this image contains text
logolist ...1 holocaust
...2 drink or die
...3 suicidal
...4 avengers
...5 toxikkrystal
hi everybody, due to some problz here in home, this edition of nineteen
will be published only with 5 logos. if any of you wanna have a logo done
by me, please write to the maiden e.mail or to my personnal e.mail
this adress above is my personnal e.mail for contact, the requests will be published in the next edition of maiden brazil.
-+ lets start the logo show + -
+ holocaust
C a u S .. t?
+ dod
o r
d r i n k d i e ... .
+ suicidal
i n f o f i l e * m e m b e r s l i s t i n g
+ avengers
b r a z i l i a n p p e c o d e r s
+ toxikkrystal
!k R Y S T a L z . .. .
logolist ...1 holocaust
...2 drink or die
...3 suicidal
...4 avengers
...5 toxikkrystal
hi everybody, due to some problz here in home, this edition of nineteen
will be published only with 5 logos. if any of you wanna have a logo done
by me, please write to the maiden e.mail or to my personnal e.mail
this adress above is my personnal e.mail for contact, the requests will be published in the next edition of maiden brazil.
-+ lets start the logo show + -
+ holocaust
C a u S .. t?
+ dod
o r
d r i n k d i e ... .
+ suicidal
i n f o f i l e * m e m b e r s l i s t i n g
+ avengers
b r a z i l i a n p p e c o d e r s
+ toxikkrystal
!k R Y S T a L z . .. .
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