this image contains text
For once, we the seniors have NO NOTES or important info to pass along. Half
the group is enjoying vacation anyway, which I am busy trying to do, and thus
the packet is considerably smaller than our gargantuan 1.7-2.9 meggers in the
few months that have just passed.
Enjoy the pack, its a smaller sampler from some of our artists who are working
on their skills and having a great time of it.
Snow Dog, Art Director
Heres what we got for July...
BA-IIS2 ANS 3016 Black Aksion - Infinite Imagination Systems
BA-MEM07 ANS 7698 Black Aksion - Members
BA-SIT07 ANS 5622 Black Aksion - Sites
BL-COC1 ANS 16111 Nameshift - Crown of Creation
BL-MAX ZIP 230649 Blade - Max Promo
BLS-PHUN GIF 9508 Nameshift - The Phun Line with the Hulk
BLS-RCK1 GIF 6559 Nameshift - Rock Magazine
C-DBLOW2 GIF 9661 Carnage - Deathblow
C-H182 ANS 10995 Carnage - Hangar 18 with Sylvester
CW-BOOM EXE 13715 Captain Willy - Sonic Boom
CW-COVEN EXE 13225 Captain Willy - The Coven
DE-CTE EXE 13698 DeaTHLoC - Countdown to Extinction
GB-VISX ANS 2340 Gothicized Beast - Vision X
GD-ID1 ANS 26623 Glenn Danzig - Infinite Darkness MUST TYPE FROM DOS
GD-IIS1 ANS 24802 Glenn Danzig - Infinite Imagination Systems
GD-MAX1 ZIP 8421 Glenn Danzig - Max Promo
HH-MB1A GIF 111964 Headhunter - Melnibone, revision 2
HH-PHUN GIF 153834 Headhunter - The Phun Line
HH-PHUNA GIF 167438 Headhunter - The Phun Line, revision 2
SD-ID ANS 25554 Snow Dog - Infinite Darkness Ryu in hell
SD-IIS1 ANS 21847 Snow Dog - Infinite Imagination Systems Belgarion
SD-PHUN1 ANS 24585 Snow Dog - The Phun Line with Itchy Scratchy
SD-PWA1 ANS 4312 Snow Dog - Pirates With Attitude
SL-BKC ANS 44503 Slinger - Black Knight Citadel
SL-MAX5 GIF 8986 Slinger - Max Promo
SL-SPRAY ANS 7639 Slinger - Max Promo
SL-VH20 ANS 38053 Slinger - Vladimirian Heights
TE-BIO5 EXE 5024 Terminal Entry - Biohazard
WL-SB01 ZIP 26716 Wavelength - Sonic Boom
MAX0793 NFO 0 nur, this file?
30 files 1043098 bytes
5626656 bytes free
Order of listing within a particular category is alphabetical and does not
necessarily reflect position of a board within the group. i.e. the regional
HQ sites all have equal pull with the group, and Symphony II is not somehow
superior to the World Headquarters, Vladimirian Heights.
- Max Distribution -
Name Type Number Sysop
Symphony of Destruction II Members Site 602345-6770 Snow Dog
Vladimirian Heights World HQ 602491-8238 Vladimir
Altars of Madness Canadian HQ 416742-1313 Infernal Majesty
Cygnus-X Eastern HQ 305665-9646 Spike
Illusion of Tranquility Northern HQ 516422-2531 J-Walker
Infinite Darkness Southern HQ 305766-6065 Midnight Sorrow
Infinite Imagination Systems Western HQ 916361-6152 Black Aksion
Primal Scream Central HQ 713879-8182 BudMan
Atomic Dustbin Member Board 713892-6166 Sirrion TMG
The Body Electric Member Board 216464-9131 Israfel
Damage, Inc. Member Board 206362-3717 Creeping Death
The Omerta Member Board 305444-2928 The Untimed
Someware In Time Member Board 313295-6923 Wayne Campbell
Sonic Boom Member Board 613231-7175 Captain Willy
Vision of Death Member Board 210675-2045 Tigerpaw
CyberDyne Systems Affiliate 602894-1601 Dark Shadow
Crown of Creation Affiliate 410315-9840 Zoso Wizard
Dark Galaxy Affiliate 909594-5526 ShockWave
Distant Lands Affiliate 613241-7506 General Protocol
Eve of Reality Affiliate 305981-9555 Everlast
The Herem Affiliate 612426-4146 The Banshee
Melnibon Affiliate 602820-5886 Kinslayer
Terminal Psychosis Affiliate 713422-3989 Sub Zero X
Whiplash Affiliate 206762-4630 Kram
- Max Membership -
Name Position
The Decision Makers...
Slinger President/Founder
Snow Dog Art Director/Site Coordinator
Vladimir Courier Coordinator
The Leading Artists...
The Depredator Coder Coordinator
Black Aksion Ansi President
Ecthelion VGA Director
Members: Black Aksion- Ansi VGA Captain Willy- Ansi Code
Camaris-sa-Vinitta- Courier Carnage- Trial Ansi Dar...- Courier
Elric the Kinslayer- Courier Glenn Danzig- Ansi Mason Storm- Member
Nameshift - Ansi VGA Neurosis- Code Sandman- Trial Ansi Sector Slayer-
VGA Spastic Diode- Courier Squirrley- Courier Terminal Entry- Coding
Titan- MODs Wave Length- Code Weuf- Code Zoso Wizard- Code
*** plus temporarily inactive DeaTHLoC- Ansi President and Blade- VGA
If Ive forgotten anyone PLEASE do contact me.
Updated 7/14/93 by SD
Internet contact!!
Snow Dog - aumpb@acvax.inre.asu.edu or Garion on IRC hack
Vladimir - vladimir@indirect.com and Vladimir on IRC warez
Mason Storm - mstorm@indirect.com and Mason on IRC hack
For once, we the seniors have NO NOTES or important info to pass along. Half
the group is enjoying vacation anyway, which I am busy trying to do, and thus
the packet is considerably smaller than our gargantuan 1.7-2.9 meggers in the
few months that have just passed.
Enjoy the pack, its a smaller sampler from some of our artists who are working
on their skills and having a great time of it.
Snow Dog, Art Director
Heres what we got for July...
BA-IIS2 ANS 3016 Black Aksion - Infinite Imagination Systems
BA-MEM07 ANS 7698 Black Aksion - Members
BA-SIT07 ANS 5622 Black Aksion - Sites
BL-COC1 ANS 16111 Nameshift - Crown of Creation
BL-MAX ZIP 230649 Blade - Max Promo
BLS-PHUN GIF 9508 Nameshift - The Phun Line with the Hulk
BLS-RCK1 GIF 6559 Nameshift - Rock Magazine
C-DBLOW2 GIF 9661 Carnage - Deathblow
C-H182 ANS 10995 Carnage - Hangar 18 with Sylvester
CW-BOOM EXE 13715 Captain Willy - Sonic Boom
CW-COVEN EXE 13225 Captain Willy - The Coven
DE-CTE EXE 13698 DeaTHLoC - Countdown to Extinction
GB-VISX ANS 2340 Gothicized Beast - Vision X
GD-ID1 ANS 26623 Glenn Danzig - Infinite Darkness MUST TYPE FROM DOS
GD-IIS1 ANS 24802 Glenn Danzig - Infinite Imagination Systems
GD-MAX1 ZIP 8421 Glenn Danzig - Max Promo
HH-MB1A GIF 111964 Headhunter - Melnibone, revision 2
HH-PHUN GIF 153834 Headhunter - The Phun Line
HH-PHUNA GIF 167438 Headhunter - The Phun Line, revision 2
SD-ID ANS 25554 Snow Dog - Infinite Darkness Ryu in hell
SD-IIS1 ANS 21847 Snow Dog - Infinite Imagination Systems Belgarion
SD-PHUN1 ANS 24585 Snow Dog - The Phun Line with Itchy Scratchy
SD-PWA1 ANS 4312 Snow Dog - Pirates With Attitude
SL-BKC ANS 44503 Slinger - Black Knight Citadel
SL-MAX5 GIF 8986 Slinger - Max Promo
SL-SPRAY ANS 7639 Slinger - Max Promo
SL-VH20 ANS 38053 Slinger - Vladimirian Heights
TE-BIO5 EXE 5024 Terminal Entry - Biohazard
WL-SB01 ZIP 26716 Wavelength - Sonic Boom
MAX0793 NFO 0 nur, this file?
30 files 1043098 bytes
5626656 bytes free
Order of listing within a particular category is alphabetical and does not
necessarily reflect position of a board within the group. i.e. the regional
HQ sites all have equal pull with the group, and Symphony II is not somehow
superior to the World Headquarters, Vladimirian Heights.
- Max Distribution -
Name Type Number Sysop
Symphony of Destruction II Members Site 602345-6770 Snow Dog
Vladimirian Heights World HQ 602491-8238 Vladimir
Altars of Madness Canadian HQ 416742-1313 Infernal Majesty
Cygnus-X Eastern HQ 305665-9646 Spike
Illusion of Tranquility Northern HQ 516422-2531 J-Walker
Infinite Darkness Southern HQ 305766-6065 Midnight Sorrow
Infinite Imagination Systems Western HQ 916361-6152 Black Aksion
Primal Scream Central HQ 713879-8182 BudMan
Atomic Dustbin Member Board 713892-6166 Sirrion TMG
The Body Electric Member Board 216464-9131 Israfel
Damage, Inc. Member Board 206362-3717 Creeping Death
The Omerta Member Board 305444-2928 The Untimed
Someware In Time Member Board 313295-6923 Wayne Campbell
Sonic Boom Member Board 613231-7175 Captain Willy
Vision of Death Member Board 210675-2045 Tigerpaw
CyberDyne Systems Affiliate 602894-1601 Dark Shadow
Crown of Creation Affiliate 410315-9840 Zoso Wizard
Dark Galaxy Affiliate 909594-5526 ShockWave
Distant Lands Affiliate 613241-7506 General Protocol
Eve of Reality Affiliate 305981-9555 Everlast
The Herem Affiliate 612426-4146 The Banshee
Melnibon Affiliate 602820-5886 Kinslayer
Terminal Psychosis Affiliate 713422-3989 Sub Zero X
Whiplash Affiliate 206762-4630 Kram
- Max Membership -
Name Position
The Decision Makers...
Slinger President/Founder
Snow Dog Art Director/Site Coordinator
Vladimir Courier Coordinator
The Leading Artists...
The Depredator Coder Coordinator
Black Aksion Ansi President
Ecthelion VGA Director
Members: Black Aksion- Ansi VGA Captain Willy- Ansi Code
Camaris-sa-Vinitta- Courier Carnage- Trial Ansi Dar...- Courier
Elric the Kinslayer- Courier Glenn Danzig- Ansi Mason Storm- Member
Nameshift - Ansi VGA Neurosis- Code Sandman- Trial Ansi Sector Slayer-
VGA Spastic Diode- Courier Squirrley- Courier Terminal Entry- Coding
Titan- MODs Wave Length- Code Weuf- Code Zoso Wizard- Code
*** plus temporarily inactive DeaTHLoC- Ansi President and Blade- VGA
If Ive forgotten anyone PLEASE do contact me.
Updated 7/14/93 by SD
Internet contact!!
Snow Dog - aumpb@acvax.inre.asu.edu or Garion on IRC hack
Vladimir - vladimir@indirect.com and Vladimir on IRC warez
Mason Storm - mstorm@indirect.com and Mason on IRC hack
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