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this side up
maiden brasil information file
artpack no13 file design by eraser
. Abbr Handle Skills
Age E-Mail State .
. BB Bugs Bunny Ansi/Ascii
19 bugs.bunny@sti.com.br SP .
/ E0 Enzo Ansi 17 la@elogica
.com.br PE /
. BR Beer Prophet Ansi 16 fear
prophet@hotmail.com SP .
MR Minotaur Ansi 15 minotaur@n
itnet.com.br RJ
. RS Rorshack Ansi/Ascii 20 r
orshack@sti.com.br SP .
/ 5D Slayer Dreams Ansi 16 slay
3R@hotmail.com SP /
. S0 Sosbra VGA 1? --- RJ
S7! Soul Stalker Ansi 16 soul
stalker@hotmail.com SP
. TH The Eraser Ascii ?? ---
SP .
distribution site
. Boards Name SysOp
Phone no. Location .
. Axone Eagle Fire 32
2 7579218 Belgium .
/ Born Dead 7alo
54 1 6441360 Argentina /
. Chronic Organism Poison
44 161 4278214 United Kingdom .
Kafkaesk Mr4tune 49
30 71389681 Germany
. Lost In 303 Ramirez
41 62 773 1741 Switzerland .
/ Lunatic Late Riser
49 211 9769615 Germany /
. Masakre Brutal Diamond Darrell
54 01 7741130 Argentina .
Nocturne Hexx 47
3215 7613 Norway
. Refraction Nutbutter 61
359 714723 Australia .
/ Resident Evil Nydus Spirits
55 O91 2283OO3 Brazil /
. Square dog SD Staff,
54 1 8673313 Argentina .
Tantalized Dreams Javist 20
4 6320684 Canada
. The Electric Cube Lightning Knight 97
3 740537 Bahrain .
/ The Fuckin Board Byte Count 55
21 6103311 Brazil /
. The Lost City Psyonide
905 2947602 Canada .
The Lost Spirits Torch 49
2131 746901 Germany
. The Phobos Yogesh 91
011 5816847 India .
/ Toast704 Absent Spinsister
46 08 7686904 Sweden /
. Too Oblivious Sagittarius
381 11 1761507 Yugoslavia .
maiden brasil information file
artpack no14 file design by eraser
// th//
this side up
maiden brasil information file
artpack no13 file design by eraser
. Abbr Handle Skills
Age E-Mail State .
. BB Bugs Bunny Ansi/Ascii
19 bugs.bunny@sti.com.br SP .
/ E0 Enzo Ansi 17 la@elogica
.com.br PE /
. BR Beer Prophet Ansi 16 fear
prophet@hotmail.com SP .
MR Minotaur Ansi 15 minotaur@n
itnet.com.br RJ
. RS Rorshack Ansi/Ascii 20 r
orshack@sti.com.br SP .
/ 5D Slayer Dreams Ansi 16 slay
3R@hotmail.com SP /
. S0 Sosbra VGA 1? --- RJ
S7! Soul Stalker Ansi 16 soul
stalker@hotmail.com SP
. TH The Eraser Ascii ?? ---
SP .
distribution site
. Boards Name SysOp
Phone no. Location .
. Axone Eagle Fire 32
2 7579218 Belgium .
/ Born Dead 7alo
54 1 6441360 Argentina /
. Chronic Organism Poison
44 161 4278214 United Kingdom .
Kafkaesk Mr4tune 49
30 71389681 Germany
. Lost In 303 Ramirez
41 62 773 1741 Switzerland .
/ Lunatic Late Riser
49 211 9769615 Germany /
. Masakre Brutal Diamond Darrell
54 01 7741130 Argentina .
Nocturne Hexx 47
3215 7613 Norway
. Refraction Nutbutter 61
359 714723 Australia .
/ Resident Evil Nydus Spirits
55 O91 2283OO3 Brazil /
. Square dog SD Staff,
54 1 8673313 Argentina .
Tantalized Dreams Javist 20
4 6320684 Canada
. The Electric Cube Lightning Knight 97
3 740537 Bahrain .
/ The Fuckin Board Byte Count 55
21 6103311 Brazil /
. The Lost City Psyonide
905 2947602 Canada .
The Lost Spirits Torch 49
2131 746901 Germany
. The Phobos Yogesh 91
011 5816847 India .
/ Toast704 Absent Spinsister
46 08 7686904 Sweden /
. Too Oblivious Sagittarius
381 11 1761507 Yugoslavia .
maiden brasil information file
artpack no14 file design by eraser
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