this image contains text
. rorshack
maiden productions member and boards listing - january 1997 - pack number 4
rs rorshack rorshack@sili.com.br ansi ascii vga rip
bb bugs bunny ansi ascii vga rip
p8 soulphuree ansi ascii vga rip
s3 suicide solution monfalca@amcham.com.br ansi ascii vga rip
mr minotaur minotaur@nitnet.com.br ansi ascii vga rip
other members
sz schizophrenia sz@hotmail.com long distance runner
if youre a good brazilian artist, run the application generator NOW!!!!!
..board name..........sop..............phone no..........open...pos........
Cryptonite schizophrenia +55-11-289-1284 24hs world
Holocaust weapon x +55-11-267-7633 24hs s.america
Lunatic asylum bugs bunny +55-11-889-9O5O 24hs brazil
The marines bbs marine fighter +49-68-249-1294 24hs germany
Suicidal tendencies condor +44-1462-422-275 16-09 u.kingdom
Bugs r us highlite +31-252-622-874 24hs holland
Lost in 303 ramirez +41-62-773-1741 24hs switzerland
Mater pound bbs mater +385-1-215-132 17-07 croatia
distribution sites
..board name..........sop..............phone no..........open...pos........
Primal rage ratan +55-11-944-5129 24hs brazil
Hellbound dark murder +55-11-274-4613 20-06 brazil
Velocity paratoxic +49-4O-691-6197 24hs germany
Celestial dreems aneurysm +1-2O4-489-6897 24hs canada
The electric cube lightning knight +973-740-611 24hs bahrain
member boards
..board name..........sop..............phone no..........open...loc........
Mental Disorder suicide solution +55-11-285-33xx 23-07 brazil
Utopia soulphuree +55-11-282-xxxx 24hs brazil
were looking for sanctuaries and distros. run the application generator!
internet resources
irc...........................................down.maiden on efnet
guest artists this month
mr.4tune phat/sargahd/bpr
personal greets to
schizophrenia, ratan, marine fighter, fremen, boombastic, starfox,
aneurysm, black vomit, sniper, lilith, masterboy, wiktor, mr.4tune,
toot, avenger, paratoxic
group greets to
suicidal, the end, rush, idt, fluid, impact, kiss, phat, blend, sargahd,
black maiden
specially post-morten greets to
plasm, mozicart
band greets to
iron maiden, helloween, rage against the machine, beastie boys
royal fucks to
netrunner crush - its a stupid ripper. he thinks he can do ansi.
hyper ddi - ripping is sooo easy, isnt it?
maiden productions - email maidenbr@geocities.com
this months info file was wrote by rorshack gr0ovy!
oh well, wherever - wherever you are
maiden is gonna get ya, no matter how far
maiden productions member and boards listing - january 1997 - pack number 4
rs rorshack rorshack@sili.com.br ansi ascii vga rip
bb bugs bunny ansi ascii vga rip
p8 soulphuree ansi ascii vga rip
s3 suicide solution monfalca@amcham.com.br ansi ascii vga rip
mr minotaur minotaur@nitnet.com.br ansi ascii vga rip
other members
sz schizophrenia sz@hotmail.com long distance runner
if youre a good brazilian artist, run the application generator NOW!!!!!
..board name..........sop..............phone no..........open...pos........
Cryptonite schizophrenia +55-11-289-1284 24hs world
Holocaust weapon x +55-11-267-7633 24hs s.america
Lunatic asylum bugs bunny +55-11-889-9O5O 24hs brazil
The marines bbs marine fighter +49-68-249-1294 24hs germany
Suicidal tendencies condor +44-1462-422-275 16-09 u.kingdom
Bugs r us highlite +31-252-622-874 24hs holland
Lost in 303 ramirez +41-62-773-1741 24hs switzerland
Mater pound bbs mater +385-1-215-132 17-07 croatia
distribution sites
..board name..........sop..............phone no..........open...pos........
Primal rage ratan +55-11-944-5129 24hs brazil
Hellbound dark murder +55-11-274-4613 20-06 brazil
Velocity paratoxic +49-4O-691-6197 24hs germany
Celestial dreems aneurysm +1-2O4-489-6897 24hs canada
The electric cube lightning knight +973-740-611 24hs bahrain
member boards
..board name..........sop..............phone no..........open...loc........
Mental Disorder suicide solution +55-11-285-33xx 23-07 brazil
Utopia soulphuree +55-11-282-xxxx 24hs brazil
were looking for sanctuaries and distros. run the application generator!
internet resources
irc...........................................down.maiden on efnet
guest artists this month
mr.4tune phat/sargahd/bpr
personal greets to
schizophrenia, ratan, marine fighter, fremen, boombastic, starfox,
aneurysm, black vomit, sniper, lilith, masterboy, wiktor, mr.4tune,
toot, avenger, paratoxic
group greets to
suicidal, the end, rush, idt, fluid, impact, kiss, phat, blend, sargahd,
black maiden
specially post-morten greets to
plasm, mozicart
band greets to
iron maiden, helloween, rage against the machine, beastie boys
royal fucks to
netrunner crush - its a stupid ripper. he thinks he can do ansi.
hyper ddi - ripping is sooo easy, isnt it?
maiden productions - email maidenbr@geocities.com
this months info file was wrote by rorshack gr0ovy!
oh well, wherever - wherever you are
maiden is gonna get ya, no matter how far
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