this image contains text
MAX 1993 MAX 1993 1993 MAX 1993 MAX
Well . .to open I would like to send greets to the following
new members of MAX courier and trial art.
The Cool One - spends alot of time on VH MAX WHQ, got the
workings of a great courier, you actually see him.
PiTT - Originally came in as a courier, but we found
he has a great talent for Fonts also. Caused a
bit of a revolution in the process. But I hope
he works out as a crackup courier AND artist.
Sumixam Hros - As of the moment I am writing this crap, I have
just looked over the packets for these two
individuals but havent talked to them yet. I would
like to extend an invitation to these two to come
on as Trial artists and blow our socks off!
The Catalyst - What happened my man - we love your work, but where
are you?
Black Aksion - Well . .your far from new. hehehe But I never greeted
you properly since your return. My question is -
Where the fuck do all these guys keep coming from?
They all seem to say . .BA sent me . . hehehe
partial excepts from MAX Memo 027
A: New Couriers
B: MAX World HQ Status
C: Quick Change of Sites
D: Conferencing
E: Distribution
F: Vlads World of 30k Info-Memos
A: New Couriers -
Would like to make a quick great to the new couriers The Cool One and
PiTT! Looks the courier staff is getting fleshed out again to the point of
comfort. The current courier staff has been beyond excellent, but it is
about time that things eased up on them alittle or atleast the possibility
is there hehe In any case, welcome aboard gang.
Along similar lines - Looking forward to see what some off our new and
old coders are going to come up with this time around. Havent seen anything
for the release yet . .everyone in the Bahamas for July?
B: MAX World HQ Status
Well . .you might like this and you might not . .but this is whats up.
dont worry - no big deal . .just a pain in the ass. Vladimirian Heights
is going through a software change and will be sporadically fucked for a few
weeks in other words, stupid shit will happen online for a few weeks It
always takes awhile to debug new software.
At the same time - VH will be dropping back to 14.4 HST for aslong as USR
is going to fuck with us. I should have had my 16.8 DS in hand over 2 months
ago but USR is to high and mighty and organizationally FUCKED to send out
2 modems and do a little paperwork. So . .the loaner modem dissapears in mid
august and we go back to 14.4 HST until USR decides otherwise . . .
Whats going to be done about that? Well . .this should only effect a few
of the couriers - Snow Dog will be given duplicate account info on all
members and accounts will be waiting for them on SoD . .no problem gang.
C: New MAX Sites
Well . .I would like to greet Total Grindage and Psychosis and the newest
MAX sites - hope our working together is profitable for both of us. Under the
same vein, Whiplash has been moved up to a full Member Site - long overdue
in my opinion! even though Kram doesnt know yet . . .hehehe
D: Conferencing
Well MAX has been doing alot of work lately - including the overhaul
of VH. But among these things is the general order of the group. Snow Dog
and myself have always been the primary decision makers about MAX in general,
often far back to a vote from the general membership. Since Snow Dog has
taken a partial vacation from MAX, its all up to me. Sorta.
Things really havent changed that much - Slinger is still, always has
been and always will, be in the background to drop his rulings in when he
feels that they are needed. In addition to that, Snow Dog has not really
retired, only actively. We still discuss MAX business and how things are run
on an active basis - we have also be falling back on the excellent opinions of
Black Akinson our Ansi Comander in Chief. though BA can be a reactionary at
times - he has an excellent business sense.
As things have settled - its time to stir them up. I have already
released the first of a series of memos on MAX business. The first one is
called COURIERS.MAX. It discribes, in bone gnarring detail, the workings,
policies and procedures of the MAX courier system. Anyone who DLs this file
should have an excellent knowledge of how things are run from the courier
end of MAX.
This original release was mostly for the couriers, it takes some time
becoming aquainted with the MAX setup, and this info-form was simply a FAQ and
QA rolled together. It also includes information on what a sysop should
expect from a courier and what not to expect. All in all, it was created to
further information. I have always felt that the better that the workings of
MAX or any group are understood - the easier it is to find and fix problems.
I openly invite any suggestions or arguements on behalf of the Info sheets
that will be coming from this end of the universe . . .
What you should expect to see in the future is more information
releases concerning MAX Sites, artists, and all the other workings. These
memos will be continuosly updated and revised. It is my hope that these
releases will clear the area, incourage and unite members. I hope these
releases will make life that much easier and I hope these releases will be my
legacy to MAX . . . .
E: Distro Sites
MAX does not have Distro Sites . .its a long story and Philosophy
that is much more articulately answered by Snow Dog. However - I would like
to see MAX receiving some Unofficial Distro Sites. This is NOT aimed at
the sysops, and there will be no official designation as such.
I am asking any and all MAX supporters : if you have access to a
MAJOR, multi-node board please UL the monthly MAX packets. In a perfect
world I would like to see each MAX packet reaching The BoG, Ellusive Dreams,
Street Spyders, etc . . .If you have access - I would like to see them on
these boards. We can never feel lax in trying to support and further the
group. Not to mention - some feedback from the eurocommunity would be REAL
nice . .just something to think about guys. I know we have alot of supporters
in 716 . .how come SS never gets it? :
F: New Memo Comming
The next memo coming will be on MAX Member boards . .in which there
will be some major revisions to the present system nothing will be changed,
everything will be just cleaned up . .know what I mean Vern?
However, there is something that must be addressed immediately. That
does not concern the Member Boards but concerns the Artist of the group. This
is the question of GIF to ANSI converters and the like - this also includes
CD ROM and Stock Autodesk 3-d meshes.
1 Anytime you use a concept, mesh, portion of a picture, font
or ANY aspect of another persons picture without verbal
consent you MUST note it in the work somewhere.
i.e. Copyright 1993 - MAX ANSI DUDE Creation
This font foolishly and unknowingly donated by the
ansi artist King LamerDude.
2 Ansis created with a GIF to ANSI converter, or anywork that is
created with stock ingredients CANNOT be released as MAX
material. This includes stock meshes, GIF conversions, TDRAW
fonts or any commercial products. It is only acceptable when
the used material is used as a TOOL in the compleation of a
work of art as a whole.
i.e. Using a stock Autodesk Mesh is acceptable as a reflection
in a mirror, or background material. It is NOT acceptable as
a major ingredient to a work. GIF converters are almost NEVER
Order of listing within a particular category is alphabetical and does not
necessarily reflect position of a board within the group. i.e. the regional
HQ sites all have equal pull with the group, and Symphony II is not somehow
superior to the World Headquarters, Vladimirian Heights.
- Max Distribution -
Name Type Number Sysop
Symphony of Destruction II Homeboard 602345-6770 Snow Dog
Vladimirian Heights World HQ 602491-8238 Vladimir
Altars of Madness Canadian HQ 416742-1313 Infernal Majesty
Sanctuarytm Eastern HQ 305792-8771 Tempus Thales
Illusion of Tranquility Northern HQ 516422-2531 J-Walker
Wasted Youth/916 Western HQ 916361-6152 Black Aksion
Damage, Inc. Member Board 206362-3717 Creeping Death
The Omerta Member Board 305444-2928 The Untimed
Psychosis Member Board 508829-9550 Dreadnought
Shadow Lands Member Board 609256-0332 Raistlin
Someware In Time Member Board 313295-6923 Wayne Campbell
Sonic Boom Member Board 613231-7175 Captain Willy
Total Grindage Member Board 915565-4659 HOOPTiE
Vision of Death Member Board 210675-2045 Tigerpaw
Whiplash Member Board 206762-4630 Kram
206XXX-XXXX -Node 2-
Corrupt Society Affliiate 512452-8235 sUMIxAM
CyberDyne Systems Affiliate 602894-1601 Dark Shadow
Crown of Creation Affiliate 410315-9840 Zoso Wizard
Dark Galaxy Affiliate 909594-5526 ShockWave
Distant Lands Affiliate 613241-7506 General Protocol
Eve of Reality Affiliate 305981-9555 Everlast
The Herem Affiliate 612426-4146 The Banshee
Melnibon Affiliate 602820-5886 Kinslayer
Terminal Psychosis Affiliate 713422-3989 Sub Zero X
- Max Membership -
Name Position
The Decision Makers...
Slinger President/Founder
Vladimir Courier Coordinator
The Leading Artists...
The Depredator Coder Coordinator
Black Aksion Ansi President
Ecthelion VGA Director
Anthrax- Courier Black Aksion- Ansi VGA Captain Willy- Ansi Code
Camaris-sa-Vinitta- Courier Carnage- Trial Ansi Dar...- Courier
Elric the Kinslayer- Courier Glenn Danzig- Ansi Headhunter- VGA
Hros - VGA Mason Storm - Member Nameshift - Ansi VGA Neurosis- Code
PiTT - Courier Ansi Renegade Bithead - Coding Someday : Sumixam - Ansi
Sandman - Trial AnsiSector Slayer- VGA Snow Dog- AnsiSpastic Diode- Courier
Squirrley - Courier The Catalyst - Ansi The Cool One - Courier
Terminal Entry- Coding Titan- MODs Wave Length- Code Weuf- Code
Zoso Wizard- Code
*** plus temporarily inactive DeaTHLoC- Ansi President and Blade- VGA
If Ive forgotten anyone PLEASE do contact me.
Updated 7/30/93 by Vlad
Internet contact!!
Vladimir - vladimir@indirect.com and Vladimir on IRC warez
Mason Storm - mstorm@indirect.com and Mason on IRC hack
Snow Dog - garion@indirect.com and Garion on IRC hack
Elric the Kinslayer - elric@indirect.com
Well . .to open I would like to send greets to the following
new members of MAX courier and trial art.
The Cool One - spends alot of time on VH MAX WHQ, got the
workings of a great courier, you actually see him.
PiTT - Originally came in as a courier, but we found
he has a great talent for Fonts also. Caused a
bit of a revolution in the process. But I hope
he works out as a crackup courier AND artist.
Sumixam Hros - As of the moment I am writing this crap, I have
just looked over the packets for these two
individuals but havent talked to them yet. I would
like to extend an invitation to these two to come
on as Trial artists and blow our socks off!
The Catalyst - What happened my man - we love your work, but where
are you?
Black Aksion - Well . .your far from new. hehehe But I never greeted
you properly since your return. My question is -
Where the fuck do all these guys keep coming from?
They all seem to say . .BA sent me . . hehehe
partial excepts from MAX Memo 027
A: New Couriers
B: MAX World HQ Status
C: Quick Change of Sites
D: Conferencing
E: Distribution
F: Vlads World of 30k Info-Memos
A: New Couriers -
Would like to make a quick great to the new couriers The Cool One and
PiTT! Looks the courier staff is getting fleshed out again to the point of
comfort. The current courier staff has been beyond excellent, but it is
about time that things eased up on them alittle or atleast the possibility
is there hehe In any case, welcome aboard gang.
Along similar lines - Looking forward to see what some off our new and
old coders are going to come up with this time around. Havent seen anything
for the release yet . .everyone in the Bahamas for July?
B: MAX World HQ Status
Well . .you might like this and you might not . .but this is whats up.
dont worry - no big deal . .just a pain in the ass. Vladimirian Heights
is going through a software change and will be sporadically fucked for a few
weeks in other words, stupid shit will happen online for a few weeks It
always takes awhile to debug new software.
At the same time - VH will be dropping back to 14.4 HST for aslong as USR
is going to fuck with us. I should have had my 16.8 DS in hand over 2 months
ago but USR is to high and mighty and organizationally FUCKED to send out
2 modems and do a little paperwork. So . .the loaner modem dissapears in mid
august and we go back to 14.4 HST until USR decides otherwise . . .
Whats going to be done about that? Well . .this should only effect a few
of the couriers - Snow Dog will be given duplicate account info on all
members and accounts will be waiting for them on SoD . .no problem gang.
C: New MAX Sites
Well . .I would like to greet Total Grindage and Psychosis and the newest
MAX sites - hope our working together is profitable for both of us. Under the
same vein, Whiplash has been moved up to a full Member Site - long overdue
in my opinion! even though Kram doesnt know yet . . .hehehe
D: Conferencing
Well MAX has been doing alot of work lately - including the overhaul
of VH. But among these things is the general order of the group. Snow Dog
and myself have always been the primary decision makers about MAX in general,
often far back to a vote from the general membership. Since Snow Dog has
taken a partial vacation from MAX, its all up to me. Sorta.
Things really havent changed that much - Slinger is still, always has
been and always will, be in the background to drop his rulings in when he
feels that they are needed. In addition to that, Snow Dog has not really
retired, only actively. We still discuss MAX business and how things are run
on an active basis - we have also be falling back on the excellent opinions of
Black Akinson our Ansi Comander in Chief. though BA can be a reactionary at
times - he has an excellent business sense.
As things have settled - its time to stir them up. I have already
released the first of a series of memos on MAX business. The first one is
called COURIERS.MAX. It discribes, in bone gnarring detail, the workings,
policies and procedures of the MAX courier system. Anyone who DLs this file
should have an excellent knowledge of how things are run from the courier
end of MAX.
This original release was mostly for the couriers, it takes some time
becoming aquainted with the MAX setup, and this info-form was simply a FAQ and
QA rolled together. It also includes information on what a sysop should
expect from a courier and what not to expect. All in all, it was created to
further information. I have always felt that the better that the workings of
MAX or any group are understood - the easier it is to find and fix problems.
I openly invite any suggestions or arguements on behalf of the Info sheets
that will be coming from this end of the universe . . .
What you should expect to see in the future is more information
releases concerning MAX Sites, artists, and all the other workings. These
memos will be continuosly updated and revised. It is my hope that these
releases will clear the area, incourage and unite members. I hope these
releases will make life that much easier and I hope these releases will be my
legacy to MAX . . . .
E: Distro Sites
MAX does not have Distro Sites . .its a long story and Philosophy
that is much more articulately answered by Snow Dog. However - I would like
to see MAX receiving some Unofficial Distro Sites. This is NOT aimed at
the sysops, and there will be no official designation as such.
I am asking any and all MAX supporters : if you have access to a
MAJOR, multi-node board please UL the monthly MAX packets. In a perfect
world I would like to see each MAX packet reaching The BoG, Ellusive Dreams,
Street Spyders, etc . . .If you have access - I would like to see them on
these boards. We can never feel lax in trying to support and further the
group. Not to mention - some feedback from the eurocommunity would be REAL
nice . .just something to think about guys. I know we have alot of supporters
in 716 . .how come SS never gets it? :
F: New Memo Comming
The next memo coming will be on MAX Member boards . .in which there
will be some major revisions to the present system nothing will be changed,
everything will be just cleaned up . .know what I mean Vern?
However, there is something that must be addressed immediately. That
does not concern the Member Boards but concerns the Artist of the group. This
is the question of GIF to ANSI converters and the like - this also includes
CD ROM and Stock Autodesk 3-d meshes.
1 Anytime you use a concept, mesh, portion of a picture, font
or ANY aspect of another persons picture without verbal
consent you MUST note it in the work somewhere.
i.e. Copyright 1993 - MAX ANSI DUDE Creation
This font foolishly and unknowingly donated by the
ansi artist King LamerDude.
2 Ansis created with a GIF to ANSI converter, or anywork that is
created with stock ingredients CANNOT be released as MAX
material. This includes stock meshes, GIF conversions, TDRAW
fonts or any commercial products. It is only acceptable when
the used material is used as a TOOL in the compleation of a
work of art as a whole.
i.e. Using a stock Autodesk Mesh is acceptable as a reflection
in a mirror, or background material. It is NOT acceptable as
a major ingredient to a work. GIF converters are almost NEVER
Order of listing within a particular category is alphabetical and does not
necessarily reflect position of a board within the group. i.e. the regional
HQ sites all have equal pull with the group, and Symphony II is not somehow
superior to the World Headquarters, Vladimirian Heights.
- Max Distribution -
Name Type Number Sysop
Symphony of Destruction II Homeboard 602345-6770 Snow Dog
Vladimirian Heights World HQ 602491-8238 Vladimir
Altars of Madness Canadian HQ 416742-1313 Infernal Majesty
Sanctuarytm Eastern HQ 305792-8771 Tempus Thales
Illusion of Tranquility Northern HQ 516422-2531 J-Walker
Wasted Youth/916 Western HQ 916361-6152 Black Aksion
Damage, Inc. Member Board 206362-3717 Creeping Death
The Omerta Member Board 305444-2928 The Untimed
Psychosis Member Board 508829-9550 Dreadnought
Shadow Lands Member Board 609256-0332 Raistlin
Someware In Time Member Board 313295-6923 Wayne Campbell
Sonic Boom Member Board 613231-7175 Captain Willy
Total Grindage Member Board 915565-4659 HOOPTiE
Vision of Death Member Board 210675-2045 Tigerpaw
Whiplash Member Board 206762-4630 Kram
206XXX-XXXX -Node 2-
Corrupt Society Affliiate 512452-8235 sUMIxAM
CyberDyne Systems Affiliate 602894-1601 Dark Shadow
Crown of Creation Affiliate 410315-9840 Zoso Wizard
Dark Galaxy Affiliate 909594-5526 ShockWave
Distant Lands Affiliate 613241-7506 General Protocol
Eve of Reality Affiliate 305981-9555 Everlast
The Herem Affiliate 612426-4146 The Banshee
Melnibon Affiliate 602820-5886 Kinslayer
Terminal Psychosis Affiliate 713422-3989 Sub Zero X
- Max Membership -
Name Position
The Decision Makers...
Slinger President/Founder
Vladimir Courier Coordinator
The Leading Artists...
The Depredator Coder Coordinator
Black Aksion Ansi President
Ecthelion VGA Director
Anthrax- Courier Black Aksion- Ansi VGA Captain Willy- Ansi Code
Camaris-sa-Vinitta- Courier Carnage- Trial Ansi Dar...- Courier
Elric the Kinslayer- Courier Glenn Danzig- Ansi Headhunter- VGA
Hros - VGA Mason Storm - Member Nameshift - Ansi VGA Neurosis- Code
PiTT - Courier Ansi Renegade Bithead - Coding Someday : Sumixam - Ansi
Sandman - Trial AnsiSector Slayer- VGA Snow Dog- AnsiSpastic Diode- Courier
Squirrley - Courier The Catalyst - Ansi The Cool One - Courier
Terminal Entry- Coding Titan- MODs Wave Length- Code Weuf- Code
Zoso Wizard- Code
*** plus temporarily inactive DeaTHLoC- Ansi President and Blade- VGA
If Ive forgotten anyone PLEASE do contact me.
Updated 7/30/93 by Vlad
Internet contact!!
Vladimir - vladimir@indirect.com and Vladimir on IRC warez
Mason Storm - mstorm@indirect.com and Mason on IRC hack
Snow Dog - garion@indirect.com and Garion on IRC hack
Elric the Kinslayer - elric@indirect.com
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