this image contains text
MAIDen Brazil
ansi comp
liments of
maiden news 9
waitOr echo
..july 1997
This was a particular good month. Although I am not directly
involved with the
brazilian demoscene, I see the brazilian demoscene is rising
and starting to
walk by itself. I know it is not related to this group or to
the scene division
Im in, but I just though I had to talk about it here. :-
The reason for me to think that way is that, in July, Bra
zil will have its
first demoparty ever. It will be on Vitria ES. It
is beeing mainly organized
by the brazilian demogroup theEnd, among others. The
party categories are VGA
artwork, demos and music.
If you want more information, read the file z97.nfo,
included in this pack.
You remember last month: we erased the distribution site list
. Now, we have
received some BBS applications for new distribution sites. Th
is new distros
will receive the artpack via email as soon as it is released.
Check the
information file mdn-9707.nfo, find the BBS that is
better for you and get
it! :
Remember it is also uploaded to ftp.cdrom.com when re
leased. Go get it there if
you wish. If it is the case, do yourself a favor: use a mirro
r site, the
original one is too slow.
New Member: Ninja
Yet another reason to be happy. You know, here in Brazil, we
have two states -
So Paulo SP and Rio de Janeiro RJ. Beein
g probably the too most
economically developped states in the country, this two state
s handle almost
the whole national scene. It is difficult to find good artist
s or coders in
other states.
From this paradox comes Ninja. Being from Recife
PE, he is the first one to
break the Rio-So Paulo axel as it is called here i
n Maiden. Hes a very good
artist that joined us this month.
Thats it. To talk with me, send message to me rorshack@
sili.com.br and be
patient. This damn server is fucked up, so sometimes
I lost some messages. If
your message returns, please send it again. And if you feel a
ngry, send message
to sysop@sili.com.br and tell him the server doesnt
work he doesnt believe
me. Thank you.
Greets to: Ninja, Bugs Bunny, Minotaur, Lilith, Fear
Prophet, Lady Lethal and
Soul Trade dox.
Squaresoft, theEnd, Echo, Awe and Black Maiden.
So Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Esprito Santo and Pernambu
Guga, Senna, Pel and Oscar. :
Gmeos e toda a galera do hip-hop e da verdadeira cena u
brasileira ohohohoh
- Rorshack
maiden brazil! www http://maidenbr.home.ml.
org email maidenbr@geocities.com
ansi comp
liments of
maiden news 9
waitOr echo
..july 1997
This was a particular good month. Although I am not directly
involved with the
brazilian demoscene, I see the brazilian demoscene is rising
and starting to
walk by itself. I know it is not related to this group or to
the scene division
Im in, but I just though I had to talk about it here. :-
The reason for me to think that way is that, in July, Bra
zil will have its
first demoparty ever. It will be on Vitria ES. It
is beeing mainly organized
by the brazilian demogroup theEnd, among others. The
party categories are VGA
artwork, demos and music.
If you want more information, read the file z97.nfo,
included in this pack.
You remember last month: we erased the distribution site list
. Now, we have
received some BBS applications for new distribution sites. Th
is new distros
will receive the artpack via email as soon as it is released.
Check the
information file mdn-9707.nfo, find the BBS that is
better for you and get
it! :
Remember it is also uploaded to ftp.cdrom.com when re
leased. Go get it there if
you wish. If it is the case, do yourself a favor: use a mirro
r site, the
original one is too slow.
New Member: Ninja
Yet another reason to be happy. You know, here in Brazil, we
have two states -
So Paulo SP and Rio de Janeiro RJ. Beein
g probably the too most
economically developped states in the country, this two state
s handle almost
the whole national scene. It is difficult to find good artist
s or coders in
other states.
From this paradox comes Ninja. Being from Recife
PE, he is the first one to
break the Rio-So Paulo axel as it is called here i
n Maiden. Hes a very good
artist that joined us this month.
Thats it. To talk with me, send message to me rorshack@
sili.com.br and be
patient. This damn server is fucked up, so sometimes
I lost some messages. If
your message returns, please send it again. And if you feel a
ngry, send message
to sysop@sili.com.br and tell him the server doesnt
work he doesnt believe
me. Thank you.
Greets to: Ninja, Bugs Bunny, Minotaur, Lilith, Fear
Prophet, Lady Lethal and
Soul Trade dox.
Squaresoft, theEnd, Echo, Awe and Black Maiden.
So Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Esprito Santo and Pernambu
Guga, Senna, Pel and Oscar. :
Gmeos e toda a galera do hip-hop e da verdadeira cena u
brasileira ohohohoh
- Rorshack
maiden brazil! www http://maidenbr.home.ml.
org email maidenbr@geocities.com
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