this image contains text
------ maiden news wrote by rorshack number 2 december 96 -----
OH MAN, october 31st was halloween! I wasnt able of doing any specially
ansi, but HEY, Ill sing you a song! Here it comes...
Happy Happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween uhn..is he
Happy Happy Halloween, ooooooooo saying im
And dont forget, my friends! Anyone who
speaks the helloween band name with an A
or the halloween name with an E will be
immediatly be turned into a big ugly
half-price-selling pumpkin!
Here we are. Things didnt change a lot since the last pack. One of the news
is our official name - now it is definetely maiden brazil.
Other thing about maiden. Ive discovered that there is a group in europe,
the names black maiden. Id like to say that Ive never heard about black
maiden until the last week, and Im absolutelly sure that they have appeared
before us. But I wont change my groups name in any way, that coincidence
doesnt change my plans for the scene. And if youre curious: yes, the black
maiden artists are good.
But the major changes are regarding to telecommunications. This month we
officialy have foreign affiliated boards, and, along with that foreign link,
we have a new division on maiden, with a new kind of member - it is called
long distance runner. A long distance runner is a member which accesses
foreign boards, check for boards that wanna affiliate, talk to the sysops,
etc. If you see some of our long distance runners on your board, treat them
well. :
Now, about the scene!! Brazilian scene starts to move on! Until the day Ive
founded maiden brazil, I havent seen any other artgroup with releases, etc.
Now it looks like there are some groups beeing formed! I will try to name the
ones Ive heard of:
ddi: ddi is one of that stuff groups, a group that does ppe, artpacks, etc, every kind of thing. The positive thing is that they have some packs
already released. The artwork isnt like the best, but it is good to
see people trying. :
aif: aif stands for art in fuck. Fuck stands for force union of coding
killers. Aif is the art division of fuck - they are starting with art
just now, but they seem to be starting well. I have seen some artwork
from them and I have to say I was impressed. Theyre in the right way,
and I wish the best luck to them...
ngd: ngd looks like the name is necro group is starting now. I have seen
their first pack - all the artwork seem to be made by the same artist.
The file naming is strange, they dont use sauce, dont have an info
file, and all the artwork is done with the groups name or something
like that - but the logos seem to be really well done, using nice
lettering. All the ansis were done with thedraw, set to 100 lines! :
or maybe
The subject here is ftp.cdrom.com, ftp site for the walnut creek cdrom.
It is well known that this ftp site helps a lot the art scene worldwide. At
the directory pub/artpacks/incoming, you can find lots of things related to
the art scene - emags, artpacks, editors, viewers and other programs.
Well, I have uploaded our first pack mdn-0996.zip someday I cant remember.
The feedback was really great. I received some mails of requests, and other
stuff. Some days after that, I have uploaded mdn-9611.zip, the second pack.
I have received yet more mail and some board applications. Conclusion is:
ftp.cdrom.com rules.
And along with ftp.cdrom.com, there is yet another really cool feature. By
accessing www.cdrom.com/radman, you can find some lists of top downloads
of the artpacks section of ftp.cdrom.com. You can see the most downloaded
packs in the month or in the day. Well. Now, see this: I have uploaded the
file mdn-9611.zip on October, 30th.
Here is a copy of the home page, adapted to txt version:
Artpacks Top
Top Downloads for October 30, 1996
Top 10 Artpacks
Rank File Times Downloaded
1 /incoming/artpacks/lpl-gvos.zip 20
2 /incoming/artpacks/acid-51b.zip 20
3 /incoming/artpacks/acid-51a.zip 19
4 /incoming/artpacks/acid-50c.zip 18
5 /incoming/artpacks/acid-50a.zip 17
6 /incoming/artpacks/ice9609a.zip 16
7 /incoming/artpacks/xps-1096.zip 13
8 /incoming/artpacks/mdn-9611.zip 12
9 /incoming/artpacks/mdn-0996.zip 11
10 /incoming/artpacks/ice9609c.zip 10
Note the 8th and 9th position. I got very happy when I saw this. Well, at
least 12 persons were viewing the pack! :
There are several reasons to that to happen.. for example: the maiden packs
were like 70kbs each... and the ice, acid packs were like 1.3mb each... for
example, the first in the list, lpl-gvos.zip, was 19kb... :
WELL, on october 31st, I havent check the tops list. But I have checked
at November 1st. LOOK at this:
Artpacks Top
Top Downloads for November , 1996
Top 10 Artpacks
Rank File Times Downloaded
1 /incoming/artpacks/mdn-9611.zip 23
2 /incoming/artpacks/phat1096.zip 20
3 /incoming/artpacks/ice9609a.zip 14
4 /incoming/artpacks/ice9609b.zip 13
5 /incoming/artpacks/ice9609c.zip 12
6 /incoming/artpacks/synth02.zip 11
7 /incoming/artpacks/lpl-gvos.zip 10
8 /incoming/artpacks/acid-50c.zip 10
9 /incoming/artpacks/xps-1096.zip 9
10 /incoming/artpacks/acid-51a.zip 9
Hehe, well, again the pack was SMALL... thats the reason it was soooo
downloaded... but I just cant stop feeling happy with that. :
Quality control
Now we have a quality control in the files that are to be released. This
means every screen have to be accepted by most members to be included in
the pack. With this attitude, we hope to increase the medium quality of
our artpacks.
Maiden Brazil homepage
Our homepage have changed. I have done some VGA artwork to it, changed
the colors, etc.. also, Im doing a cool member list.. I just have to
take some members photos... :
Visit us!
Maiden Brazils Homepage
Ratan gotta pay 150
Somedays ago, I visited ratan. Its the first scene member Ive ever met
personally! Well, Ive gotta say his house is really far from anywhere..:
well, he cautch me with his moms car at a shopping mall near his house...
heh.. it was such an adventure... hes a GREAT driver, SOO good that
anothe driver got angry with his style of driving.. : he chased us, ratan runned, but he kinda met a wall at his front... : he stomped the cars
wheel in the walkpath... that really f*cked up the wheel, and well, we
stopped and waited for the guy to kill us.. : the guy which chased us was
really angry, but fortunatelly he didnt kill us.. : he just shouted and
said we could kill someone etc. he was right, ehhe.. conclusion: ratan
have to create 150 from nothing, to pay the cars repairs - his mom was
quite angry with him... :
Here you can see a big
photo of ratan. ?
Hes got a steering wheel -
on his arms does rats have ------
arms?!. Until now, he doesnt - rs
know what happened! :
Ok, this pic is strange, but
look, Im with ratan o the .
phone now! Its difficult to
make good art talking in the
phone! : rs
Suicide Solution is out of Rush
Due to rushs new group policy, suicide solution have decided to leave
rush, and to dedicate himself and his art skills exclusivelly to maiden.
Its important to remember that he have left rush in peace, and there
is no fighting of any order involved.
The Marines BBS, german sanctuary
From the country that have created helloween comes
marine fighter, sop of the marines bbs. The board
seems to be pretty cool and look, this is the 1st
official foreign sanctuary for maiden! Yeah! :
Also, you can see here a photo of the sysop, taken
at the moment he was receiving the message saying
that he was accepted as maiden german sanctuary.
See hows he happy! :-
pic ripped from his boards main menu
Suicidal Tendencies, united kingdom sanctuary
And now, from the country that have seen iron
maiden grow up, comes condor, sysop of suicidal
tendencies yes.... Condor seems to be a great
guy with good ideas and a great board. I am
specially happy with that since I like uk very
much... I sincerely hope that the suicidal
continue to be just tendencies, since it would be
very sad to lose that affiliation. :
Condor was preparing to kill himself in the
gallows, but fortunatelly we have answered
positevelly to his application. He decided not to
kill himself, since the lifes a wonderful thing
and now he has a maiden affiliation.
Distribution sites
Also from germany comes paratoxic. He is the sysop
of velocity, an art board in hamburg. I dont have /
any photo of him, but some witness says he looks -
like this. if you see him on your local hamburg -
mcdonalds, beware: he has the power to leave your
computer full of cool art packs and other art
related stuff!
further investigatons reveals that the hamburger
wasnt created on hamburg
And from canada comes celestial nitemare, opered
by aneurysm. We are sure that all the polar bears che3rs!
that have an account on his board will be very ,
happy with this new affiliation. .
In this photo, you can see some polar bears that
have decided to drink some coke in comemoration to
the new affiliation.. :
caution: merchandising detected here - make a
bootable television and run MerchScan to remove
From bahrain, an island in the middle of the
persian gulf, comes lightning knight, sysop of
the electric cube. Im impressed the pack have got
so far. His board seems to be really nice.
You can see on lightning knights face the
happiness hes felling with this new affiliation!
Hes literally radiant with the news.
The only problem with this is that his sister
tells us that he never turns off the light when
she wanna sleep.
Member boards
Suicide Solution have set his new board up - its
mental disorder. Hes starting this board now, and
hell start well - with maiden artpacks. : X
Obviously, the board is in brazil..
This is not a photo, but you can see some mental
disorder by myself in it.
Schizophrenia - Long distance runner
Thinking about quality regarding to our affiliated
boards, we have a new member, schizophrenia. Hes
good friend of mine and sysop of arise. Feel free
to call arise, our world sanctuary - there is free
access for ldcallers. Youll also be able to - /
contact any maiden member. / -
With his help, we are now able to long-distance
call our boards and check if the boards online,
everythings going all right, etc. We also have a
new way of checking the coolness of the boards schizo on his normal
that wanna be our distro sites or sanctuaries.
As soon as schizophrenia corrects his mental
problems, hell start to call the boards.
OPORTUNITY - Emerging art group in the scene, first brazilian serious art
group, is looking for nice brazilian artists ansi/ascii/vga/rip and to
nice boards to work as headquarters and as distro sites, specially in
foreign countries. We give preference for nice experienced artists and to
good-looking girls. : To contact, type MDN-APP ENTER at your DOS prompt.
We would like to send the best regards to the guys from the end. The end is
a brazilian demo group, and theyll be coordinating painless compo 96, the
PC96, second edition of painless compo. This year it will be even greater
and Im very happy with the work the end in doing in raising the brazilian
scene. Thanx guys.
Painless compo is like a demoparty. It includes demos, music, gfx and stuff.
It is not a physical party :, so the physical presence isnt needed. If you
wanna participate, you can do it from anywhere in the country.
And attention!! The painless compo96 invitation file is included in this
pack! Just read pc96info.txt! It is in portuguese, so you dont need to
mind about your english language skills. :
PS: You can fill the form in the text version, but the executable version
is about to come out! For more info, send email or connect to the related
homepage! The addresses are in the text file.
Best regards, and see you next month.
- Rorshack abrive@nutecnet.com.br
OH MAN, october 31st was halloween! I wasnt able of doing any specially
ansi, but HEY, Ill sing you a song! Here it comes...
Happy Happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween uhn..is he
Happy Happy Halloween, ooooooooo saying im
And dont forget, my friends! Anyone who
speaks the helloween band name with an A
or the halloween name with an E will be
immediatly be turned into a big ugly
half-price-selling pumpkin!
Here we are. Things didnt change a lot since the last pack. One of the news
is our official name - now it is definetely maiden brazil.
Other thing about maiden. Ive discovered that there is a group in europe,
the names black maiden. Id like to say that Ive never heard about black
maiden until the last week, and Im absolutelly sure that they have appeared
before us. But I wont change my groups name in any way, that coincidence
doesnt change my plans for the scene. And if youre curious: yes, the black
maiden artists are good.
But the major changes are regarding to telecommunications. This month we
officialy have foreign affiliated boards, and, along with that foreign link,
we have a new division on maiden, with a new kind of member - it is called
long distance runner. A long distance runner is a member which accesses
foreign boards, check for boards that wanna affiliate, talk to the sysops,
etc. If you see some of our long distance runners on your board, treat them
well. :
Now, about the scene!! Brazilian scene starts to move on! Until the day Ive
founded maiden brazil, I havent seen any other artgroup with releases, etc.
Now it looks like there are some groups beeing formed! I will try to name the
ones Ive heard of:
ddi: ddi is one of that stuff groups, a group that does ppe, artpacks, etc, every kind of thing. The positive thing is that they have some packs
already released. The artwork isnt like the best, but it is good to
see people trying. :
aif: aif stands for art in fuck. Fuck stands for force union of coding
killers. Aif is the art division of fuck - they are starting with art
just now, but they seem to be starting well. I have seen some artwork
from them and I have to say I was impressed. Theyre in the right way,
and I wish the best luck to them...
ngd: ngd looks like the name is necro group is starting now. I have seen
their first pack - all the artwork seem to be made by the same artist.
The file naming is strange, they dont use sauce, dont have an info
file, and all the artwork is done with the groups name or something
like that - but the logos seem to be really well done, using nice
lettering. All the ansis were done with thedraw, set to 100 lines! :
or maybe
The subject here is ftp.cdrom.com, ftp site for the walnut creek cdrom.
It is well known that this ftp site helps a lot the art scene worldwide. At
the directory pub/artpacks/incoming, you can find lots of things related to
the art scene - emags, artpacks, editors, viewers and other programs.
Well, I have uploaded our first pack mdn-0996.zip someday I cant remember.
The feedback was really great. I received some mails of requests, and other
stuff. Some days after that, I have uploaded mdn-9611.zip, the second pack.
I have received yet more mail and some board applications. Conclusion is:
ftp.cdrom.com rules.
And along with ftp.cdrom.com, there is yet another really cool feature. By
accessing www.cdrom.com/radman, you can find some lists of top downloads
of the artpacks section of ftp.cdrom.com. You can see the most downloaded
packs in the month or in the day. Well. Now, see this: I have uploaded the
file mdn-9611.zip on October, 30th.
Here is a copy of the home page, adapted to txt version:
Artpacks Top
Top Downloads for October 30, 1996
Top 10 Artpacks
Rank File Times Downloaded
1 /incoming/artpacks/lpl-gvos.zip 20
2 /incoming/artpacks/acid-51b.zip 20
3 /incoming/artpacks/acid-51a.zip 19
4 /incoming/artpacks/acid-50c.zip 18
5 /incoming/artpacks/acid-50a.zip 17
6 /incoming/artpacks/ice9609a.zip 16
7 /incoming/artpacks/xps-1096.zip 13
8 /incoming/artpacks/mdn-9611.zip 12
9 /incoming/artpacks/mdn-0996.zip 11
10 /incoming/artpacks/ice9609c.zip 10
Note the 8th and 9th position. I got very happy when I saw this. Well, at
least 12 persons were viewing the pack! :
There are several reasons to that to happen.. for example: the maiden packs
were like 70kbs each... and the ice, acid packs were like 1.3mb each... for
example, the first in the list, lpl-gvos.zip, was 19kb... :
WELL, on october 31st, I havent check the tops list. But I have checked
at November 1st. LOOK at this:
Artpacks Top
Top Downloads for November , 1996
Top 10 Artpacks
Rank File Times Downloaded
1 /incoming/artpacks/mdn-9611.zip 23
2 /incoming/artpacks/phat1096.zip 20
3 /incoming/artpacks/ice9609a.zip 14
4 /incoming/artpacks/ice9609b.zip 13
5 /incoming/artpacks/ice9609c.zip 12
6 /incoming/artpacks/synth02.zip 11
7 /incoming/artpacks/lpl-gvos.zip 10
8 /incoming/artpacks/acid-50c.zip 10
9 /incoming/artpacks/xps-1096.zip 9
10 /incoming/artpacks/acid-51a.zip 9
Hehe, well, again the pack was SMALL... thats the reason it was soooo
downloaded... but I just cant stop feeling happy with that. :
Quality control
Now we have a quality control in the files that are to be released. This
means every screen have to be accepted by most members to be included in
the pack. With this attitude, we hope to increase the medium quality of
our artpacks.
Maiden Brazil homepage
Our homepage have changed. I have done some VGA artwork to it, changed
the colors, etc.. also, Im doing a cool member list.. I just have to
take some members photos... :
Visit us!
Maiden Brazils Homepage
Ratan gotta pay 150
Somedays ago, I visited ratan. Its the first scene member Ive ever met
personally! Well, Ive gotta say his house is really far from anywhere..:
well, he cautch me with his moms car at a shopping mall near his house...
heh.. it was such an adventure... hes a GREAT driver, SOO good that
anothe driver got angry with his style of driving.. : he chased us, ratan runned, but he kinda met a wall at his front... : he stomped the cars
wheel in the walkpath... that really f*cked up the wheel, and well, we
stopped and waited for the guy to kill us.. : the guy which chased us was
really angry, but fortunatelly he didnt kill us.. : he just shouted and
said we could kill someone etc. he was right, ehhe.. conclusion: ratan
have to create 150 from nothing, to pay the cars repairs - his mom was
quite angry with him... :
Here you can see a big
photo of ratan. ?
Hes got a steering wheel -
on his arms does rats have ------
arms?!. Until now, he doesnt - rs
know what happened! :
Ok, this pic is strange, but
look, Im with ratan o the .
phone now! Its difficult to
make good art talking in the
phone! : rs
Suicide Solution is out of Rush
Due to rushs new group policy, suicide solution have decided to leave
rush, and to dedicate himself and his art skills exclusivelly to maiden.
Its important to remember that he have left rush in peace, and there
is no fighting of any order involved.
The Marines BBS, german sanctuary
From the country that have created helloween comes
marine fighter, sop of the marines bbs. The board
seems to be pretty cool and look, this is the 1st
official foreign sanctuary for maiden! Yeah! :
Also, you can see here a photo of the sysop, taken
at the moment he was receiving the message saying
that he was accepted as maiden german sanctuary.
See hows he happy! :-
pic ripped from his boards main menu
Suicidal Tendencies, united kingdom sanctuary
And now, from the country that have seen iron
maiden grow up, comes condor, sysop of suicidal
tendencies yes.... Condor seems to be a great
guy with good ideas and a great board. I am
specially happy with that since I like uk very
much... I sincerely hope that the suicidal
continue to be just tendencies, since it would be
very sad to lose that affiliation. :
Condor was preparing to kill himself in the
gallows, but fortunatelly we have answered
positevelly to his application. He decided not to
kill himself, since the lifes a wonderful thing
and now he has a maiden affiliation.
Distribution sites
Also from germany comes paratoxic. He is the sysop
of velocity, an art board in hamburg. I dont have /
any photo of him, but some witness says he looks -
like this. if you see him on your local hamburg -
mcdonalds, beware: he has the power to leave your
computer full of cool art packs and other art
related stuff!
further investigatons reveals that the hamburger
wasnt created on hamburg
And from canada comes celestial nitemare, opered
by aneurysm. We are sure that all the polar bears che3rs!
that have an account on his board will be very ,
happy with this new affiliation. .
In this photo, you can see some polar bears that
have decided to drink some coke in comemoration to
the new affiliation.. :
caution: merchandising detected here - make a
bootable television and run MerchScan to remove
From bahrain, an island in the middle of the
persian gulf, comes lightning knight, sysop of
the electric cube. Im impressed the pack have got
so far. His board seems to be really nice.
You can see on lightning knights face the
happiness hes felling with this new affiliation!
Hes literally radiant with the news.
The only problem with this is that his sister
tells us that he never turns off the light when
she wanna sleep.
Member boards
Suicide Solution have set his new board up - its
mental disorder. Hes starting this board now, and
hell start well - with maiden artpacks. : X
Obviously, the board is in brazil..
This is not a photo, but you can see some mental
disorder by myself in it.
Schizophrenia - Long distance runner
Thinking about quality regarding to our affiliated
boards, we have a new member, schizophrenia. Hes
good friend of mine and sysop of arise. Feel free
to call arise, our world sanctuary - there is free
access for ldcallers. Youll also be able to - /
contact any maiden member. / -
With his help, we are now able to long-distance
call our boards and check if the boards online,
everythings going all right, etc. We also have a
new way of checking the coolness of the boards schizo on his normal
that wanna be our distro sites or sanctuaries.
As soon as schizophrenia corrects his mental
problems, hell start to call the boards.
OPORTUNITY - Emerging art group in the scene, first brazilian serious art
group, is looking for nice brazilian artists ansi/ascii/vga/rip and to
nice boards to work as headquarters and as distro sites, specially in
foreign countries. We give preference for nice experienced artists and to
good-looking girls. : To contact, type MDN-APP ENTER at your DOS prompt.
We would like to send the best regards to the guys from the end. The end is
a brazilian demo group, and theyll be coordinating painless compo 96, the
PC96, second edition of painless compo. This year it will be even greater
and Im very happy with the work the end in doing in raising the brazilian
scene. Thanx guys.
Painless compo is like a demoparty. It includes demos, music, gfx and stuff.
It is not a physical party :, so the physical presence isnt needed. If you
wanna participate, you can do it from anywhere in the country.
And attention!! The painless compo96 invitation file is included in this
pack! Just read pc96info.txt! It is in portuguese, so you dont need to
mind about your english language skills. :
PS: You can fill the form in the text version, but the executable version
is about to come out! For more info, send email or connect to the related
homepage! The addresses are in the text file.
Best regards, and see you next month.
- Rorshack abrive@nutecnet.com.br
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