this image contains text
------ maiden news wrote by rorshack number 1 november 96 -----
Yeah, one month in the thing call scene if you wish. Things arent going so
difficult, I think. Brazils scene is there one? is just being born. Maybe
now it will evolute..
First, Id like to thank all the messages telling that the first pack was
cool. Here in this photo you can note
Subj: ANSi PACk a message from boombastic from idt.
Lida: 04/10/96 22:49 Also, idt will soon release art packs.
Conf: Hackers 3 Good luck to them.
HEy CARA, And fortunatelly, my great friends have
SEu ANSi PACk ta muito lokko!!! quickly offered representation in their
Ta legal mesmo cara!!!! boards if I wanted headquarters. These
Congratulations... great friends are schizophrenia and
weapon x. And ratan have spoke of
hUGZ couriering the pack to other countries.
That would be really cool.. Thanx man.
To the ones who have not understand, he says: hey dude/your ansi pack kicks
ass!!!/its really cool dude!!!!/congratulations....
Now lets talk about beeing know. This other picture was took in milenium
bbs. Its part of the description of mdn-0996.zip, the first maidens art
Note the download times. I think its cool..
The first pack was so small... but it had
quality. I hope this pack to be more viewed
than the previous... and also, this is the
download info only in a simple local board..
Another thing about the pack: now sysops of
boards that Ive never heard of are emailing Maiden Productions Ar
me to ask for ansis. This is good cause it September 1996 is From He
indicates the pack is beeing well distribu-
ted. Its also bad, cause I dont have time HEY! Were looking for
to do all the ansis Id like to. And also,
unfortunatelly, there are lots of boards Files: 8 Newest: 10-01-96 O
that are completelly lame and that would not Uploaded by: Jose Fernando
make a good use of the ansi.. 15 Times Downloaded.
Oooops, this was wrote just in time todays 30th. Well, we received a
great feedback of the first pack from other groups around the world and
from some boards. Someones wrote after seeing the first maiden pack that
was unofficialy couriered by ratan or by schizophrenia. But most of the
messages come just after I had uploaded the pack to ftp.cdrom.com. It is
surelly the best pack carrier to the scene worldwide.
Its great to hear that the first pack was nice. In fact, that pack was
just a try-out of the scene, a demo. It even didnt had an info file. This
one have a great one. So the fun, my friend, begins now...
Oh man, man, man. You know... I was just looking at some packs from foreign
art groups. Sometimes I think... Oh! I completelly suck! These guys rules!.
Well... sometimes, when Im looking at acid packs, at lord jazz pics, at
unsane and splatt and even lithnn is it correct? logos, I think that way.
BUTT recently, I was looking at some packs of medium ansi groups from
countries that have a greater scene than in brazils.. and I see their ansis,
their releases... and then man, I think...I am good! It may look like I am
feeling I am the master.. no way... I know I am not so good.. BUT there
are many groups around tha world that are well known, and thinking that I
can do stuff as good as them and even better, makes me feel quite good...
For example... I coded the application generator from zero in one week, and
it was quite cool... and I coded it in a hurry!..... The application gen that
is included in this pack the version 2 is yet cooler and useful than the
first one. Although it can look like acids app gen, Ive just made the most
useful program I could imagine. Give a look at it, and fell free to apply! :
What I am trying to say is that.. man, maiden has a apply gen that is greater
than groups that are in the scene for too much time, and some ansis are
really great. And were in our second month, and Ive never been in other
art group before! Is it a good start or what? Well, anyways, send your
opinnions to our e-mail, maidenbr@geocities.com.
Packs and dates
The pack release was that way: all the artwork done in january for
example was put in the january pack, named mdn-0196, and released
distributed to the BBSs on the February 1st. But it looks like it
was wrong.
Now it is done this way: all the artwork done in january will be put in
the february pack, named mdn-9602, and it will be distributed on
february, 1st. NOTE the pack name - the month number was changed, and
the year was put before the month 9602 in place of 0296. This is
intended to the packs to be correctly sorted in the BBSs directories,
beeing in alphabetic order.
Conclusion: after mdn-0996, that was released on october first, comes
mdn-9611, that is released november first. There is no mdn-1096. Ok?
Info file
As you must have seen, our first art pack didnt have an info file. Or
better, yes it had - but it was just a small tiny text about the idea of
creating maiden.
This months different - the info file with the member and boards listing
is included in the pack. The file name is mdn-1096.nfo.
I have to say that: the info file really kicks ass.
News file
Also new to this pack is the maiden news. The file name is news1096.nfo,
but you may already know that, youre reading the news right now.
Another news is the maiden corporative email. It can be contacted via the
email maidenbr@geocities.com dont tell me what you think of geocities..
I wonder whos the guy that is using the membername maiden! :
Along with the maiden corporative email, is the maiden homepage! Our
homepage can be found at www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/alley/6211. In
the page youll find links to get our art packs, member info, boards
info and alot more. Also, you can read about our zine project - the
helloween yep, with an e.
And, from here to eternity :, all the maiden packs can be also found at
the well known ftp.cdrom.com, at the dir pub/artpacks/incoming/artpacks.
Just look to mdn*.*. Its the same dir that acid, blade and other ansi
groups upload their artwork so the world can download it.
Arise, world sanctuary
This month we officially have our world sanctuary. Its arise, opered
by schizophrenia. Hes a great guy and his board is really cool.
Holocaust, south america sanctuary
We also have now the official south america sanctuary - holocaust,
opered by weapon x.
This two boards have joined maiden last month september, but, as last
months pack didnt have a member/board listing, the boards were
officially included this month.
Lunatic Asylum, brazilian sanctuary
Brazilian sanctary is now lunatic asylum. Lunatic is opered by bugs bunny,
also a new member of maiden. Its of the few art boards in brazil.
Distribution Sites
There are two new the two first, heh distribution sites: primal rage,
opered by ratan, and hellbound, opered by dark murder.
The most important thing.. members. With the impact that the first pack
have got, I planned to get attention from other ansi makers and get some
cool members.
Bugs Bunny!
The first of this cool dudes is bugs bunny. I went into his board and
invited him to join maiden. Hes already an artist for rush.
In my whole life in the scene uhn.. 1 year Ive heard of only 2 serious
brazilian ansi makers - royal voomit and bugs bunny. Ive never seen any
of bugs bunny artwork until the day I connected at his BBS, lunatic
asylum. I must say that his admitance helps a lot in making maiden a yet
cooler group.
Unfortunatelly, there is some problem with bugs hd and there isnt any
ansi from him in this pack. : That doesnt mean that there isnt any
ascii. :
Soulphuree is an old not-so-old friend of mine. Hes a cool ascii artist
and sometime ago he almost founded a group. Now I hope that, in maiden,
everything runs as well as it should have run before. :
Suicide Solution!
Suicide Solution is a member of rush that says that likes art very much.
Im now talking to him on the phone and in fact I dont have anything to
say here. But I wish him the best luck at maiden.
OPORTUNITY - Emerging art group in the scene, brazilians first serious art
group, is looking for nice brazilian artists ansi/ascii/vga/rip and to
nice boards to work as headquarters and as distro sites, specially in
foreign countries. We give preference for nice experienced artists, and to
good-looking girls. : To contact, type MDN-APP ENTER at your DOS prompt.
Oh well, Id like to say that ALL comments are well accepted. If you have
any comment to make or would like to give your opinnion, please email us via
our corporative email maidenbr@geocities.com or email personally any of
maiden members the members email list is in the info file, mdn-1096.nfo.
Other thing, about the scene. I would like all the brazilian artists to make
contact with us. You know, brazilian scene again: is there any one?! is
just beeing born and wed like to know how things are going. Anyway, we wish
the best luck to everyone.
Best regards, and see you next month.
- Rorshack abrive@nutecnet.com.br
maiden news wrote by rorshack number 1 november 96
Yeah, one month in the thing call scene if you wish. Things arent going so
difficult, I think. Brazils scene is there one? is just being born. Maybe
now it will evolute..
First, Id like to thank all the messages telling that the first pack was
cool. Here in this photo you can note
Subj: ANSi PACk a message from boombastic from idt.
Lida: 04/10/96 22:49 Also, idt will soon release art packs.
Conf: Hackers 3 Good luck to them.
HEy CARA, And fortunatelly, my great friends have
SEu ANSi PACk ta muito lokko!!! quickly offered representation in their
Ta legal mesmo cara!!!! boards if I wanted headquarters. These
Congratulations... great friends are schizophrenia and
weapon x. And ratan have spoke of
hUGZ couriering the pack to other countries.
That would be really cool.. Thanx man.
To the ones who have not understand, he says: hey dude/your ansi pack kicks
ass!!!/its really cool dude!!!!/congratulations....
Now lets talk about beeing know. This other picture was took in milenium
bbs. Its part of the description of mdn-0996.zip, the first maidens art
Note the download times. I think its cool..
The first pack was so small... but it had
quality. I hope this pack to be more viewed
than the previous... and also, this is the
download info only in a simple local board..
Another thing about the pack: now sysops of
boards that Ive never heard of are emailing Maiden Productions Ar
me to ask for ansis. This is good cause it September 1996 is From He
indicates the pack is beeing well distribu-
ted. Its also bad, cause I dont have time HEY! Were looking for
to do all the ansis Id like to. And also,
unfortunatelly, there are lots of boards Files: 8 Newest: 10-01-96 O
that are completelly lame and that would not Uploaded by: Jose Fernando
make a good use of the ansi.. 15 Times Downloaded.
Oooops, this was wrote just in time todays 30th. Well, we received a
great feedback of the first pack from other groups around the world and
from some boards. Someones wrote after seeing the first maiden pack that
was unofficialy couriered by ratan or by schizophrenia. But most of the
messages come just after I had uploaded the pack to ftp.cdrom.com. It is
surelly the best pack carrier to the scene worldwide.
Its great to hear that the first pack was nice. In fact, that pack was
just a try-out of the scene, a demo. It even didnt had an info file. This
one have a great one. So the fun, my friend, begins now...
Oh man, man, man. You know... I was just looking at some packs from foreign
art groups. Sometimes I think... Oh! I completelly suck! These guys rules!.
Well... sometimes, when Im looking at acid packs, at lord jazz pics, at
unsane and splatt and even lithnn is it correct? logos, I think that way.
BUTT recently, I was looking at some packs of medium ansi groups from
countries that have a greater scene than in brazils.. and I see their ansis,
their releases... and then man, I think...I am good! It may look like I am
feeling I am the master.. no way... I know I am not so good.. BUT there
are many groups around tha world that are well known, and thinking that I
can do stuff as good as them and even better, makes me feel quite good...
For example... I coded the application generator from zero in one week, and
it was quite cool... and I coded it in a hurry!..... The application gen that
is included in this pack the version 2 is yet cooler and useful than the
first one. Although it can look like acids app gen, Ive just made the most
useful program I could imagine. Give a look at it, and fell free to apply! :
What I am trying to say is that.. man, maiden has a apply gen that is greater
than groups that are in the scene for too much time, and some ansis are
really great. And were in our second month, and Ive never been in other
art group before! Is it a good start or what? Well, anyways, send your
opinnions to our e-mail, maidenbr@geocities.com.
Packs and dates
The pack release was that way: all the artwork done in january for
example was put in the january pack, named mdn-0196, and released
distributed to the BBSs on the February 1st. But it looks like it
was wrong.
Now it is done this way: all the artwork done in january will be put in
the february pack, named mdn-9602, and it will be distributed on
february, 1st. NOTE the pack name - the month number was changed, and
the year was put before the month 9602 in place of 0296. This is
intended to the packs to be correctly sorted in the BBSs directories,
beeing in alphabetic order.
Conclusion: after mdn-0996, that was released on october first, comes
mdn-9611, that is released november first. There is no mdn-1096. Ok?
Info file
As you must have seen, our first art pack didnt have an info file. Or
better, yes it had - but it was just a small tiny text about the idea of
creating maiden.
This months different - the info file with the member and boards listing
is included in the pack. The file name is mdn-1096.nfo.
I have to say that: the info file really kicks ass.
News file
Also new to this pack is the maiden news. The file name is news1096.nfo,
but you may already know that, youre reading the news right now.
Another news is the maiden corporative email. It can be contacted via the
email maidenbr@geocities.com dont tell me what you think of geocities..
I wonder whos the guy that is using the membername maiden! :
Along with the maiden corporative email, is the maiden homepage! Our
homepage can be found at www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/alley/6211. In
the page youll find links to get our art packs, member info, boards
info and alot more. Also, you can read about our zine project - the
helloween yep, with an e.
And, from here to eternity :, all the maiden packs can be also found at
the well known ftp.cdrom.com, at the dir pub/artpacks/incoming/artpacks.
Just look to mdn*.*. Its the same dir that acid, blade and other ansi
groups upload their artwork so the world can download it.
Arise, world sanctuary
This month we officially have our world sanctuary. Its arise, opered
by schizophrenia. Hes a great guy and his board is really cool.
Holocaust, south america sanctuary
We also have now the official south america sanctuary - holocaust,
opered by weapon x.
This two boards have joined maiden last month september, but, as last
months pack didnt have a member/board listing, the boards were
officially included this month.
Lunatic Asylum, brazilian sanctuary
Brazilian sanctary is now lunatic asylum. Lunatic is opered by bugs bunny,
also a new member of maiden. Its of the few art boards in brazil.
Distribution Sites
There are two new the two first, heh distribution sites: primal rage,
opered by ratan, and hellbound, opered by dark murder.
The most important thing.. members. With the impact that the first pack
have got, I planned to get attention from other ansi makers and get some
cool members.
Bugs Bunny!
The first of this cool dudes is bugs bunny. I went into his board and
invited him to join maiden. Hes already an artist for rush.
In my whole life in the scene uhn.. 1 year Ive heard of only 2 serious
brazilian ansi makers - royal voomit and bugs bunny. Ive never seen any
of bugs bunny artwork until the day I connected at his BBS, lunatic
asylum. I must say that his admitance helps a lot in making maiden a yet
cooler group.
Unfortunatelly, there is some problem with bugs hd and there isnt any
ansi from him in this pack. : That doesnt mean that there isnt any
ascii. :
Soulphuree is an old not-so-old friend of mine. Hes a cool ascii artist
and sometime ago he almost founded a group. Now I hope that, in maiden,
everything runs as well as it should have run before. :
Suicide Solution!
Suicide Solution is a member of rush that says that likes art very much.
Im now talking to him on the phone and in fact I dont have anything to
say here. But I wish him the best luck at maiden.
OPORTUNITY - Emerging art group in the scene, brazilians first serious art
group, is looking for nice brazilian artists ansi/ascii/vga/rip and to
nice boards to work as headquarters and as distro sites, specially in
foreign countries. We give preference for nice experienced artists, and to
good-looking girls. : To contact, type MDN-APP ENTER at your DOS prompt.
Oh well, Id like to say that ALL comments are well accepted. If you have
any comment to make or would like to give your opinnion, please email us via
our corporative email maidenbr@geocities.com or email personally any of
maiden members the members email list is in the info file, mdn-1096.nfo.
Other thing, about the scene. I would like all the brazilian artists to make
contact with us. You know, brazilian scene again: is there any one?! is
just beeing born and wed like to know how things are going. Anyway, we wish
the best luck to everyone.
Best regards, and see you next month.
- Rorshack abrive@nutecnet.com.br
maiden news wrote by rorshack number 1 november 96
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