this image contains text
Malicious Art Denomination - September 1995 Unofficial
Woop! Welcome to another ever
so mind boggling MAD pack. We carry on
the tradition of being LATE because
Sub-ZeroX didnt feel like putting
together the pack during his Labor Day
weekend. Besides I couldnt I wasnt in
Houston or 713 durring most of this week.
So, what was cool this month? Lets see.
Well, lots. Some old school artists in
our lovely seventhirteen areacode
finaly desided that MAD was tha shit.
Timelords modem was struck by lightning
It works better now I think. Flashpoint
and Twitchs computer desided that it may as well quit working now. My
got pissed off and blew off the Radiator cap on I-10. Ended up in 5th
Hiked 2 miles to a Chevron station. Saw a guy with a Techron hat. W
ent out
to a Rave out in Austin. DarkVen got offered multitudes of drugs but d
them all. That pissed off G-Man quite a bit. They now sell Herbal
X at
every fucking place available. Even Evolutions Records and Tapes in Ba
As for news on the Scene, I dont realy know what went on, I havent ex
been to active lately. But itll pass. s sucks, if you want some re
fat grooves go out to a rave. Speaking of computers quiting, Georges
bit the dust the other day. A Moment of silence.
New members this month? Hmm. Well, Let me just say someth
ing first.
If I left you out, then Im realy sorry. Timelord joined up after years
mental trauma from the LOGiC break up. Glad to have you around, even t
ho you
were preety much in the group months ago. Mr. Man has returned from wh
he was up to out of the 713 scene. Ancient artist, fun to trade storie
s of
the 92 scene. Uhm, I know that The Sorcerers Son joined last month,
Ill go ahead and give him another Bla Has Joined greet just because.
finaly did an ansi, and is now a Titty Bar addict. Lithium jo
ined, as VGA and
likes to make Animations of Midevil Battles that take up 50000000 Megz.
And of course, Reality Check, glad to have her with us. Woop!
Super Spontanious Sub-ZeroX greets go out to the following
dorkos. Cube gets the Super Elite kill a Parakeet Sub-ZeroX greet. Th
Sorcerers Son gets an extra special greet this month! Oh realy? YEAH
! Realy!
TSS, you get a Quaker Granola Edwardo Areola Tripple Kawasaki
Mutant Ninja
Hamster Backflip Summersault Greet. Mr. Man gets the can o spam in th
a bed
pan gangsta-fied chicken in a bisket Nabico *bing* greet. Bozack get
s the
gangsta g pack a mak got your back greet. You mean no backflips? No,
saving those for Timelords greet. Timelord you get the Front flip dou
backflip, tripple KowSow, Over the radio announcer like in that Lame M
scommercial greet. G-Man gets the I never look at madpacks any
more becuause my
computer blew up greet. Flashpoint gets the unofficial Explosion compu
buy a motor scooter greet. Twitch gets the I went to s to dance but
was a total bitch greet. I get ignored and it makes me feel a
ll poopy inside
greet. Reptile-X gets the cybersex greet. Mal Falcon gets the poo poo
code is broken up to much greet. As for greets, thats all.
Well not realy, I have to give a greet out to Uf for sticking around fo
r so lon
gand for the nifty header on the newsletter. I also have to gi
ve out a greet to
Reflexion for his cool ansis this month. And I have to give
a fly greet out
to Reptile-X for help on the Pack construction.
Ok, so I am rushing this newsletter, I cant help it, there
just isnt
much to write about this month. The pack is good. Lots of ni
ce artwork,
I mean, other than the dorkos on IRC that are total Hypocrites the scen
atleast in seventhirteen is doing good. Hmm, I mean, get on IRC, go t
ansi and youll see the majority of the big loosers in the scene, And
of the ones that have ops, usualy like to stay on there 24/7 anyways.
Kies Clkflnib ua l vuf sieji, U sibr Xlew qglr dlergwlsa kujw Oatklej
ahem Youll even meet big dorkos that like to say Your group realy
and then the next minute want to apologize and join the group. I only
one thing to say to those people. Dont be spineless hypocrites, don
appologize to us, we want you to hate us, dont ask to join us, when pe
like you hate us, it makes us look alot better. So, Dont change your
just go ahead and say whatever and dont be a hypocrite and go back on
I guess you havent figured it out yet, but I think the clu
b scene
in Houston Sucks. Majority of them are just over trendy bitch markets.
is okay sometimes. I realy want people that are just bored with clubs
to check
out a rave now and then. Saturday September 30th 1995, Phutu
re Presented
by the Matrix Crew in 713. Free Mix tapes to the first 1,000, Lasers,
Lighting, And Video, 10 Cover starts at 10 ends at ? Info is 713866
MAD T-Shirts will be in the works soon. As soon as G-Man g
ets ahold
of an airbrush, and some other equipment. He will hand draw each shirt
so they
will be Limited addition Ts. If you have any equipment to
give or donations
contact george asap. The shirts will be guaranteed phat. N
ot like those lam
eass shirts that only total modem dorkos would come up with. C
ustom made shirts
are the shit. Especialy with Georges artistic skill.
Reflexion, Cube, Mojo, and Raycer. Guess what? What? yo
u get this
whole paragraph all to yourself. Thanks for contributing. As for Mojo
, I lost
that damn phone number. Sorry. damn. I guess Itll be in ne
xt pack.
Well, If you
re wondering what
the deal is with my board, Ive kinda pu
it on hold right now, I have all the
basic shit done so maybe Ill have it
finished in the next week or so. I real
havent put much time into it. Im still
looking for a way to get it to import
FILEID.DIZ correctly. So far I have
it doing the diz, without High Ascii so
It will fit in the TAG Description
limitations. Everything else seems to b
Ok, Im also looking for a good external
editor, because TAG Quote realy sucks.
Its a pain in the as
s to make TAG look
half decent. But Thats why I called it
Tha Half Lamers Hideaway anyways.. Oh well. In otherwords,
The board wont b
eup for a while.
Not much interesting going on in the scene I guess. Same o
ld posts.
And as for Magazines, I just love reading the Tha Scene Sucks article
s that
were written by people that havent been in the scene for more than a y
Geez. If you ask me, the national ansi scene is kinda hypocritical. M
Im being hypocritical by saying that. But im kinda glad to be running
close nit local group. We have LD people, but its kinda hard for them
to get
the main idea of the group without them being in 713. I think Reflexio
n and
others know what the groups all about so I wont go on and ramble abou
t it.
Oh, just ignore all those abstract pics in the newsletter,
I just drew
them to take up space and to scare Doomsday since hes into th
a Alien thang.
I guess I should present this months Sub-ZeroX awards. Al
so note tha
tsome of the awards are new, and some are re-named. Also note
that I do all the
judging so it is a Majorly Biased decision. But my descision
s are always
perfect, divine, and better that everyone elses so *Neyngh*
Award System Info -
The Potato Power Award - Best overall
Contributor of the month
Super Stud Award - Best overall Pic
Phat Phonts Award - Best overall Font/Fonts
Kick Asskey Award - Best overall Ascii
Cyber Melt Visuals Award - Best High Resolution Pi
Sonic Lazer Lightning Award - Best RIP
Reflexion obtains the Pota
to Power Award for his multiple
contributions this month. Nifty artwor
1 st Mr. Man takes the first place Super Stud Awa
rd for having the
most ultra nifty pic this month.
FileName: MM-TFH3.MAD
SS Uncle Fester has a close runner up and takes
Second in the Super
2 nd Stud Awards.
SS Tied for Third were Dreamweaver and Cube wit
h their great pieces of
3 rd artwork.
FileName: CB-SOE.MAD
The Phat Man Award goes out to Drea
mweaver for his multiple fonts
for this month.
The Kick Asskey Award goes out to Lord Regul
ator for his Legacy
ascii font.
FileName: LR-LEG1.ASC
Cougar takes the Cyber Melt Visuals Award wi
th his stunning Rendere
d VGA Picture.
And the Final Award this month goes out to C
ube for his great
Rip File.
FileName: CB-TZ.RIP
Let me just greet everyone that kicked ass this month. As
h, Cube,
Mr. Man, Reflexion, Lord Regulator, Deathrai and Dreamweaver and everyo
ne else
great pack.
I guess Im going to jet. Enjoy tha pack!
- Sub-ZeroX / MAD Flounder
Malicious Art Denomination - September 1995 Unofficial
Woop! Welcome to another ever
so mind boggling MAD pack. We carry on
the tradition of being LATE because
Sub-ZeroX didnt feel like putting
together the pack during his Labor Day
weekend. Besides I couldnt I wasnt in
Houston or 713 durring most of this week.
So, what was cool this month? Lets see.
Well, lots. Some old school artists in
our lovely seventhirteen areacode
finaly desided that MAD was tha shit.
Timelords modem was struck by lightning
It works better now I think. Flashpoint
and Twitchs computer desided that it may as well quit working now. My
got pissed off and blew off the Radiator cap on I-10. Ended up in 5th
Hiked 2 miles to a Chevron station. Saw a guy with a Techron hat. W
ent out
to a Rave out in Austin. DarkVen got offered multitudes of drugs but d
them all. That pissed off G-Man quite a bit. They now sell Herbal
X at
every fucking place available. Even Evolutions Records and Tapes in Ba
As for news on the Scene, I dont realy know what went on, I havent ex
been to active lately. But itll pass. s sucks, if you want some re
fat grooves go out to a rave. Speaking of computers quiting, Georges
bit the dust the other day. A Moment of silence.
New members this month? Hmm. Well, Let me just say someth
ing first.
If I left you out, then Im realy sorry. Timelord joined up after years
mental trauma from the LOGiC break up. Glad to have you around, even t
ho you
were preety much in the group months ago. Mr. Man has returned from wh
he was up to out of the 713 scene. Ancient artist, fun to trade storie
s of
the 92 scene. Uhm, I know that The Sorcerers Son joined last month,
Ill go ahead and give him another Bla Has Joined greet just because.
finaly did an ansi, and is now a Titty Bar addict. Lithium jo
ined, as VGA and
likes to make Animations of Midevil Battles that take up 50000000 Megz.
And of course, Reality Check, glad to have her with us. Woop!
Super Spontanious Sub-ZeroX greets go out to the following
dorkos. Cube gets the Super Elite kill a Parakeet Sub-ZeroX greet. Th
Sorcerers Son gets an extra special greet this month! Oh realy? YEAH
! Realy!
TSS, you get a Quaker Granola Edwardo Areola Tripple Kawasaki
Mutant Ninja
Hamster Backflip Summersault Greet. Mr. Man gets the can o spam in th
a bed
pan gangsta-fied chicken in a bisket Nabico *bing* greet. Bozack get
s the
gangsta g pack a mak got your back greet. You mean no backflips? No,
saving those for Timelords greet. Timelord you get the Front flip dou
backflip, tripple KowSow, Over the radio announcer like in that Lame M
scommercial greet. G-Man gets the I never look at madpacks any
more becuause my
computer blew up greet. Flashpoint gets the unofficial Explosion compu
buy a motor scooter greet. Twitch gets the I went to s to dance but
was a total bitch greet. I get ignored and it makes me feel a
ll poopy inside
greet. Reptile-X gets the cybersex greet. Mal Falcon gets the poo poo
code is broken up to much greet. As for greets, thats all.
Well not realy, I have to give a greet out to Uf for sticking around fo
r so lon
gand for the nifty header on the newsletter. I also have to gi
ve out a greet to
Reflexion for his cool ansis this month. And I have to give
a fly greet out
to Reptile-X for help on the Pack construction.
Ok, so I am rushing this newsletter, I cant help it, there
just isnt
much to write about this month. The pack is good. Lots of ni
ce artwork,
I mean, other than the dorkos on IRC that are total Hypocrites the scen
atleast in seventhirteen is doing good. Hmm, I mean, get on IRC, go t
ansi and youll see the majority of the big loosers in the scene, And
of the ones that have ops, usualy like to stay on there 24/7 anyways.
Kies Clkflnib ua l vuf sieji, U sibr Xlew qglr dlergwlsa kujw Oatklej
ahem Youll even meet big dorkos that like to say Your group realy
and then the next minute want to apologize and join the group. I only
one thing to say to those people. Dont be spineless hypocrites, don
appologize to us, we want you to hate us, dont ask to join us, when pe
like you hate us, it makes us look alot better. So, Dont change your
just go ahead and say whatever and dont be a hypocrite and go back on
I guess you havent figured it out yet, but I think the clu
b scene
in Houston Sucks. Majority of them are just over trendy bitch markets.
is okay sometimes. I realy want people that are just bored with clubs
to check
out a rave now and then. Saturday September 30th 1995, Phutu
re Presented
by the Matrix Crew in 713. Free Mix tapes to the first 1,000, Lasers,
Lighting, And Video, 10 Cover starts at 10 ends at ? Info is 713866
MAD T-Shirts will be in the works soon. As soon as G-Man g
ets ahold
of an airbrush, and some other equipment. He will hand draw each shirt
so they
will be Limited addition Ts. If you have any equipment to
give or donations
contact george asap. The shirts will be guaranteed phat. N
ot like those lam
eass shirts that only total modem dorkos would come up with. C
ustom made shirts
are the shit. Especialy with Georges artistic skill.
Reflexion, Cube, Mojo, and Raycer. Guess what? What? yo
u get this
whole paragraph all to yourself. Thanks for contributing. As for Mojo
, I lost
that damn phone number. Sorry. damn. I guess Itll be in ne
xt pack.
Well, If you
re wondering what
the deal is with my board, Ive kinda pu
it on hold right now, I have all the
basic shit done so maybe Ill have it
finished in the next week or so. I real
havent put much time into it. Im still
looking for a way to get it to import
FILEID.DIZ correctly. So far I have
it doing the diz, without High Ascii so
It will fit in the TAG Description
limitations. Everything else seems to b
Ok, Im also looking for a good external
editor, because TAG Quote realy sucks.
Its a pain in the as
s to make TAG look
half decent. But Thats why I called it
Tha Half Lamers Hideaway anyways.. Oh well. In otherwords,
The board wont b
eup for a while.
Not much interesting going on in the scene I guess. Same o
ld posts.
And as for Magazines, I just love reading the Tha Scene Sucks article
s that
were written by people that havent been in the scene for more than a y
Geez. If you ask me, the national ansi scene is kinda hypocritical. M
Im being hypocritical by saying that. But im kinda glad to be running
close nit local group. We have LD people, but its kinda hard for them
to get
the main idea of the group without them being in 713. I think Reflexio
n and
others know what the groups all about so I wont go on and ramble abou
t it.
Oh, just ignore all those abstract pics in the newsletter,
I just drew
them to take up space and to scare Doomsday since hes into th
a Alien thang.
I guess I should present this months Sub-ZeroX awards. Al
so note tha
tsome of the awards are new, and some are re-named. Also note
that I do all the
judging so it is a Majorly Biased decision. But my descision
s are always
perfect, divine, and better that everyone elses so *Neyngh*
Award System Info -
The Potato Power Award - Best overall
Contributor of the month
Super Stud Award - Best overall Pic
Phat Phonts Award - Best overall Font/Fonts
Kick Asskey Award - Best overall Ascii
Cyber Melt Visuals Award - Best High Resolution Pi
Sonic Lazer Lightning Award - Best RIP
Reflexion obtains the Pota
to Power Award for his multiple
contributions this month. Nifty artwor
1 st Mr. Man takes the first place Super Stud Awa
rd for having the
most ultra nifty pic this month.
FileName: MM-TFH3.MAD
SS Uncle Fester has a close runner up and takes
Second in the Super
2 nd Stud Awards.
SS Tied for Third were Dreamweaver and Cube wit
h their great pieces of
3 rd artwork.
FileName: CB-SOE.MAD
The Phat Man Award goes out to Drea
mweaver for his multiple fonts
for this month.
The Kick Asskey Award goes out to Lord Regul
ator for his Legacy
ascii font.
FileName: LR-LEG1.ASC
Cougar takes the Cyber Melt Visuals Award wi
th his stunning Rendere
d VGA Picture.
And the Final Award this month goes out to C
ube for his great
Rip File.
FileName: CB-TZ.RIP
Let me just greet everyone that kicked ass this month. As
h, Cube,
Mr. Man, Reflexion, Lord Regulator, Deathrai and Dreamweaver and everyo
ne else
great pack.
I guess Im going to jet. Enjoy tha pack!
- Sub-ZeroX / MAD Flounder
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