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Deus Ex Machina
Until today, evolution has been linked to technology. People
use to think that
with technology, civilization will evolute and reach higher m
ental states.
Today, evolution is not attached to technology evolution. Tec
hnology is still
evoluting, but we doesnt see this evolution. It is not direc
tly linked to our
lives or to our daily life. Probably things will change a bit
in the next 50
years - but it is almost nothing compared to how it changed i
n the 40 decade,
for example.
What people doesnt seem is that civilization evolution, toda
y, is based on
SOCIAL evolution. Relationship. Each day, life is getting mor
e and more
unpersonal. Maybe some day you will go to your job, work an
d go back home -
without any touch with any human beeing. Do you call THIS evo
What people really have to know is that we are now riding to
a future just like
this. With weak human relations, unsecure people and no defin
ed social life. It
is a bit far but it is coming closer each day.
When people understand and comprehend that, they will see. Th
ey will see that
many things nowadays can be optimized by computers and machin
es and all that
stuff - but, doing this, this computers and machines will tak
e away the reason
of our existance - human relations.
Maybe someday, the most used way of comunicating between each
other will be
the internet or anything that substitutes it. Think and see.
Why is there so
many fights over the net? Misunderstanding. People, when talk
ing to each other
via some written email, are able of engaging fights easyly, e
ven if they have
the same opinnion about the same point! What is this?
Also, maybe the net become more personal, with all video and
audio stuff. That
would really require some technical evolution. But that is no
t the point.
The point is that a great portion of the human beeings that a
ccesses the net is
made of stupid people. Stupid people that doesnt understand
WHAT IS the net
and that EVERYBODY THAT ACCESSES the net are HUMANS. So they
think they can say
what they think, even saying stupid opinnions about what they
doesnt know, who
cares? Theyre away from the other person, so what?
Is that the world we will live in the future? What about pe
ople that doesnt
have a PC, will they be pariahs, social outcasts? For example
, I do not even
HAVE a computer! Yeah, true! I use my jobs computer for acce
ssing the net,
the bbss and running an art group! thanx to my boss
We have to understand that. The world is dying because of lac
k of human
relations. Of course I am not talking about sex. I am talking
of beeing human.
People prefer to ask a pizza over the net, paying for the pho
ne line and the
net access, instead of phoning your local pizza delivery.
Threat other email, bbs, irc and net users as humans. Thats
what we are.
Text kicked from the brain with no pause for considera
tion. In approximated
3 minutes. No revisions were made sorry if you find s
ome mistake.
Until today, evolution has been linked to technology. People
use to think that
with technology, civilization will evolute and reach higher m
ental states.
Today, evolution is not attached to technology evolution. Tec
hnology is still
evoluting, but we doesnt see this evolution. It is not direc
tly linked to our
lives or to our daily life. Probably things will change a bit
in the next 50
years - but it is almost nothing compared to how it changed i
n the 40 decade,
for example.
What people doesnt seem is that civilization evolution, toda
y, is based on
SOCIAL evolution. Relationship. Each day, life is getting mor
e and more
unpersonal. Maybe some day you will go to your job, work an
d go back home -
without any touch with any human beeing. Do you call THIS evo
What people really have to know is that we are now riding to
a future just like
this. With weak human relations, unsecure people and no defin
ed social life. It
is a bit far but it is coming closer each day.
When people understand and comprehend that, they will see. Th
ey will see that
many things nowadays can be optimized by computers and machin
es and all that
stuff - but, doing this, this computers and machines will tak
e away the reason
of our existance - human relations.
Maybe someday, the most used way of comunicating between each
other will be
the internet or anything that substitutes it. Think and see.
Why is there so
many fights over the net? Misunderstanding. People, when talk
ing to each other
via some written email, are able of engaging fights easyly, e
ven if they have
the same opinnion about the same point! What is this?
Also, maybe the net become more personal, with all video and
audio stuff. That
would really require some technical evolution. But that is no
t the point.
The point is that a great portion of the human beeings that a
ccesses the net is
made of stupid people. Stupid people that doesnt understand
WHAT IS the net
and that EVERYBODY THAT ACCESSES the net are HUMANS. So they
think they can say
what they think, even saying stupid opinnions about what they
doesnt know, who
cares? Theyre away from the other person, so what?
Is that the world we will live in the future? What about pe
ople that doesnt
have a PC, will they be pariahs, social outcasts? For example
, I do not even
HAVE a computer! Yeah, true! I use my jobs computer for acce
ssing the net,
the bbss and running an art group! thanx to my boss
We have to understand that. The world is dying because of lac
k of human
relations. Of course I am not talking about sex. I am talking
of beeing human.
People prefer to ask a pizza over the net, paying for the pho
ne line and the
net access, instead of phoning your local pizza delivery.
Threat other email, bbs, irc and net users as humans. Thats
what we are.
Text kicked from the brain with no pause for considera
tion. In approximated
3 minutes. No revisions were made sorry if you find s
ome mistake.
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