this image contains text
------ maiden news wrote by rorshack number 3 january 97 -----
Hi doodes. A happy new year to you! And may all your wishes come true, you
know it will, if you want to.
Hey! Look for the electronic magazine omlette 1. The file name is
omlet001.zip. It can be found at ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/mags.
Well, get this mag, run it and go to the article the art scene, written by
schtroumpf. It says some conscient things about this scene stuff.
Wow wow wow. Here are we. Fourth pack. The first in 1997. We continue with
our ideas. Making some friends ans some enemies, we continue our struggle in
this damn wild world. Life is short, and we try to get as much fun as
possible in this physical-stage.
The group is getting a little bigger, it looks like it will increase in the
future, well, here we are.
Sad note. The evil exists here in brazil. Read mdn-ripp.ans. :
Dont forget to participate on painless compo 96/97! More information on
maiden brazil homepage.
or maybe
On november, mdn-9611.zip was 168 times downloaded from ftp.cdrom.com. It
reached the 13th place in the general artpacks top list for that month.
Im happy with that. And thats enought. : Thanx.
Hey - when will acid update the links on www.cdrom.com/radman ?! :
Rorshacks email
Rorshacks email have changed. Instead of an ugly abrive@nutecnet.com.br,
you can use rorshack@sili.com.br. Dont call it a silly email. :
This is a pop email, so, if you have some attachment, please send via it!
Sorry to all that tryed to send email to maidenbr@geocities.com our
corporative email. It was off - I was sure I had turned it on, but I
had not. : I tested it and my mail returned.. anyways, it is ok now.
If you wanna talk to any maiden member, send mail to this address. If
the member already have his/her email on the info file, send to that
address... :
Maiden brazil homepage again
The maiden homepage was totally reformatted. Its quite different,
featuring frames and other stuff.
Visit us at:
maiden brazil homepage
Feel free to send us your comments... :
Arise shall fall, cryptonite shall raise
Arise, official maiden world sanctuary, have changed its name. The new
name is cryptonite. Schizophrenia the schizop thinks it is much more
related to the h/p/c/a/v/etc orientation of the board.
Hey! The name cryptonite was my idea!
Celestial dreems
Celestial nitemare our canada distro changed the name to celestial
dreems. Yes, this way. :
Bugs-r-us, dutch sanctuary
Our mistakes goes far. We now have a sanctuary in
holland, bugs-r-us, opered by highlite. We expect
to do our best working helping him providing more /
and more bugs to his users!
Bug-o-bzzz, official bug of the 2000 olympics and
bugs-r-us official mascot, gave us his declaration
about this new affiliation:
bbzzzz bbzzz bzzz bbzzzzzz bzz bzzzz bzzz, bz bzzz
bzzz bzzzzzz... bzzz bzzzzzz bzzz bz bzzz!!! bug-o-bzzz
Really cool, this buzz guy...
Lost in 303, switzerland sanctuary
Our packs really get lost! One of them went into
lost in 303, opered by ramirez. And so it is,
switzerland sanctuary.
In fact, ramirez was one of the first foreign syops
to contact me. Hes a friend of some of the maiden
long-distance runners.
follow the sign.
Mater pound bbs, croatian sanctuary
And from croatia comes mater, sysop of mater pound /
bbs. As a mater of fact, his BBS is cool. But it - / -
does not mater - call him and you wont have to
support my infamous word jokes! :
The mater pound bbs is really a heavy bbs. /
Distribution sites
Member boards
Soulphuree seem to have finally setted up his
board, called utopia. It is an art oriented board.
Hes not the only sysop of the board. Royal voomit,
one of the oldest and best brazilian ansi makers,
is the other sysop.
What happens when soulphuree encounters a royal
voomit?! We dont know. This photo was taken
miliseconds before a royal voomit encounter with soulphuree. The
photographer havent survived to tell the story.
From the dungeons of the greek labyrinths comes
Minotaur is a great artist from rio de janeiro. Im
very happy with this new artist, cause I wanted a
way to contact rj artists to inviteem to the group,
but before I could think a way of doing this link,
minotaur applyed.. that surprised me. :
Check his artwork, it is nice! minotaur by himself.
OPORTUNITY - Emerging art group in the scene, first brazilian serious art
group, is looking for nice brazilian artists ansi/ascii/vga/rip and to
nice boards to work as headquarters and as distro sites, specially in
foreign countries. We give preference for nice experienced artists and to
good-looking girls. : To contact, type MDN-APP ENTER at your DOS prompt.
People use to say that the scene is dying etc. Well, it is not. In fact,
the world is dying. TV is already dead. Comics are in coma.
Nowadays, people are born stupid, they grow stupid and they die stupid. All
I can do is try to make the world a better world. Im trying. Hope you also
try. Do that. The world can be a wonderful place to live - if we want to.
And heavy metal.
Rorshack rorshack@sili.com.br
Hi doodes. A happy new year to you! And may all your wishes come true, you
know it will, if you want to.
Hey! Look for the electronic magazine omlette 1. The file name is
omlet001.zip. It can be found at ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/mags.
Well, get this mag, run it and go to the article the art scene, written by
schtroumpf. It says some conscient things about this scene stuff.
Wow wow wow. Here are we. Fourth pack. The first in 1997. We continue with
our ideas. Making some friends ans some enemies, we continue our struggle in
this damn wild world. Life is short, and we try to get as much fun as
possible in this physical-stage.
The group is getting a little bigger, it looks like it will increase in the
future, well, here we are.
Sad note. The evil exists here in brazil. Read mdn-ripp.ans. :
Dont forget to participate on painless compo 96/97! More information on
maiden brazil homepage.
or maybe
On november, mdn-9611.zip was 168 times downloaded from ftp.cdrom.com. It
reached the 13th place in the general artpacks top list for that month.
Im happy with that. And thats enought. : Thanx.
Hey - when will acid update the links on www.cdrom.com/radman ?! :
Rorshacks email
Rorshacks email have changed. Instead of an ugly abrive@nutecnet.com.br,
you can use rorshack@sili.com.br. Dont call it a silly email. :
This is a pop email, so, if you have some attachment, please send via it!
Sorry to all that tryed to send email to maidenbr@geocities.com our
corporative email. It was off - I was sure I had turned it on, but I
had not. : I tested it and my mail returned.. anyways, it is ok now.
If you wanna talk to any maiden member, send mail to this address. If
the member already have his/her email on the info file, send to that
address... :
Maiden brazil homepage again
The maiden homepage was totally reformatted. Its quite different,
featuring frames and other stuff.
Visit us at:
maiden brazil homepage
Feel free to send us your comments... :
Arise shall fall, cryptonite shall raise
Arise, official maiden world sanctuary, have changed its name. The new
name is cryptonite. Schizophrenia the schizop thinks it is much more
related to the h/p/c/a/v/etc orientation of the board.
Hey! The name cryptonite was my idea!
Celestial dreems
Celestial nitemare our canada distro changed the name to celestial
dreems. Yes, this way. :
Bugs-r-us, dutch sanctuary
Our mistakes goes far. We now have a sanctuary in
holland, bugs-r-us, opered by highlite. We expect
to do our best working helping him providing more /
and more bugs to his users!
Bug-o-bzzz, official bug of the 2000 olympics and
bugs-r-us official mascot, gave us his declaration
about this new affiliation:
bbzzzz bbzzz bzzz bbzzzzzz bzz bzzzz bzzz, bz bzzz
bzzz bzzzzzz... bzzz bzzzzzz bzzz bz bzzz!!! bug-o-bzzz
Really cool, this buzz guy...
Lost in 303, switzerland sanctuary
Our packs really get lost! One of them went into
lost in 303, opered by ramirez. And so it is,
switzerland sanctuary.
In fact, ramirez was one of the first foreign syops
to contact me. Hes a friend of some of the maiden
long-distance runners.
follow the sign.
Mater pound bbs, croatian sanctuary
And from croatia comes mater, sysop of mater pound /
bbs. As a mater of fact, his BBS is cool. But it - / -
does not mater - call him and you wont have to
support my infamous word jokes! :
The mater pound bbs is really a heavy bbs. /
Distribution sites
Member boards
Soulphuree seem to have finally setted up his
board, called utopia. It is an art oriented board.
Hes not the only sysop of the board. Royal voomit,
one of the oldest and best brazilian ansi makers,
is the other sysop.
What happens when soulphuree encounters a royal
voomit?! We dont know. This photo was taken
miliseconds before a royal voomit encounter with soulphuree. The
photographer havent survived to tell the story.
From the dungeons of the greek labyrinths comes
Minotaur is a great artist from rio de janeiro. Im
very happy with this new artist, cause I wanted a
way to contact rj artists to inviteem to the group,
but before I could think a way of doing this link,
minotaur applyed.. that surprised me. :
Check his artwork, it is nice! minotaur by himself.
OPORTUNITY - Emerging art group in the scene, first brazilian serious art
group, is looking for nice brazilian artists ansi/ascii/vga/rip and to
nice boards to work as headquarters and as distro sites, specially in
foreign countries. We give preference for nice experienced artists and to
good-looking girls. : To contact, type MDN-APP ENTER at your DOS prompt.
People use to say that the scene is dying etc. Well, it is not. In fact,
the world is dying. TV is already dead. Comics are in coma.
Nowadays, people are born stupid, they grow stupid and they die stupid. All
I can do is try to make the world a better world. Im trying. Hope you also
try. Do that. The world can be a wonderful place to live - if we want to.
And heavy metal.
Rorshack rorshack@sili.com.br
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