this image contains text
MAX 1993 MAX 1993 1993 MAX 1993 MAX
Information by Vladimir:
1 The World of MAX
2 Information Releases
3 Site Revision
4 Loosing Artists
5 V/2 is a looser?
6 Revisionary notes
Well . ..this is the point that I normally begin discussing
all sorts of shit about the people in our group and others. Well -
this turns out that its going to be rather large so several things
will happen here. First, I will break this down over several
entries that are more fitting, i.e. sections 2 and 3 etc. And
secondly I sometimes go through phases that I wonder if you guys
really give a shit what I say, if you like these long drawn out
discussions OR you just wish I would shutup. So - this month it
will be real short . .read on MacDuff.
This months Holy Shit! awards go to the following.
PiTT - Out of the gates. This guy normally calls 3 days
after the release and starts ULing stuff for the next
release. Very nice considering the rest of you loosers
wait until the last day and I sit here and worry about
whether we have a release or not. :
A courier and self motivated artist that does some great
fonts AND produces . .wow, where did we go right?
and Im still working on your account!
sUMIxAM - Great Logos man. You keep saying, I cant think of
any more than you run out another three logos for a
group. Your great man. Look forward to a 4 part series
of TD fonts, the first one being in this packet . .and
somehow still gets a menu set in . Not to mention - you
brought Hros along.
Hros - the latest addition to the already amazing VGA crew.
He came in and we all agreed - this guy is great! But
can he produce? Going on 2 months now this guy has
produced and produced, and yet again - more high quality
VGAs from one person than we have seen in a long time.
Not to mention some great scans of some hand drawn art -
to large for a release but I would love to send these out
as a supplement pack!
In house greets to MAX -
Mason Storm - Who is hard at work on Internet for the MAX
Nameshift - Who FINALLY changed his name from Blades and
and decided to save all of us a major pain in
the ass originally MAX had Blades AND Blade as
artists and for awhile they both use BL-
XXX.ANS to title their work. Cant get worse?
Wrong! You had to beat either one of them to
sign their work . . . .:
Blade - Who is still Blade but is finally back.
Snow Dog - Quality work and great support for an old retired
Headhunter - The guy we built our VGA department around,
still strong despite a few retirements and a
real problem with perfection . .heheh
Slinger - Slinger is Slinger . .he does it all - and he
can even over-rule ME. . . .
Black Aksion - Quit Leaving damnit! We need you . . . .
Sand-Meister - Sorry about sending out the pre-release ansi . .
Sector Slayer - Ok . .got everything . . . .
Outside Greets . .well - Hey ACiD, iCE and the rest. We miss
you Carnage - Dreadnought your a god! . . .hehehe Hows that for
This month included in the pack is a list of information
forms, about and for the artists, couriers and sysops of MAX.
There has been problems in the past from some strange places and
mostly from trouble makers outside the group.
These Informations map out every aspect of MAX and are
periodically updated. They are availible in this release or on VH,
MAX World HQ from both the matrix and the guest account. If you
are applying for MAX for any reason, read them! artist
information is incompleate
Effective TODAY, all MAX sites have been dropped. No more
sites. Why? Several reasons, many of the sites have been deleting
the MAX files, complaining about things or have just plain dropped
off the face of the earth. The best example was with The Cool One.
He mentioned that one of the boards he calls, who is a MAX site,
has been complaining that they havent received a file from a MAX
courier for TWO months.
This is my response - Sysops have a responsiblity to MAX, and
all of them are aware that it is their duty to call and inform us
of problems. The ideaology is this - If the sysop doesnt care enough
to call us and tell us that he is not getting files, he does not
deserve to complain, and he does not deserve to be a MAX site.
What about MAX sites? Well - this is how it goes. The day
this file is released - ALL MAX SITES ARE NOW GONE. Any sysop from
an existing site that calls will be immediately put back on the
list with no questions within the first 30 days. Those that dont
get this notice obviously dont have enough interest in the group.
Our courier and art staff busts our asses to do logos for sites
and provide releases, the sysops can atleast show up to say hi.
For the sites coming back, the new requirements listed in the
MAX site information packet will apply. Sounds pretty harsh? Not
really when you can come back by making one phone call. But in my
belief, 70 of the existing sites will not make that call - and
those are the ones that we want to get rid off. Of the 30 that
call back - I suspect 100 will have no trouble at all living up to
the requirements that we now have, they are very linient.
The hot topic for the month has been artists leaving the
group. It appears that the VGA division grows stronger everyday
but the world views MAX as a starter ansi group and members run
like rats to other groups after a trial period at MAX -
q: How come the ansis are that great?
a: Because all our senior members leave for other groups
q: Why do they leave?
a: They claim they need the greater experience found in
these groups.
q: Why does iCE,ACiD,TRiBE, etc have this greater experience
than MAX?
a: Because all our members leave to go to these groups.
Needless to say its a catch-22 and it is going to stop NOW.
MAX will no longer be taking artists with potential. The minute
we train these people, they leave. MAX will be only excepting
artist that have skill and dedication that can help build our ansi
department. This is not a pre-iCE charity organization.
Unfortunately MAX has always believed that by teaching people
to draw and spending hours helping them that they will turn around
and help our art group. This has been proven very wrong. The
members we have today are all long termers that have given
everything they have for the group - the rest and there have been
many have stabbed us in the back and run like rabbits. To the
people that have used us like a whore - FUCK YOU! If you dont have
enough respect to support us, we never would have let you in the
New artists in MAX will now have to speak directly with
Slinger on VH through email. They will also have to prove a
proficience in art pre-existing. We have one of the greatest VGA
teams in the world, its about time we had ansi to match. We are
also working on a new system for trials - very different that what
other groups have used in the past.
For those artists that are with the group now - we thank you!
And finally - for the hoards of you thinking about running
v/2, DONT! why?
1 - Many, Many, Many flaws.
2 - Basic operations left out like being able to list outgoing
email, and not able to autovalidate people through sysop
3 - Fucked up chat call that keeps crashing
4 - Only supports ZIPLAB gag!
5 - FIDO still does not work, everyone says it does . .wrong!
it cuts up messages and fucks ansis
6 - CB needs help . . . .physically and mentally.
7 - 978 Wont list them since I said I would be brief
Why am I writing this? Well - when I considered switching to
V/2 I called CB up to talk to him.
Call c2c to talk about reg and write THREE pieces of mail
that dont get answered before I read a news post saying
I need to call someplace else.
Call CBs board
Left him mail about a v/2 reg working a deal
- He didnt answer
Left him mail again
- Said maybe and never wrote back
Left him mail offering FREE help programming or doing
utils for V/2
- Didnt answer
Left him same mail AGAIN
- Answer what was that you wanted to do? Utils?
Replyed Yes - I want to help you out
- Didnt answer
Bascially I left 5 pieces of mail, three he didnt answer and
the other two were worthless responses. As far as Im am concerned,
if he doesnt care enough about his software to answer mail he can
stick it. Is this the guy you want to depend on for updates and
support? For 50? Dont think so . . . .
V/2 has ALOT of flaws, some are major. Dont get me wrong, its
a solid piece of software but its like a car without an engine,
still needs alot of work. Apparently CB isnt up to very much work
. . .so dont count on this software . .for anything. You might be
lucky to get 1-2 more updates before it goes under again for 5
years and you lose all your money.
Still wonder why half of the TRWS was out for CBs blood?
I guess the true test will be to see if CB answers this, if he
replys I will post in the next MAX release with a full retraction
and apology . . .but five bucks says he wont bother and my point is
Originally MAX was going to release a two month packet of its work
this time around - however, some excellent work was left out of this packet
as it was - so, no repeats on the art this month. We are mulling over a
few ideas yes, this is a last mintue revision to the list
1 Considering a greatest hits release.
Later days . . . . .
oh yeah guys . .start using FILEID.DIZ . .please?
Order of listing within a particular category is alphabetical and does not
necessarily reflect position of a board within the group. i.e. the regional
HQ sites all have equal pull with the group, and Symphony II is not somehow
superior to the World Headquarters, Vladimirian Heights.
- Max Distribution -
Name Type Number Sysop
Symphony of Destruction II Homeboard 602345-6770 Snow Dog
Vladimirian Heights World HQ 602491-8238 Vladimir
- Max Membership -
Name Position
The Decision Makers...
Slinger President/Founder
Vladimir Everything else . . . .
The Leading Artists...
The Depredator Coder Coordinator
Black Aksion Ansi President temp-retired
Ecthelion VGA Director
Anthrax - Courier Black Aksion - Ansi VGA Blade - VGA
Captain Willy - Ansi Code
Elric the Kinslayer - Courier Headhunter - VGA
Hros - VGA Mason Storm - Member Nameshift - Ansi VGA
Neurosis - Code PiTT - Courier Ansi Sumixam - Ansi
Sandman - Trial AnsiSector Slayer - VGA Snow Dog- Ansi
Spastic Diode - Courier Squirrley - Courier
The Cool One - Courier Ansi The Catalyst - Trial Ansi
Terminal Entry - Coding Wave Length - Code
*** plus temporarily inactive DeaTHLoC- Ansi President
If Ive forgotten anyone PLEASE do contact me.
Updated 9/13/93 by Vlad
Internet contact!!
Vladimir - vladimir@indirect.com and Vladimir on IRC warez
Mason Storm - mstorm@indirect.com and Mason on IRC hack
Snow Dog - garion@indirect.com and Garion on IRC hack
Elric the Kinslayer - elric@indirect.com
Remember - SPS and Rock Magazines who hold th exclusive rights
to MAX art since we publish them : Both have
pressings in-process. SPS has hit the editorial
and coding stage while Rock is wrapping up its
finally articles.
Rock Magazine is current holding a code-off contest to see who
gets the honors this time around, so look for
something great!
SPS Magazine has dumped ansi format and will be released in 640x480
256 Color VGA . .so everyone get a new Video Card!
Peace . .
Information by Vladimir:
1 The World of MAX
2 Information Releases
3 Site Revision
4 Loosing Artists
5 V/2 is a looser?
6 Revisionary notes
Well . ..this is the point that I normally begin discussing
all sorts of shit about the people in our group and others. Well -
this turns out that its going to be rather large so several things
will happen here. First, I will break this down over several
entries that are more fitting, i.e. sections 2 and 3 etc. And
secondly I sometimes go through phases that I wonder if you guys
really give a shit what I say, if you like these long drawn out
discussions OR you just wish I would shutup. So - this month it
will be real short . .read on MacDuff.
This months Holy Shit! awards go to the following.
PiTT - Out of the gates. This guy normally calls 3 days
after the release and starts ULing stuff for the next
release. Very nice considering the rest of you loosers
wait until the last day and I sit here and worry about
whether we have a release or not. :
A courier and self motivated artist that does some great
fonts AND produces . .wow, where did we go right?
and Im still working on your account!
sUMIxAM - Great Logos man. You keep saying, I cant think of
any more than you run out another three logos for a
group. Your great man. Look forward to a 4 part series
of TD fonts, the first one being in this packet . .and
somehow still gets a menu set in . Not to mention - you
brought Hros along.
Hros - the latest addition to the already amazing VGA crew.
He came in and we all agreed - this guy is great! But
can he produce? Going on 2 months now this guy has
produced and produced, and yet again - more high quality
VGAs from one person than we have seen in a long time.
Not to mention some great scans of some hand drawn art -
to large for a release but I would love to send these out
as a supplement pack!
In house greets to MAX -
Mason Storm - Who is hard at work on Internet for the MAX
Nameshift - Who FINALLY changed his name from Blades and
and decided to save all of us a major pain in
the ass originally MAX had Blades AND Blade as
artists and for awhile they both use BL-
XXX.ANS to title their work. Cant get worse?
Wrong! You had to beat either one of them to
sign their work . . . .:
Blade - Who is still Blade but is finally back.
Snow Dog - Quality work and great support for an old retired
Headhunter - The guy we built our VGA department around,
still strong despite a few retirements and a
real problem with perfection . .heheh
Slinger - Slinger is Slinger . .he does it all - and he
can even over-rule ME. . . .
Black Aksion - Quit Leaving damnit! We need you . . . .
Sand-Meister - Sorry about sending out the pre-release ansi . .
Sector Slayer - Ok . .got everything . . . .
Outside Greets . .well - Hey ACiD, iCE and the rest. We miss
you Carnage - Dreadnought your a god! . . .hehehe Hows that for
This month included in the pack is a list of information
forms, about and for the artists, couriers and sysops of MAX.
There has been problems in the past from some strange places and
mostly from trouble makers outside the group.
These Informations map out every aspect of MAX and are
periodically updated. They are availible in this release or on VH,
MAX World HQ from both the matrix and the guest account. If you
are applying for MAX for any reason, read them! artist
information is incompleate
Effective TODAY, all MAX sites have been dropped. No more
sites. Why? Several reasons, many of the sites have been deleting
the MAX files, complaining about things or have just plain dropped
off the face of the earth. The best example was with The Cool One.
He mentioned that one of the boards he calls, who is a MAX site,
has been complaining that they havent received a file from a MAX
courier for TWO months.
This is my response - Sysops have a responsiblity to MAX, and
all of them are aware that it is their duty to call and inform us
of problems. The ideaology is this - If the sysop doesnt care enough
to call us and tell us that he is not getting files, he does not
deserve to complain, and he does not deserve to be a MAX site.
What about MAX sites? Well - this is how it goes. The day
this file is released - ALL MAX SITES ARE NOW GONE. Any sysop from
an existing site that calls will be immediately put back on the
list with no questions within the first 30 days. Those that dont
get this notice obviously dont have enough interest in the group.
Our courier and art staff busts our asses to do logos for sites
and provide releases, the sysops can atleast show up to say hi.
For the sites coming back, the new requirements listed in the
MAX site information packet will apply. Sounds pretty harsh? Not
really when you can come back by making one phone call. But in my
belief, 70 of the existing sites will not make that call - and
those are the ones that we want to get rid off. Of the 30 that
call back - I suspect 100 will have no trouble at all living up to
the requirements that we now have, they are very linient.
The hot topic for the month has been artists leaving the
group. It appears that the VGA division grows stronger everyday
but the world views MAX as a starter ansi group and members run
like rats to other groups after a trial period at MAX -
q: How come the ansis are that great?
a: Because all our senior members leave for other groups
q: Why do they leave?
a: They claim they need the greater experience found in
these groups.
q: Why does iCE,ACiD,TRiBE, etc have this greater experience
than MAX?
a: Because all our members leave to go to these groups.
Needless to say its a catch-22 and it is going to stop NOW.
MAX will no longer be taking artists with potential. The minute
we train these people, they leave. MAX will be only excepting
artist that have skill and dedication that can help build our ansi
department. This is not a pre-iCE charity organization.
Unfortunately MAX has always believed that by teaching people
to draw and spending hours helping them that they will turn around
and help our art group. This has been proven very wrong. The
members we have today are all long termers that have given
everything they have for the group - the rest and there have been
many have stabbed us in the back and run like rabbits. To the
people that have used us like a whore - FUCK YOU! If you dont have
enough respect to support us, we never would have let you in the
New artists in MAX will now have to speak directly with
Slinger on VH through email. They will also have to prove a
proficience in art pre-existing. We have one of the greatest VGA
teams in the world, its about time we had ansi to match. We are
also working on a new system for trials - very different that what
other groups have used in the past.
For those artists that are with the group now - we thank you!
And finally - for the hoards of you thinking about running
v/2, DONT! why?
1 - Many, Many, Many flaws.
2 - Basic operations left out like being able to list outgoing
email, and not able to autovalidate people through sysop
3 - Fucked up chat call that keeps crashing
4 - Only supports ZIPLAB gag!
5 - FIDO still does not work, everyone says it does . .wrong!
it cuts up messages and fucks ansis
6 - CB needs help . . . .physically and mentally.
7 - 978 Wont list them since I said I would be brief
Why am I writing this? Well - when I considered switching to
V/2 I called CB up to talk to him.
Call c2c to talk about reg and write THREE pieces of mail
that dont get answered before I read a news post saying
I need to call someplace else.
Call CBs board
Left him mail about a v/2 reg working a deal
- He didnt answer
Left him mail again
- Said maybe and never wrote back
Left him mail offering FREE help programming or doing
utils for V/2
- Didnt answer
Left him same mail AGAIN
- Answer what was that you wanted to do? Utils?
Replyed Yes - I want to help you out
- Didnt answer
Bascially I left 5 pieces of mail, three he didnt answer and
the other two were worthless responses. As far as Im am concerned,
if he doesnt care enough about his software to answer mail he can
stick it. Is this the guy you want to depend on for updates and
support? For 50? Dont think so . . . .
V/2 has ALOT of flaws, some are major. Dont get me wrong, its
a solid piece of software but its like a car without an engine,
still needs alot of work. Apparently CB isnt up to very much work
. . .so dont count on this software . .for anything. You might be
lucky to get 1-2 more updates before it goes under again for 5
years and you lose all your money.
Still wonder why half of the TRWS was out for CBs blood?
I guess the true test will be to see if CB answers this, if he
replys I will post in the next MAX release with a full retraction
and apology . . .but five bucks says he wont bother and my point is
Originally MAX was going to release a two month packet of its work
this time around - however, some excellent work was left out of this packet
as it was - so, no repeats on the art this month. We are mulling over a
few ideas yes, this is a last mintue revision to the list
1 Considering a greatest hits release.
Later days . . . . .
oh yeah guys . .start using FILEID.DIZ . .please?
Order of listing within a particular category is alphabetical and does not
necessarily reflect position of a board within the group. i.e. the regional
HQ sites all have equal pull with the group, and Symphony II is not somehow
superior to the World Headquarters, Vladimirian Heights.
- Max Distribution -
Name Type Number Sysop
Symphony of Destruction II Homeboard 602345-6770 Snow Dog
Vladimirian Heights World HQ 602491-8238 Vladimir
- Max Membership -
Name Position
The Decision Makers...
Slinger President/Founder
Vladimir Everything else . . . .
The Leading Artists...
The Depredator Coder Coordinator
Black Aksion Ansi President temp-retired
Ecthelion VGA Director
Anthrax - Courier Black Aksion - Ansi VGA Blade - VGA
Captain Willy - Ansi Code
Elric the Kinslayer - Courier Headhunter - VGA
Hros - VGA Mason Storm - Member Nameshift - Ansi VGA
Neurosis - Code PiTT - Courier Ansi Sumixam - Ansi
Sandman - Trial AnsiSector Slayer - VGA Snow Dog- Ansi
Spastic Diode - Courier Squirrley - Courier
The Cool One - Courier Ansi The Catalyst - Trial Ansi
Terminal Entry - Coding Wave Length - Code
*** plus temporarily inactive DeaTHLoC- Ansi President
If Ive forgotten anyone PLEASE do contact me.
Updated 9/13/93 by Vlad
Internet contact!!
Vladimir - vladimir@indirect.com and Vladimir on IRC warez
Mason Storm - mstorm@indirect.com and Mason on IRC hack
Snow Dog - garion@indirect.com and Garion on IRC hack
Elric the Kinslayer - elric@indirect.com
Remember - SPS and Rock Magazines who hold th exclusive rights
to MAX art since we publish them : Both have
pressings in-process. SPS has hit the editorial
and coding stage while Rock is wrapping up its
finally articles.
Rock Magazine is current holding a code-off contest to see who
gets the honors this time around, so look for
something great!
SPS Magazine has dumped ansi format and will be released in 640x480
256 Color VGA . .so everyone get a new Video Card!
Peace . .
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