-- ready to crack anywhere --
: / th/
+-+------+++-- eraser +-
brick in the wall 1.o
a wall to do wherever you want to!
configure options avaliable
desing and code by eraser
ideia by schizopherenia scd +
we are here to code!
s/n: / oo / oo / 97
/ diz colection / says:
idt / for: ChUCkWiCkEd /
requested: yes
// rating: o7/1o
/ comments: where is this zine!? dam
idt ascii zine number four!
: / / th::
stuff goes here ....
oo/oo/97 / coded by: idt staff!
/ diz colection / says:
idt / for: ChUCkWiCkEd /
requested: yes
// rating: o8/1o
/ comments: i tink that i did this f
or nothing
:: / / th:::
+ insane development treacherous 97+
stuff blows here!
+oo/oo/97----------- ppe division -+
/ diz colection / says:
kiss / for: bugs bunny /
requested: no
// rating: 1o/1o
/ comments: art is one of the life p
kiss colection of art. page number one
/ / / th/
------- ---/eraser
kiss page number one... its just read it
to know that to draw ... you need talent.
oldest brasilian group whit their first
try on packs...
----------------- - - - --- - oo/oo/97
/ diz colection / says:
tol / for: paranoid isomniac
/ requested: no
// rating: 1o/1o
/ comments: now.. release your secon
d pack
/ /eraser
-------- traces of life ---------
tol pack number two.. dedicated
to all the underground scene!
---------------------- oo/oo/97 -
h0h0h0 a 262 colly fileid.dizes... heheh i tink that is
my last one
if you want to request a ascii for you ... you can reach
me in my board
at 55+11-246-2598... or elese... i dont know
log in to add a comment.