this image contains text
The Maiden Brazil..
Several years ago in the middle of 1996 to
more precise I decided to create th
is group.
At that time, I d
idnt have any idea of what a
real ansi/art group was, I didn
t even wonder
what was the scene, I didnt even know that
were some scene thingy
. When the group was
created, I barely knew some ansi a
rtist to join
it. So my first re
lease - the classical sep/96s
mdn-0996.zip - was a solo contibution for my
new formed group. It was the first art group Ive ever joine
d. I didnt
include an info file in it because I didnt want people to k
now it was some
one-man army - a group with one member.
You know the rest of the story. Time passed, people joined -
Maiden Brazil
was the greatest group ever formed on Brazil and maybe on s
outh america - at
least we had more releases than that great guys at Circe
Argentina, one of my
preferred groups.
Ive said it before, but Ill repeat it again: at Maiden, at
the scene,
ansi, Ive learned both from drawing and from the people m
ore than I had
ever imagined. I met great people. I met few bad people. I
met lots of great
individuals concentrated in one common purpose: doing ansi e
very month, beeing
the baddest, the radest, the first or, as im my case, beein
g just better than
the past month. :-
Surprisingly is this word correct? enough, my t
iny group was received well.
People used to see me at ansi and say hey, youre rorshack
from maiden
brazil? I love your group man... I saw people saying that..
and it wasnt
newbies or something. I did realize that people liked my sma
ll group, even if
we are from under there even if we are not on the scene
for ages, even if
were kinda.. underdogs.
I met great people there. So many people I just cant namee
m all here.
Dieznyick, The 4th Disciple who, to my great surprise, ment
ioned Maiden
Brazil as beeing a cool group on that great Lo-Rez e
mag, Creator, mr.4tune,
watOr, Maestro who was cool enough even to listen to my sur
prised irc msgs
when I first saw him on ansi note: the FIRST ANSi SCREENS
solo sickness!..
And, of course, the great Brazilian artists mino, mosh, enz
o, beer prophet,
sphinx, morphs : and many more... Bizarro.. TaintedX.. Leo
.. Toot... :-
Today, the remains Ive gathered from the ansi scene - SKILL
S Ive developed
in many ways, not only drawing, FRIENDS Ive got.. this is
MUCH of what I
have nowadays.
Without the ansi scene, the whole ansi stuff, I wouldnt be
much of a great
guy, I wonder.
With the scene, Ive even learned how to be a leader of some
thing - I have
never been a leader of anything before the group it self,
Maiden Brazil.
With that innocent act - hey why not? Let me found a group
NOW!, there
wouldnt exist a Maiden Brazil.
Even in some way, I think Maiden has helped the scene a bit.
As lame as it may sound, its with a tear on my eye that I r
emember this great
days. This great old days.
And it is with a tear in my eye and a smile in my face that
Im happy to see
the scene is alive and kicking. Like someone said, for
arts sake.
Continue the elite artwork, and keep an eye on whats worth
the deal: the
real undeground art scene and all it strange net-way
of beeing.
Or something like that...
Pardon for my suffered english.
Jos Fernando B. Caneiro
aka rorshack@fatorcaos.com.br
The Maiden Brazil..
Several years ago in the middle of 1996 to
more precise I decided to create th
is group.
At that time, I d
idnt have any idea of what a
real ansi/art group was, I didn
t even wonder
what was the scene, I didnt even know that
were some scene thingy
. When the group was
created, I barely knew some ansi a
rtist to join
it. So my first re
lease - the classical sep/96s
mdn-0996.zip - was a solo contibution for my
new formed group. It was the first art group Ive ever joine
d. I didnt
include an info file in it because I didnt want people to k
now it was some
one-man army - a group with one member.
You know the rest of the story. Time passed, people joined -
Maiden Brazil
was the greatest group ever formed on Brazil and maybe on s
outh america - at
least we had more releases than that great guys at Circe
Argentina, one of my
preferred groups.
Ive said it before, but Ill repeat it again: at Maiden, at
the scene,
ansi, Ive learned both from drawing and from the people m
ore than I had
ever imagined. I met great people. I met few bad people. I
met lots of great
individuals concentrated in one common purpose: doing ansi e
very month, beeing
the baddest, the radest, the first or, as im my case, beein
g just better than
the past month. :-
Surprisingly is this word correct? enough, my t
iny group was received well.
People used to see me at ansi and say hey, youre rorshack
from maiden
brazil? I love your group man... I saw people saying that..
and it wasnt
newbies or something. I did realize that people liked my sma
ll group, even if
we are from under there even if we are not on the scene
for ages, even if
were kinda.. underdogs.
I met great people there. So many people I just cant namee
m all here.
Dieznyick, The 4th Disciple who, to my great surprise, ment
ioned Maiden
Brazil as beeing a cool group on that great Lo-Rez e
mag, Creator, mr.4tune,
watOr, Maestro who was cool enough even to listen to my sur
prised irc msgs
when I first saw him on ansi note: the FIRST ANSi SCREENS
solo sickness!..
And, of course, the great Brazilian artists mino, mosh, enz
o, beer prophet,
sphinx, morphs : and many more... Bizarro.. TaintedX.. Leo
.. Toot... :-
Today, the remains Ive gathered from the ansi scene - SKILL
S Ive developed
in many ways, not only drawing, FRIENDS Ive got.. this is
MUCH of what I
have nowadays.
Without the ansi scene, the whole ansi stuff, I wouldnt be
much of a great
guy, I wonder.
With the scene, Ive even learned how to be a leader of some
thing - I have
never been a leader of anything before the group it self,
Maiden Brazil.
With that innocent act - hey why not? Let me found a group
NOW!, there
wouldnt exist a Maiden Brazil.
Even in some way, I think Maiden has helped the scene a bit.
As lame as it may sound, its with a tear on my eye that I r
emember this great
days. This great old days.
And it is with a tear in my eye and a smile in my face that
Im happy to see
the scene is alive and kicking. Like someone said, for
arts sake.
Continue the elite artwork, and keep an eye on whats worth
the deal: the
real undeground art scene and all it strange net-way
of beeing.
Or something like that...
Pardon for my suffered english.
Jos Fernando B. Caneiro
aka rorshack@fatorcaos.com.br
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