this image contains text
maiden news 06 // apri
l 1st 97 // 0,98
maiden news : text by rorshack
maiden artwork by royal voomit ex-
Yeah. This month, we have worked a lot to make the pack so go
od as the last
one. I may say you, it wasnt easy. We had lots of difficults
this month.
First, is the fact that school is beginning now for m
ost of us. Specially for
me. After two years without studying, now I am back to school
Im doing hard to combine my job with the school with the coo
rdinance of the
group. Well, until now it is going ok. Aditionally, Im movin
g to another
house. My house is all upside down and my things are almost a
ll lost. : But
well, better days are to come..
Remember I dont own a computer. :
Second, we have suffered a loss of members. It is the first t
ime that happened
in the group. Im pretty sad about it read below
But well man, life is also good. Despite all the obstacles, t
he group is doing
fine and our scene is getting stronger each day. Life is our.
As Ive said, this month was the first time weve lost some m
ember. Not only
some member - some members.
The first one to quit Maiden is Soulphuree
p8. That made me pretty sad,
because he was from the senior staff and personally I conside
red him my best
and closest friend in the scene. I dont quite know the condi
tions why he left
the group, I was totally taken by surprise.
He was also the guy which introduced me to the scene, and h
e was the first
artist from the scene Ive knew.
The second one is Royal Voomit, quite the oldest arti
st in the scene that have
ever been to the group. He is a close friend of Soulphure
e, so they decided to
quit together.
As Ive said, I dont know the right reasons why they have qu
itted, but it was
their decision and we must respect it. Anyways, it looks like
they will start
a solo career or maybe founding a group, releasing an emag an
d openning their
board. This news are quite amazing as they must inject some l
ife in the scene.
I wish them the best luck ever and also say that I am here to
help them in
anything they may need.
The good news.. Buttman, artist from CSF a g
roup from Rio de Janeiro, is
joining us. He is a great toon artist Ive met sometime ago,
and I am sure that his joining helps a lot making
Maiden an yet greater group. Welcome Buttman
This month our News file is a little tiny.
It is due to our lack of time to
do everything wed like - now, the boards notices joining,
etc are not
listed in the News file anymore, just our opinnions and the
member notices.
The Helloween emag changed its name and its languag
e. Due to its target - the
Brazilian artistic scene - it is 100 in portuguese now.
Lunatic Asylum Maiden South American Sanct
uary and Cryptonite Maiden World
Headquarter are beeing reformulated on the background. On
some weeks, they
must be out with a brand new bbs system yet better than bef
ore. Also, some
other non-afiliatted boards on the 011 area code ar
e also being reformulated,
while other strong and powerful scene boards are about to b
e openned. This
will probably boost the 011 ac scene a lot in the n
ear future.
Rorshack went nuts and started releasing some free
art stuff for free use in
the packs. These free ansis are projected to be used on ppe
s, boards and
other stuff by whoever wants it, with the condition of not
modifying it nor
stripping the author sig. original idea by Pro Tec
- thanx man, it is really
nice. BTW, where are you?
My Greets
Dieznyik + The 4th Disciple + all lorez guys: Great w
ork, lorez rules
Snowy: hehe, sorry by the irc thingy :
Bugs Bunny: LA/2 is gonna kick, just believe it
My new neighbours: PHEAR!@ :-
Fernando Dotta: Cad as capas do Manowar, p! :
Schizophrenia: Move on :
Avenger + Toot + Leo BM: Darn it, the book 12
is really nice! You guys rules
The guys who created MUS-*.*: Hahaha men, youre
stupid! Do you think gif2ans
conversion is ART?! You guys convert VGA to RIP and
write ARTWORK by blabla
on the and write ARTWORK by blabla on the file! M
an you suck bigtime! Not
mentioning the fact that you ripped my Helloween lo
go and striped my sig.
I really love Heavy Metal, but you guys are really stupid!
Char 26
So, these are the notices and feelings for this month. Stay t
uned, and dont
forget to go to our webpage the url in on the bottom of this
file if you want
to learn a bit more about us.
See you next month.
- Rorshack
maiden brazil! www http://maidenbr.home.ml.
org email maidenbr@geocities.com
This info file aint so artworked as the past ones, b
ut its pretty cool, ah?
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l 1st 97 // 0,98
maiden news : text by rorshack
maiden artwork by royal voomit ex-
Yeah. This month, we have worked a lot to make the pack so go
od as the last
one. I may say you, it wasnt easy. We had lots of difficults
this month.
First, is the fact that school is beginning now for m
ost of us. Specially for
me. After two years without studying, now I am back to school
Im doing hard to combine my job with the school with the coo
rdinance of the
group. Well, until now it is going ok. Aditionally, Im movin
g to another
house. My house is all upside down and my things are almost a
ll lost. : But
well, better days are to come..
Remember I dont own a computer. :
Second, we have suffered a loss of members. It is the first t
ime that happened
in the group. Im pretty sad about it read below
But well man, life is also good. Despite all the obstacles, t
he group is doing
fine and our scene is getting stronger each day. Life is our.
As Ive said, this month was the first time weve lost some m
ember. Not only
some member - some members.
The first one to quit Maiden is Soulphuree
p8. That made me pretty sad,
because he was from the senior staff and personally I conside
red him my best
and closest friend in the scene. I dont quite know the condi
tions why he left
the group, I was totally taken by surprise.
He was also the guy which introduced me to the scene, and h
e was the first
artist from the scene Ive knew.
The second one is Royal Voomit, quite the oldest arti
st in the scene that have
ever been to the group. He is a close friend of Soulphure
e, so they decided to
quit together.
As Ive said, I dont know the right reasons why they have qu
itted, but it was
their decision and we must respect it. Anyways, it looks like
they will start
a solo career or maybe founding a group, releasing an emag an
d openning their
board. This news are quite amazing as they must inject some l
ife in the scene.
I wish them the best luck ever and also say that I am here to
help them in
anything they may need.
The good news.. Buttman, artist from CSF a g
roup from Rio de Janeiro, is
joining us. He is a great toon artist Ive met sometime ago,
and I am sure that his joining helps a lot making
Maiden an yet greater group. Welcome Buttman
This month our News file is a little tiny.
It is due to our lack of time to
do everything wed like - now, the boards notices joining,
etc are not
listed in the News file anymore, just our opinnions and the
member notices.
The Helloween emag changed its name and its languag
e. Due to its target - the
Brazilian artistic scene - it is 100 in portuguese now.
Lunatic Asylum Maiden South American Sanct
uary and Cryptonite Maiden World
Headquarter are beeing reformulated on the background. On
some weeks, they
must be out with a brand new bbs system yet better than bef
ore. Also, some
other non-afiliatted boards on the 011 area code ar
e also being reformulated,
while other strong and powerful scene boards are about to b
e openned. This
will probably boost the 011 ac scene a lot in the n
ear future.
Rorshack went nuts and started releasing some free
art stuff for free use in
the packs. These free ansis are projected to be used on ppe
s, boards and
other stuff by whoever wants it, with the condition of not
modifying it nor
stripping the author sig. original idea by Pro Tec
- thanx man, it is really
nice. BTW, where are you?
My Greets
Dieznyik + The 4th Disciple + all lorez guys: Great w
ork, lorez rules
Snowy: hehe, sorry by the irc thingy :
Bugs Bunny: LA/2 is gonna kick, just believe it
My new neighbours: PHEAR!@ :-
Fernando Dotta: Cad as capas do Manowar, p! :
Schizophrenia: Move on :
Avenger + Toot + Leo BM: Darn it, the book 12
is really nice! You guys rules
The guys who created MUS-*.*: Hahaha men, youre
stupid! Do you think gif2ans
conversion is ART?! You guys convert VGA to RIP and
write ARTWORK by blabla
on the and write ARTWORK by blabla on the file! M
an you suck bigtime! Not
mentioning the fact that you ripped my Helloween lo
go and striped my sig.
I really love Heavy Metal, but you guys are really stupid!
Char 26
So, these are the notices and feelings for this month. Stay t
uned, and dont
forget to go to our webpage the url in on the bottom of this
file if you want
to learn a bit more about us.
See you next month.
- Rorshack
maiden brazil! www http://maidenbr.home.ml.
org email maidenbr@geocities.com
This info file aint so artworked as the past ones, b
ut its pretty cool, ah?
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